
It's her

It's late at night and Hiro is in the forest. Watching the stars he feels calm and somehow better. While gazing at them he thought :

• Mom ? ... Are you there ? Can you hear me ?... Why did you left me alone ? ... It was a clear sky, no clouds, no rain but he could feel in his cheeks water sliding down.

• Huh ? - he though confused.

• What is this ? - and touched the drop of water in his cheek .

• Ahhh... I'm crying...these are my tears - he thought smiling in a hurted way. Then he heard a sound, watched in the other direction and there ! Blonde hair, blue eyes, red cheeks with a huge smile, it was her. She had her eyes fixated in his and they were shining like the stars.

• Why is she here again ? Ah.. She stopped smiling. Why is she making that pained face? Oh.. she's coming my way...

Erin snuck out of room again because she wanted to see Hiro and headed to their secret place. When she was almost there she saw his figure from afar. She felt happy because finally she was going to talk with him again. She approached him with a big smile and then he turned around.

• Huh ? Wait... he's crying - she thought and suddenly her smile disappeared. She felt his sadness and without thinking she went to him. When she was close enough she opened her arms and hugged him.

• Hey ! What are you doing?! - he said agitated.

• It's ok ! - she shouted.

• It's ok for you to cry, to feel sad it's ok ! You're not alone... - she hugged him strongly and started crying.

• Even if the whole world doesn't care, I will ! I will care for you.. - her tone changed in to a sweet and low voice.

• So..( hiccup ) it's ok ( hiccup ) it's ok...

• Huh? What is she saying?! She doesn't know a thing... and yet !!! - he started thinking.

It didn't take long for Hiro to start crying with all his heart. The two kept hugging one another as they left their feeling of sadness flow through their tears.