
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 3): Pilot (2)

Chapter 3): Pilot 2

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


"Why are you asking me this?" Carl asked as he leaned one hand on his cheek

"Simple, I need a new tutor as the last one walked out on me, so I am hoping that you can help me by being the man for the job." She said shrugging.

Carl didn't have an impression of her, but that wasn't really his fault, he had only spent his time around the wrong sort, and although she didn't look much better she was different, "Changed, but a little smarter." He said shrugging.

She nodded, "Alright then, so do you want the job or not?" She replied nonchalant as she went to eat.

Carl thought about it, it was actually a good idea, but only if she could pay, if she couldn't then he honestly didn't see the point in doing it, because it wasted his time. "How well does it pay?" He asked.

She paused a moment thinking it over, "Well it could be between $25 and $50 each session, just depends on what my dad thinks is good."

Carl thought about it and agreed, "Sure why not. When do we start?"

"Tomorrow, I need to go and talk it over with my father. He will agree though, I am daddy's little girl after all." She said while taking another bite, she rolled her eyes but he could see she liked that.

Carl nodded before putting his head back down on the table, though he stopped as she slid him two packs of chips, he raised a brow looking at her. When he didn't get a reply he went ahead and opened them, taking some out he threw them into his mouth as he watched her.

She had dark brown hair with hazel eyes they were green, but he could see the spots of brown in them so he couldn't call them green himself. She was a little smaller then him but that wasn't saying much as they were still in middle school, he stood at 4'11 while she was around 4'9, so yeah not far.

(A/N: Young Ana De Armas)

Finally when lunch ended he got up and walked away, she didn't stop him or give him her name, which made him embarrassed but he walked away indifferently making him not want to look less cool. That was his youth brain kicking in there though, if he was still a mature adult he wouldn't care.

'Idiot!' he thought to himself as he walked further down the hallway.

Seeing his classroom come into view he sighed before walking into the room, this was going to be a long day.


After school Carl rode his skateboard back to the house, somehow he was the first home as he made his way inside, the place was a little creepy without someone else inside though. Walking to the kitchen he went for a snack but sighed as he opened the fridge, all that was left were some takeout, which he wouldn't touch and milk for cereal.

Seeing as there was nothing else to do Carl got to work cleaning, he began with the kitchen since he was there before doing the rest of the house, "What's all this?" Fiona asked forty minutes later when he was upstairs cleaning.

"Bored." Carl said simply with a shrug before going back to what he was doing.

"How was school then?" She tried as she went to her room to change.

"Fine I guess. Someone asked me to tutor them too, might get some money out of it." He told her as he threw some clothes into a basket to be washed.

There was a flurry of activity before she rushed out looking shocked, "Someone asked you, You Carl Gallagher to tutor them?" She asked surprised.

Carl nodded as he made his way to the stairs, "Yeah that fever much have done something to kick my brain into gear as everything seems to becoming easier for me."

She beamed at him nodding, Carl went with this as he didn't want to tell them about him being sent to this body, there was no reason to tell them that at all. It wasn't as if he could go back to his old one so why waste his words, he could just go ahead and keep living this life as he saw fit since he wasn't going back to his old one.

Not that he really wanted to go back to his old one, at least in this one he had some family and someone to care about him, this was his new and treasured family and he would do just about anything for them.

Seeing her going back to getting ready he shrugged his shoulders, it seemed that was as much parenting as she wanted to do at the moment, it made sense though she was just twenty-two. She should be spending her time enjoying life some, she didn't need to always take care of them but was doing it anyway.

Not like their parents would do it.


Hours later the house was filled with music as V and Fiona came back from the club, Carl sat on the stairs watching everyone while shaking his head, they had all come down when the music had started. He was still tired though as he threw a nod to Steve who introduced himself, inside he was wondering how long this one would last.

Usually she was with them for about a week to a month at a time, they would leave either because of the kids Fiona took care of or because she got bored of them. Shrugging he made his way back to bed, he still needed to be up in a couple of hours for working out and he still had school tomorrow so he left them to it.

The next day during lunch he was joined again by the girl who smiled slightly at him, "My dad agreed to let you tutor me. You just need to come over after school today so that he can talk to you about it all. He did mention paying $75 if you are good enough though."

Carl nodded as she slid two packs of chips and a chicken sandwich to him, "That is fine by me, I don't have a problem with that. By the way what is your name?"

She giggled into her hand after eating her food, "I didn't think you would remember me, it seems I was right. My name is Sophia Vegas, nice to meet you Carl Gallagher."

Carl didn't know why but her eyes were playful and the way she said that made it seem as if she had introduced herself once before, but he honestly couldn't remember when. Shaking his head on the inside he nodded at her, "Yeah, nice to meet you to Sophia."

The rest of lunch was quiet as they both went to eating their food, he was grateful that she gave him something to eat again, he actually didn't want to spend lunch hungry. This time when it ended and they walked away he didn't have to worry about being embarrassed, he knew her name so it was better.

Though he froze a moment later, "Shit!, I forgot to ask where to meet her." Sighing he walked away again.

Thankfully at the end of the day he met her at the front of the school, "You know," she started falling into walking next to him, "if it wasn't for the fact that I waited on you then you wouldn't know where to go."

Carl tried to play it cool but he knew she was right, "Please, as if I couldn't figure it out on my own."

All he got as a reply was an amused smile as she walked a little ahead of him, he shoo

k his head on the inside though as he tried to act cool following her to her house.