
Shadow Emperor in Another World

After an unknown amount of time, a soul got to reincarnate into a fantasy realm with it’s own choice of abilities and looks. Watch as he goes through life as powerful as can be in this weird world. This is a hobby and not professional work so please bare with me while I try my best to make this book a good one. I would also like to put out here this is my first novel and a learning experience for me, I’m sorry if the tags aren’t right or to disappoint. Original work by SimpleFool. Beginning is kinda rough but it gets better as the story continues. Cover by Xenoham, if you want a commission by him, email him at the following email! LordXenoham@gmail.com I made an edit so some author’s notes may seem odd or out of place

Dragonjackel · Fantaisie
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247 Chs

[Chapter 93] The Competition

I look at the suit I made with a smile as I gaze at it's glory. It looks very militaristic, although it doesn't help I adapted it from an old military blueprint. Most of the blueprints in my head are useless because they require technology that I can't create and don't have. But they become less useless if I combine elements from one blueprint and combine them with another, which is what resulted in this suit.

The suit has different colored plates covering each part of it. It will cover the entire body except the head, and on the neck, there is a simple symbol, a cat like slime with wisps of black floating off of it. 'I decided that will be my forging symbol from now on.'

"And last but not least, a power source." I say with happiness as I hold out my hand and an accumulation of a orb along with a white mist appears from thin air. I suddenly push it on the suit and watch as the suit glows to life. Veins in the suit begin to glow as the soul is slowly absorbed. Each vein connects to another, creating a massive weave of curves and lines.

"Now time to test if it's ability works." I step back as I stare at the dummy, slowly pulling back my fist. Suddenly, I release my fist onto the suit of armor, just to momentarily see the moment my punch landed, the veins to pulse as it suddenly sends me flying into the floor. You would expect me to be grimacing in pain, but I am actually smiling, a smile full of excitement.

"It worked! The suit actually worked!" I stand up and inspect the suit to see no damage at all. This suit was originally a regular military suit, but with a bit of editing and modifying, I replaced the original underlay with a material that can absorb impacts and transfer them back at instantaneous speed in the same spot, so the enemy would have to be quick with their attacks.

'Granted some of the energy in the transfer is lost but that can be made up with it's other ability.' I think as I sigh, 'Sadly, I can't test it without wearing the suit and I can't even test if the ability would transfer correctly to Winter's weapon. Oh well, Hetropilicts wasn't built in a day.' I think as I smile at the city's name, well, used to be city's name.

'Whoever invented that name was definitely on nuke.' I smile as I carefully fold the suit up. "This armor is fantastic, but it can't beat my armor, after all, mine lets me regenerate mana multiple times faster than others and it even repairs itself, it even can morph with me! This armor definitely is nice but I built it with Winter's ability in mind, I don't know where her clothes go when she transforms but at least she won't destroy the suit from transformation."

I suddenly hear a voice from no where, it sounds aged and rough, as if it smoked cigars. "All manager children are to report to arena 8 for the deciding ceremony, any others who wish to try their luck can also arrive there to enter. Good luck." And suddenly, the voice disappears as sudden as it came.

'I need to catch up to Winter now!' I think as I bolt out of the room holding the full body suit. I catch Winter along with her mother and father just now leaving and yell, "Wait!" My voice immediately is heard by Winter who is holding the folded scythe I made her.

I make it and take a moment to situate myself before saying, "I'm coming with you, and you have no say in the matter."

Winter goes to say something before silently nodding. Then her eyes land on the suit I am holding in my arms, "What is that?" She asks as her head tilts in curiosity. I hold it out as I begin to explain, "This suit and your scythe are actually a pair, they can work separately but if you use them together, the effect is definitely noticeable."

Her mother and Winter both have a confused look, but her mother looks even more confused. Sam opens her mouth to say something, "I have 3 questions. What do you mean? Where have you been gaining the materials to make these? And who taught you how to make this stuff as it is definitely military grade alone."

"First, this suit absorbs any physical energy throw against it and will reflect it back in a slightly weaker state because of their energy loss during energy conversion. But it has the unique ability that if the enemy isn't close enough for it to be reflected, it stores it and when she goes to attack with her scythe, the vein like lines on the scythe will transfer the energy that was stored in the suit for its next attack. The downside is that the more energy it stores, the less effective the protection becomes. Second, these materials are mine. And third, this is my trade, I was taught by myself."

She stands there dumbfounded at the information. 'Shock absorption and reflection? That technology was lost in the 2200s due to the riots, how was he able to make it? Wait, these are his materials?! No one taught him!'

She immediately shakes her head, "That is impossible, how could you make shock absorbent gear? That technology was lost to time itself, who is your teacher?" She says in a calm voice, but her wavering eyes say otherwise.

I wave my hand as I hand Winter her gear, "I do many impossible things, I killed your boss, I speak English unlike those on the surface, I can understand things that people from above can't even imagine. I can summon soldiers from seemingly nowhere and magic suddenly exists, do you want me to continue?" She stands there for a moment, shocked. She suddenly realizes that he has defied many things, including her common knowledge.

I look at Winter who is currently clothed in regular clothes. As she holds the scythe tightly to her chest, I hold out the suit. "Wear this during the fight, don't want you to get hurt." She smiles and nods as she has a few thoughts. One of them being, 'My future husband cares so much for me he worked on this suit just for my protection. I wouldn't trade him for the universe.'

I watch as her hair turns silver and her tail starts to wag at insane speeds again. 'Just what does she think about?'

It amazes me how people can write three paragraphs on an eyelash of a girl, literally mind numbing. Thanks for reading!

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