
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Hearing A Click

(Katsuo POV)

Two days after the ironically easy fight with Plantera, I woke up feeling rather triumphant. Turning my head, I saw the sleeping figure beside me and couldn't help but grin. Last night's date had gone exceptionally well; I had just bagged Black Canary.

She woke up a bit later, stretching and wincing slightly. "I'm sore all over," she muttered.

I chuckled, "Is this a one-time thing, or should I be expecting more?"

She shrugged, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Depends."

After a refreshing shower and another energetic round with Black Canary, I decided to head to the Watchtower to review my fight with Plantera. Watching the footage, I noted that while I was fast, I wasn't quite at Vergil's speed. Something felt off, something was missing.

Determined to identify and fix the gap in my skills, I went to the training room. Batman had made it clear that I had to report any training sessions to him after our little "incident."

As I entered the training room, I focused on refining my abilities. I started with the basics, running through drills for Judgement Cut and Rapid Slash, ensuring my movements were fluid and precise. I practiced Shunpo, pushing myself to move faster and with more precision. The key was not just speed, but control.

Next, I focused on my elemental manipulation. Earth and lightning were my fortes, but I needed to find a way to integrate them more seamlessly into my combat style. I visualized my attacks, combining earth manipulation with my swordplay to create barriers and obstacles, while using lightning to enhance my speed and strikes.

I decided to add a new layer of complexity to my training: combining elements. I concentrated, channeling both fire and lightning simultaneously, wrapping them around my Threaded Cane and Summoned Swords. The result was a weapon that crackled with energy, its fiery aura flickering menacingly.

As I swung the cane, I executed a Rapid Slash, watching as the enhanced weapon cleaved through the air with a powerful burst of fire and lightning. This was the missing piece. I needed to push further, to combine my skills in ways I hadn't before.

After hours of intense training, I paused to catch my breath. The progress was there, but I needed more. I reviewed my recordings, critiquing every movement, every attack.

A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts. "You know, for someone who thinks he's not fast enough, you sure move like lightning," Wonder Woman said, leaning against the doorway.

I smirked, "Just trying to keep up with you."

She walked over, her eyes scanning the training room. "Mind if I join? I could use a good workout."

"Be my guest," I replied, handing her a practice weapon.

Together, we sparred, her agility and precision pushing me to be better, faster. Her quick reflexes and sharp movements were a perfect match, complementing my raw power and elemental attacks. Each clash of our weapons sent sparks flying, the room filled with the sounds of our fierce combat.

As we fought, I realized that it wasn't just about raw speed or power. It was about balance, about integrating every aspect of my training into a cohesive whole. With Wonder Woman by my side, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

By the end of the session, we were both breathless but satisfied. "You're getting there," she said, wiping sweat from her brow. "Just don't lose control again."

I nodded, appreciating her honesty. "Thanks. I won't."

Leaving the training room, I felt a sense of accomplishment. The fight with Plantera had shown me my strengths and weaknesses.





One week later, I stood in the Watchtower's training room, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. The targets were set up around me, and I prepared to execute the technique I'd been tirelessly honing. I took a deep breath, focusing on my inner energy and the sharp edge of my Adamantine Tachi.

With a click, I unsheathed the blade. To an onlooker, it might have seemed as though I hadn't moved at all. My form remained still, my feet planted firmly on the ground. But in reality, I was moving so fast that the naked eye couldn't track my movements. The only visible action was the sheathing and unsheathing of my Tachi.

A series of whooshes filled the room as the blade cut through the air at unimaginable speeds. In mere moments, the targets around me were sliced cleanly, almost too fast to be seen. The room fell silent, the only sound being the quiet hum of the Watchtower's machinery.

I smiled to myself, thinking, 'Even without Yamato, I managed to perfect it.'

"Impressive," a voice called out from the doorway. I turned to see Batman standing there, his arms crossed, a rare look of approval on his face. "Your speed has improved significantly."

"Thanks," I replied, wiping the sweat from my brow. "It's been a long time coming."

Batman stepped into the room, inspecting the sliced targets. "Your control has improved as well. Just remember to keep it in check."

I nodded, understanding his concern. "I will."

He handed me a towel and a water bottle. "You've come a long way since you arrived here. The Justice League has taken notice."

I took the towel and bottle, grateful for the gesture. "What about the others? Any feedback?"

