
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 - DNA testing

Issac flinched at Ethan's question, then sighed, how did he tell his son his relationship with Maria in the past? So if the doctor asked Laura that, whether the mother knew about the problem, he couldn't imagine what Keily would get from her wife.

While Theodore immediately took a sample of this big lady's blood with his sterile tube. He had to make sure who the girl was so that Laura couldn't touch the lady if like his daughter. He also quickly took a picture of the lady's face with the digital camera in his pen to further confirm the profile similarity between the lady and Maria.

'My God,' whispered his heart full of hope, 'If this girl is my child from Maria, if Laura knew, that vile woman would not want to harm my child.'

Laura slumped down on the grass behind Issac's main house while spitting out red liquid from her mouth, then Theodore appeared with one hand facing the woman, the other hand extended behind her, both feet resting firmly on the grass.

This man came to Issac's wife to ask why Maria could die, did the great lady hurt Keily's mother again? The mistress denied the accusations because there was no evidence or witnesses. This made the doctor furious, then attacked the lady with his kung fu.

The woman was forced to serve, even though her knowledge of kung fu was two levels below that of her husband's cousin. As a result, she was hit by the palm of the doctor who was famous for being ferocious, causing her to be badly beaten with severe internal injuries.

"Laura!" Theodore's voice sounded loud in a calm tone, "Once again I ask, did you cause Maria's death?" he again asked if the mistress had killed Maria.

"Do you still care about her death, while you are already Ilyana's husband?" Laura stared at the man while adjusting her breath which felt tight due to the doctor's punch. "I know, you were seduced by her beauty, making Issac rush to set you up with Ilyana!"

"Don't distract my question, Laura!" the doctor rebuked Laura, "Just answer my question earlier!"

"Even if I answered, would she be able to come back to life?" asked Issac's wife fiercely, "Is she who died more important than your wife Ilyana? Are you going to be like Issac, making love to your lawful wife?"

Theodore hearing this pulled his hands together, brought forward while rotating several times to the left and right, gathering the power that was about to be released to end Laura's life.

For him, Maria is very important. If the woman he loves dies not because of a disease such as heart disease or stroke, but because someone gets injured, then he will end that person's life. It's like a life for a life.

Suddenly Issac darted in front of Laura, looked at his cousin who saw him coming,

"Stop it, Theo!" Ethan's father's voice was heard asking Theodore not to take the action of sending Laura to the afterlife.

"Move, Isaac!" Theodore ignored the lord's orders, "This woman has sent Maria to the immortal realms, so I must send her there too!"

"Issac!" Laura interrupted quickly while grabbing Issac's arm "Don't listen to him! I didn't send Maria to the immortal realms!" whined the husband, "Issac, please believe me!"

Issac sighed, he knew Laura had repeatedly harmed Maria, even ransacking the prospective nurses' dormitory, but was it possible that his wife had sent Keily's mother to the afterlife?

"Issac!" came a loud voice from Theodore, "Get out of front of Laura!" he cried asking the cousin to get out of the presence of the mistress.

Issac sighed "Theo," came his voice, "I beg you to spare Laura because Sam and Ethan need her. She is the mother of my two children."

"You can find another mother for them because she doesn't deserve to be the mother of your two children! They can be molded to be as vicious as that wife of yours!"

"Please Theo, for the sake of my two children." Issac slowly knelt begging for forgiveness for Laura, "Even though Laura is vile, she is a good mother to my two children."

What Mr billionaire said is true, Laura is a good mother to Ethan and Samuel, even though her mistress is more inclined towards Ethan.

Theodore sighed, retracted the strength in his hands, then looked at Laura who looked relieved,

"Issac!" he called out to his cousin, "Starting today, I will no longer manage Cakra Hospital, and will no longer help you at the Collins Company!" he said, "I only come when the Collins family is celebrating something, or someone is sick." He said firmly, "Then, tell your wife, don't disturb my family. If she disobeys, I will not hesitate to send her to the immortal realms!"

Theodore sighed, having finished taking Keily's blood sample. Issac saw what his cousin was doing, and quickly took advantage of the situation to distract Ethan who was curious as to why he was furious at Maria.

"Theo's!" immediately approached the doctor, "How is Keily?" his cousin asked, "Are there any serious scratches on her?"

"So far," Theodore quickly put the blood sample tube into the medicine cooler bag, "External injuries only." He replied because the scratch wound was only an external wound, "Ethan has treated it properly."

"Then why do you take a blood sample?" interjected Ethan also saw Theodore take a sample of Keily's blood.

"Before coming here," the uncle looked at Issac's second son, "Kei was sick?"

"Meaning, uncle?"

"Earlier uncle checked, her heartbeat was unstable."

"Theo," Issac interrupted quickly with a worried look on his face, "quickly find out about it from the blood sample, then if you need more intensive medical treatment, do it right away. Please save her, because she saved Ethan's life."

