
Shane: The Secret semi-god and heir

He was a secret heir but he never knew. Now, he had also become a secret semi-god....... Shane, a regular man loses his job and house and goes in search for a place to lay his head just for a night, but he unfortunately falls into the hand of some evil men who carried out an experiment on him. As a result of the experiment, he gains super powers and becomes a semi-god, coupled with this new power, came an unexpected revelation. He was actually the heir to one of the biggest company in town. How would Shane combine his newly gained superpowers with his position at the company?

Favylee · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

But it was too late.

Before Shane could react, the man gave him a powerful kick that sent him spiralling all the way down into the underground room. The other men in the room quickly gathered round him, towering over him and glaring down at him. They all looked dangerous and he knew he couldn't even take any one of them down, even if he tried hard.

His resolution was to run and escape from the building. "What are you doing here?" One of thhem growled. He had a scar crossing his left eyes.

Shane felt fear ripple through him. He opened his mouth to answer Scarface but no words were coming fought.

"Speak up!" Another one barked, landing a hard slap across his face.

He finally found his voice then. "I didn't mean any harm." He said, sounding sorry. "I lost my way. Please just let me go." He begged.

Bloodshot eyes said something to the man beside him and all of them mummured among themselves. Shane felt his heart jab sharply against his ribs. What if they were talking about killing him? He needed to act fast. His reflexes were quick as he slammed his foot into the stomach of the man in front of him.

It sent the man flying out of the way. He was shocked and surprised by the power behind his kick. The fear of death really brought out the survival instinct in him. He wasn't ready to die yet. At least, not until he avenged his parents death.

He hastily climbed up the stairs and he was out of the underground. "There he is!" Someone screamed from his left corner. He began running faster, not sure where he was going to.

All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain in his head. Someone had dealt a blow to a side of his head. He felt blood draining from his brain but he continued running blindly until he hit a wall and hefty hands clamped around his neck.

"I've got him here." The man shouted to the rest, dragging him by the neck. He regained his senses and quickly kicked the man in his groins. The man didn't even flinch as he slapped him hard on the face. The slap thundered across the room and Shane felt like his face was on fire. He tried to struggle out of the man's hold but the man clamped his hands together and threw him down violently. 

He was being tackled to the ground, and he struggled as the man held him down. He didn't relent and began kicking the man continuously. "Stop it, you rascal!" The man barked, and retrieved a syringe from his pocket.

Shane felt a blinding whiteness cover his eyes as the man injected the fluid into his neck. And slowly, he felt life drain out of his body. The burly men carried him inside a room and a man in white came into the underground. 

"Do you have the substance, Mr Gray!" The man that happened to be their leader growled as he glared at that man in white.

Mr Gray shuddered in fear. "I have it sir. But I need someone to test it on." He said.

The leader looked at Shane lying on the floor. "We have one already. Begin the experiment immediately!" He ordered.

Few minutes later, Shane woke up feeling pains all over his body. His head was throbbing hard, and his throat felt sour and dry. The room was very dark and he couldn't see anything. How did he get here? He wondered. 

Wait a minute! He lost his job, and then his house. Then he was looking for where to lay his head and found one. His memory came flooding back, painfully. He could remember everything that had happen vividly. 

His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he realized he was in some kind of a laboratory. He tried standing up but something was pulling him back. It was at that moment, his gaze slowly traveled to his hands and he realized he was bound with chains against the bed. 

He had to act fast and get out of this hell hole. Only God knew what those people were going to do to him. He thought. He groaned in pain and tried to jerk free from the chains. His hands twisted painfully and the chains cut into his flesh, but he didn't relent. He continued struggling.

All of a sudden, he felt a pull from within him and the chains broke and fell on the floor with a loud noise. It seemed to have melted away from his hands followed by a puff of smoke. He was so surprised, wondering how that happened.

The noise of the chains falling down must have attracted the attention of the man that was guarding the laboratory. He poked his head inside and Shane quickly hid under the bed.

"He is gone!" He shouted to the others.

The man fully entered the room, moving towards the bed. As he drew closer, Shane's instincts kicked in and he swung out with his fist, catching the man in the jaw. The man stumbled back, clutching his face and groaning in pain.

The other men heard the noise and came into the room. They all rushed toward Shane. He felt his heart thumping hard in his chest as they approached. How was he going to take all this men down? He wondered. He ducked and dodged, throwing out punches and kicks as they came at him. But there were too many of them, and he was quickly overwhelmed.

Suddenly, he felt something like a growl work its way from his throat. He felt a sudden surge of energy flow through his veins. He let out a loud, inhumane growl, and the men froze, their eyes wide with terror.