"Black Canary and Wonder Woman are impressed with your progress," he said. "Green Lantern still has some reservations, but that's just his nature."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I figured as much."

Batman turned to leave but paused at the door. "Keep pushing yourself, Katsuo. You'll need every bit of your strength for what's coming."

With that, he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. The battles ahead were going to be tough, but I felt more prepared than ever.





After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I went the Young Justice's base and headed to the common area where some of the Young Justice members were hanging out. Beast Boy was engrossed in a video game, while Miss Martian and Robin were discussing something quietly.

"Hey guys," I greeted them, grabbing a seat on the couch.

"What's up, Katsuo?" Beast Boy asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Just finished some training. Finally perfected my moves," I said with a hint of pride.

"Nice!" Robin said, genuinely impressed. "That must have taken a lot of effort."

Miss Martian smiled. "We've seen you pushing yourself hard lately. It's good to see it paying off."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"We were thinking of heading out for some field training later," Aqualad explained. "Care to join us?"

I nodded eagerly. "Absolutely. Could use some real-world practice."

As we made plans, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The battles ahead were daunting, but with my skills honed and my friends by my side, I felt ready to face anything.





While I was in the middle of another intense training session, an alarm blared through the Watchtower. The loudspeakers crackled to life, and Batman's voice came through, urgent and commanding.

"We have a situation in Jump City. Reports indicate a pirate invasion. Katsuo, Young Justice, you're up."

Finally, some target practice, I thought to myself. I grabbed my Adamantine Tachi and Threaded Cane and headed to the hangar where the Young Justice team was already gathering. The lineup was ready for action: Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, and Wonder Girl.

"Let's move out!" I said, my excitement barely contained.

We boarded the jet and swiftly flew to Jump City. As we arrived, the chaos of the pirate invasion was already in full swing. Buildings were being attacked, and civilians were running for cover.

"Alright team," Aqualad commanded. "We split up and handle the pirates in groups. Katsuo, take the main street and clear it out."

"Roger that," I replied with a grin. "Let's give them a show."

As we hit the ground, the pirates immediately took notice of us. Armed with muskets, cutlasses, and cannons, they charged forward. I casually walked down the main street, the chaos around me unfolding like a scene from a movie.

The sound of a click filled the air. My Tachi flashed, and a pirate's head rolled to the ground. Click, and an arm fell. Click, and limbs were severed effortlessly. To onlookers, it must have seemed like a bizarre, almost surreal sight – a man casually strolling through the battlefield, with each click resulting in precise, deadly strikes.

Robin and Miss Martian tackled a group of pirates attacking a building, while Kid Flash zipped through their ranks, disarming and incapacitating them in a blur of motion. Beast Boy morphed into various animals, tearing through the pirate ranks. Blue Beetle used his advanced technology to create energy blasts and shields, and Wonder Girl used her super strength and lasso to subdue the enemies.

Then, the pirate ship emerged, a massive vessel bristling with cannons and pirate reinforcements. It hovered menacingly above the city, raining down cannonballs and musket fire.

"Perfect target," I muttered to myself.

With a flick of my wrist, I unsheathed my Tachi. In an instant, I was airborne, leaping towards the ship. I activated my lightning manipulation, coating my body and blade with crackling energy. As I landed on the deck, pirates rushed at me from all sides.

"Judgement Cut!" I shouted, my movements a blur. The deck was filled with the sound of clicking, the air shimmering with electric energy. Pirates fell in droves, their limbs severed and their bodies collapsing in heaps.

I moved to the ship's mast, summoning my Summoned Swords and coating them with both lightning and fire. With a swift motion, I unleashed them upon the cannons, slicing through the metal and igniting the powder kegs. Explosions rocked the ship, sending pirates flying.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the team handling the ground forces with precision and coordination. Aqualad's commands kept everyone on point, and together they pushed the pirates back.

As the last pirate fell and the ship began to crumble from the explosions, I stood on the deck, surveying the battlefield. The team regrouped below, looking up at the smoldering wreckage.

"Nice work," Robin called out. "You really showed them who's boss."

"Thanks," I replied, jumping down to join them. "Needed that after all the training."

The onlookers, now safe, began to cheer, their fears replaced with relief and gratitude. As we made our way back to the jet, I felt a sense of satisfaction. It was another successful mission, and I couldn't wait for the next challenge.


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