"Certainly, Isaac."


Theodore sat alone in his office at Therama Company while looking at some of the medical files that had been taken out by Cakra Hospital. After submitting Keily's blood sample, he asked for the results of the laboratory check to be delivered to him at Therama Company, then immediately to his company. He wanted to know the lab results quietly in his room.

It turns out that the results obtained from checking, Keily is her biological daughter from Maria, because the girl's DNA is the same as his. Then also from there, he found out that there were blood cells in the heart bound by something so that his daughter's heartbeat became unstable. To find out more, he must bring his child to Cakra Hospital.

But he hesitated to do that because when he checked the pulse on the princess's wrist, he felt a mystical object embedded in the child's heart. If that were true, it would be unreadable by hospital medical equipment. The only way to find out what's in the heart is to find Sinta, who Ethan told Kelly from the red baby.

Slowly the door to this room opened by Ilyana from the outside, then the doctor's wife entered accompanied by the male assistant Bakti.

"Mrs." The assistant slowly reprimanded the madam, "I'm going out. But I'm on the Lastri desk." He said he decided to leave this madam so he could talk alone with his boss.

He also told Lastri the boss's secretary at the front of this room. Ilyana nodded her head, and let the assistant go while closing the door. After that, the husband observed who seemed to be silent, looking at some of the files in his hand.

The madam had called her husband's cell phone because Issac could not reach his cell. But he couldn't even contact her because her husband turned off his cell phone. Then the mistress contacted Bakti, did the assistant know where her husband was, and why was the cell phone off?

Bakti told the doctor that he was in this office because the man was there, even though he had been home for a long time.

'What are you thinking about?' asked this woman's heart, 'Is the condition of Miss Keily who saved Ethan not good?'

Issac told Theodore to Cakra Hospital after examining the lady, and the lord was waiting for the results. Mr. Billionaire knows that Cakra Hospital will take precedence in processing the blood sample because Theodore is his younger cousin and the former president of the hospital.

Ilyana was reluctant to look for Theodore because she felt that her husband wanted to be alone, but Issac asked her to find him.

Theodore began to feel that his wife was in this room because his nose smelled the perfume that his wife used to wear. He turned his gaze to the door, realizing that his wife must be standing there reluctantly to approach him, who looked aloof.

"Hi." The sound of greeting the wife was heard at that time when they collided with each other's eyes.

Theodore smiled, twiddling his fingers in the air and asking his wife to come closer. Ilyana complied.

"Sit down." A man's voice asked his wife to sit in a chair in front of his desk. After that, he lit a cigar, enjoyed it for a moment, then opened the conversation again, "Sorry, Il, I didn't come here to tell you." He said apologizing for not yet coming home from Ethan's pavilion.

"I'm the one who's sorry for looking for you." Ilyana sighed, "Issac contacted your cell phone, but it was switched off, so he contacted me, asking for my help looking for you."

"I see." Theodore understood why his wife was here because all this time she had never looked for him if it wasn't very important, because she understood his nature which sometimes liked to be alone, or indeed he was forced not to contact because of an important matter.

"Theo," came the wife's voice, "is Miss Keily not doing well?"

The husband sighed now knowing that Issac wanted to know the results of the laboratory because he had a feeling that there would be a DNA check too.


The man sighed again, then enjoyed his cigar for a moment, then looked at his wife,

"Il, do you know what Keily's profile is like?"

Ilyana shook her head because earlier she had not joined her husband to check on Keily.

"Her profile is very much like Maria Kennely."

The wife was shocked to hear this, her husband looked at her with a manic look, not understanding what the husband was saying.

Theodore took his pen from his shirt pocket, then pressed the tip of the pen, then a connector plate appeared, then plugged it into his laptop. It didn't take long for several photos to appear there, soon he found a photo of his daughter, then showed it to Ilyana.

The wife looked at the photo, examined it carefully, then gasped in surprise again, immediately turning her eyes to her husband.

"All you see is Keily the girl who saved Ethan." The husband's voice was heard.

"So," Ilyana voiced, "You went to Cakra Hospital to check her DNA?"

Theodore nodded his head.

"What's the result? Is she your daughter? Because her profile not only looks like Maria but also looks like you, because her eyebrows are thin and have a nice curve. It's your eyebrows, that make you handsome."

The husband smiled hearing this, this was the first time his wife said he was handsome. So far, his wife has kept quiet about his profile.

"Theo!" Ilyana's voice sounded again, "Tell me, what are the DNA results? I'm sure you did the test to see how Keily looks like Maria. If she is your daughter, I am very relieved, because there is your offspring. I'm ready to say it, because I'm not just your wife, but Maria's best friend, her mother."

"Il, even though there are results, I have to meet Sinta, because according to Ethan, Sinta is the mother of Keily from a red baby, because Maria died after giving birth to Keily."

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