
Shane: The Secret semi-god and heir

He was a secret heir but he never knew. Now, he had also become a secret semi-god....... Shane, a regular man loses his job and house and goes in search for a place to lay his head just for a night, but he unfortunately falls into the hand of some evil men who carried out an experiment on him. As a result of the experiment, he gains super powers and becomes a semi-god, coupled with this new power, came an unexpected revelation. He was actually the heir to one of the biggest company in town. How would Shane combine his newly gained superpowers with his position at the company?

Favylee · Urbain
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Get out of my office now or I'll call the cops on you!"

Shane blinked rapidly in shock, unable to wrap his head around what had just happened. "Mr Adlon," he began, carefully sifting through his words. "I didn't mean to upset you but I do have the right to know why I'm being fired." His voice was calm but clear and demanding.

"And I told you that orders came directly from the headquarters. I can't explain more than that. Just get out already!"

Shane smiled sadly, watching Mr Adlon's face go red with anger. He was shaking like a jelly fish dipped into hot oil. He thought. Every muscle in his body seemed to be on edge. He couldn't relax, and Shane found it very suspicious.

He wasn't about to back down too. "Mr Adlon, I demand an explanation. You can't just do this to me after ten year of loyal service to this company. No, I won't take that!"

"Alright. I guess I'm done here. Guards!?" He called out to the security officers that stood outside the door. "Throw this rascal out of my office, please."

"What!? No, Mr Adlon. You can't do this to m----" The words were barely out of his lips when he felt a sharp pain jab across his jaw.

"Arrgh!" He groaned in pain.

Two guards were standing on both sides of him, chest heaving in anticipation for a bloody fight. He held up his hands in surrender. "Woah, woah. Guys, take it easy. No one is trying to fight with you. I was just having an office talk with my boss."

As if they were deaf to what he said, they lunged at him simultaneously, without giving him a chance to recover from the first blow. One of the guards swung a fist at his face, he ducked, impressed that he could even avoid such blow so swiftly. But his joy was soon shortlived as a sharp pain ripple across his head.

"Arrgh!" He let out a loud yelp as he was flung out the door. He hits the ground with a loud thud, but he quickly got up and scurried out of the lobby, down the stairs and outside in the open space. 

He stood there, frozen in fear, as the two guards approached him, having a murderous look on their faces. He didn't know how to fight, and he knew he was no match for these two men. The guards were tall and muscular, their bodies like tanks. He was trembling as they closed in on him.

One of the guards swung a punch, and he barely managed to duck out of the way. But the other guard was already moving in, and he grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close. He could feel the guard's breath on his face, hot and angry. He struggled, but the guard's grip was like iron. He kicked his foot into the guard's groins and it sent him flying in the air and then slamming his back hard against the fence of the building.

 The second guard came at him, fists flying. But he was ready this time. He blocked the punches and landed a few of his own, stunning the guard. In one swift motion, he twisted the guard's arm and brought his elbow down hard on the man's shoulder. He quickly pushed the guard away and ran out through the gate.

Headquarters? Shane thought about it over and over again as he ran. That must mean someone had plotted against him from the headquarters. But why would anyone want to see him jobless? From the headquarters at that. He didn't even know anyone there. For the past ten years, he had been living a very quiet life, trying not to attract any attention. So who could it possibly be now?

He must find whosoever it is that did this. How could they do this to him? After ten years of service as a deliveryman, despite his PhD in human resource management. Now they're laying him off without so much as explanation.

He shook his head. He had bagged first class degree in his PhD, and he should be working in one of those big companies by now. But then, no one wants to employ a poor man who had no connections and also schooled at a community university.

That was the problem in Canada. To get a good job, you had to have one of those; money, connection or an ivy league school certificate. But he had none. Dejected, he left the company, staring for the last time at the small office that used to be his. 

Heat shimmered off the pavement beneath his feet and he could feel perspiration rivering down his back. He was bone deep weary and needed to rest. Suddenly, he heard a noise of footsteps approaching. He quickly looked back but found no one. His gaze scanned the entire area, but he still couldn't find anyone. 

As he made his way to the front porch of his apartment, he couldn't seem to shake off the feeling that he was being watched. Shock collided with an existing shock as he stared at the unfarmiliar padlock that was placed on his door.

Slowly, his gaze moved down and he saw belongings neatly packed to one side of the wall. Could his day be any worse than this? Just at that exact point when he needed nothing but rest, a problem like this had come up. He didn't even where to start from. He had been given a warning notice before to pay up his rent, but he actually didn't know it would be due today.

His brain jumbled up in his head as he thought of a way out. He was penniless and didn't have any savings of any kind. He had been living on paycheck to paycheck. Why did his life have to be so hard and miserable like this? 

His thoughts trailed off to his late parents. If they hadn't died when he was at such a tender age, maybe his life would have been better than this. He was positive his parents were killed and he was still planning to take revenge on whoever it was that did it.

After his parents had died, he was sent packing from his father's house. And his parents factory was seized by his family member along side other properties. He was too young then to complain. He had been so helpless and they had taken him for a fool.

None of them even bothered to take care of him or even assist him financially. He brushed away the thought. Those people probably thought he was dead by now. He also didn't have any interest in fighting them. They had taken what was his parents, they could go away with that, but not killing his parents. He would surely take revenge on the perpetrator of such evil.

Shane packed few of his belongings and headed to the street, just walking to wherever his kegs led him to. His eyes burned and he felt a lump begin to form in his throat as he walked down the street. 

He walked endlessly and he was feeling very exhausted. He could faint anytime. It was past evening already and the streets looked dark and deserted. But he wasn't scared, the feeling of weariness was even more overwhelming than any kind of fear. 

A silver lining in the dark cloud. He thought as he sighted an old looking building. It seemed deserted but that would provide a place to rest his head for the night.

Muffled voices. Loud noise! A loud clash of metals. Shane jolted out of sleep. He could hear a noise and it seemed to be coming from beneath him. An underground?

He followed the direction of the voice and it was really an underground in the building. He peered down into the room. It was dimly lit, but he could see three men engaging in a heated argument, while about four other burly men were lurking at different corners, probably watching the area for intruders.

They all looked dangerous and he quickly reckoned to leave immediately. He tuned to go only to bump into a hard and muscled chest. Slowly, his gaze slid up to the face of the person. He froze as his eyes landed on a dangerous looking face.

The man had bloodshot eyes making him cower in fear. "Who are you!?" The man's voice sounded grave. He now had a malicious intent boldly written in his face.

He could kill him. Shane realized in horror.