
Shadow Fall

Alexis Lycan is the sole heir of the once prominent and affluential Lycan Dukedom, a key founding family of the Dragonair Empire. However, a recent string of incompetent rulers and corrupt officials have led the Lycans to be but a shell of its former self. Now abandoned by his parents and shackled to debts racked up by his ancestors, Alexis now struggles to feed himself let alone his few loyal vassals that have stayed by his side. Unbeknownst to anyone but his two closest allies, a dark power has recently manifested itself inside Alexis. This shadowy power may reverse the misfortunes of the young Lord Lycan or lead him to become power hungry and corrupt like his forbearers.

xJavierMex · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Manifestations Of Power

-Alexis Lycan, 18 years old-

Black smoke twirls around Alexis' body like a snake curled around a tree. His shadow is now darker than usual, pitch black and swallowing all light that touches it. It is unnerving to look at.

Alexis reaches slowly up to his face and his reflection does the same. It is indeed himself he sees looking back at him.

"What the fuck!" Alexis yells out only a moment later, panic welling up within him. He stumbles back from the mirror swatting at the smoke that surrounds him. In his panic he backs up into his shoes that were left haphazardly on the floor and trips. He crashes to the floor with a loud thud.

"My Lord!" Sabrina yells again, seemingly snapping out of the shock she was in. She rushes to her master's side to help him up. "Calm down my Lord." She says while reaching out her hands towards to him.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" Alexis yells and swats her outstretched hand away. Confusion and panic has completely gripped his heart. He doesn't know what is happening to himself. "It could hurt you." Alexis continues, mumbling softly when he sees her surprised face.

Sabrina looks down at her precious lord, whom she admired her whole life, and finds a scared and confused young man instead. With newfound determination now in her heart, she steps forward disregarding his protests and kneels in front of him.

"Allow me, My Lord." Sabrina bows slightly, her clear blue eyes pierces through him, calming his thumping heart.

Alexis stares in those eyes for a few seconds and turns his head away from her gaze while slumping his shoulders, a sign of assent.

Sabrina scoots forward and wraps her arms around her lord, pulling him into a tight embrace. His head resting on her shoulder. His body is rigid and tense. After a few moments, Alexis returns her hug. Holding her softly, tenderly.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Alexis whispers to her, worry and concern plain in his voice. She smiles at this.

"I'm fine my Lord, do not worry about me, just relax." Sabrina says while running her hands through his hair and stroking his back. Alexis shudders slightly and leans further in the hug. The action makes her blush yet again. Her heart beats quickly and she worries he will hear it, thundering away in her chest.

They stay wrapped together in a tender embrace for what seems like eternity.

Belatedly, she notices the black smoke surrounding Alexis' body has all but dissipated. Her Lord was still in her arms, so she didn't want to say anything, lest he move. Selfishly, she enjoyed his warmth for a few more moments before opening her mouth reluctantly.

"My Lord, the smoke is gone." She whispers softly, hoping not to startle the young Duke.

"Hmm?" he mumbles, pulling away from her embrace to look at his own body. He is taken aback by what he sees, which was nothing. His plain body greets his eyes.

The smoke is completely gone. And only his darkened shadow remains. There is no trace of the smoke, as if it was only an illusion.

"Ah." she unintentionally lets out, lamenting the sudden absence of his body. Though he does not hear her outburst.

"Thank the Gods!" Alexis cries out as he jumps to his feet in happiness. He runs to the mirror and views his reflection. "Thank you, Sabrina!" He yells after a few seconds of gazing in the mirror. "You helped me when I was panicking and half out of my mind. Truly, thank you." Alexis says to his loyal maid, turning to look in her direction. His beloved childhood companion.

"Of course, my Lord." Sabrina replies with a smile on her face. She bows quickly, hoping to hide her delighted smile and blushing face from her precious Lord. She fails.

Alexis takes note of her face before a feeling of lust surges to the surface. The sudden urge startles him. He fights the feeling with all his being. He is bewildered by the extreme intensity of it. It is almost the same feeling he felt in his 'dream.' He pushes all thought of that 'dream' to the side for now. He'll worry about that later.

He clenches his hand tightly, drawing a small amount of blood, in the hopes of distracting himself. The miniscule amount spills on the floor, in dark, black splotches.

"What exactly was that... smoke... my Lord?" Sabrina asks hesitantly, unaware of the internal conflict within Alexis. She has since stood up and assumed her usual place next to Alexis' desk.

"I am not sure honestly." Alexis answers, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "I had a weird dream where the same thing happened." He continues, walking to the still ajar door, and closes it. He then drops himself into the chair in front of his desk. He turns and looks at Sabrina, watching her.

"A dream?" Sabrina repeats, turning to look at the bed, still covered in sweat and blankets strewn about.

"Yes, I woke up in a completely black room." Alexis explains, folding his hands on top of the desk with a faraway look in his eyes. "In the dream there was a woman clad in all black. She was wrapped in that same smoke and had an ethereal look about her. Eventually, the smoke was covering me as well."

"A woman in black..." Sabrina mutters. "Did she have a name, my Lord?"

"Arabella, if I am remembering correctly." Alexis answers, her name lingering on his lips. Filling him with a warm and calming feeling. He remembers what they were doing in his dream, the intense and frantic kissing. Lust worms itself in his heart again.

"A strange name, my Lord." Sabrina says as she ponders his words. Trying not to notice the look of desire on his face. The thought pains her heart.

Alexis shakes his head and sits up straight.

"Sabrina" he says sharply.

"Yes, my Lord?" She turned and faced him, giving him her full attention.

"Tell no one about what you saw today." Alexis says in a soft yet firm voice. "Not until I figure this out."

"Naturally, my Lord." Sabrina replies while she bows deeply and exits the room. He watches her leave with a complicated expression.

Alexis sits in silence after her departure. 'What the fuck was that smoke?' he asks himself. 'I wonder... if I can go back to that room...'

"Arabella..." he mutters, looking at the shadows in the room. "I'm coming for answers."


Alexis walks down the long hallway with Sabrina trailing after him. His destination is the dilapidated dining room in the corner of the house. After he reaches the door, he takes a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. The room was lit by only a single window on the wall and two candles on the table. In otherwards, it was a dark and depressing atmosphere. The rooms occupants stand up in unison and bow to the entering Alexis.

"Duke Lycan." Three voices speak out in together.

Alexis eyes the three occupants, his vassals, and smiles gently. "Hello. let's not waste any time and get down to business." He says while dropping a pile of papers on the table. Maps and charts could be seen in the stack.

Ryan, Angelica, and Vanessa each take their seats around the table after Alexis sits.

"We have a lot of work to do." Alexis says when they are all seated. A cunning gleam can be seen in his eyes. His vassals are expectant and full of hope.

I know these chapters can be a bit boring, but they are a necessity! Hang in there!

xJavierMexcreators' thoughts