
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 - Shackles of Love Leaf Reaction

The sun was starting to shine brightly against the blue sky of the universe at this time, but it didn't make Ethan's pavilion that bright, because Keily was still lying fast asleep with both arms bandaged with water-repellent wounds.

While Ethan was still faithfully watching over this girl by sitting on the floor, the side of his head rested on one of his arms which was on the surface of this big lady's spring bed.

Then in this room, Issac was also seen lying on a long sofa covered with a comforter. Then there was Samuel sitting back on the single sofa not far from where his father slept. This man was asked by his father to accompany him to the lady's room.

Ethan couldn't refuse his father's request, because Theodore had told him to focus on caring for Keily, not to think about Samuel or the others. The doctor obeyed his uncle's message.

Then there is also Gandy, Manuel, Herbert, and Sida. Theodore asked the four of them to take care of Keily who was guarded by Ethan, Issac, and Samuel.

Back in bed, Keily started to wake up, her beads blinking for a moment to make her vision clear. This girl was made to sleep well all night with Ethan and Theodore with injectable sleeping pills.

Now the lady's view is getting clear, then she combs the surroundings while remembering what happened the last time, that she shifts her eyes to her hands, then sighs.

"What dream am I," she breathed, "This is the first time I've been attacked by a fawn in ages. Bimby, my pet fawn at the cottage, isn't as fierce as Dina." She said remembering Samuel's ferocity Dina deer.

She sighed again as she returned to combing the surroundings, then found Ethan sound asleep beside her. Her face slowly smiled, feeling touched because the doctor cared for her, even though she was only an external wound.

She slowly tilted her body so she could observe the man. It didn't take long for her to smile again,

'Ish, it turns out that Ethan is handsome.' she chuckled when she realized that this doctor was handsome, 'But he's so fierce.' Again she chuckled because she remembered the man spitting out anger at Samuel, 'Actually, who are you? I don't know you at all. Just knowing that you are very rich like Mrs. Maria.'

She continued to watch Ethan with a smile on her pretty face, then sighed,

"Weird," she said to herself, "Why is Ethan so nice to me, huh? Then when I said I wasn't just for him, he immediately got mad at me," she recalled her time with the doctor. "Baba said men are kind to women for two reasons. First fell in love with a girl. Second, because women are kind to him." she also remembered the lesson from her loyal aide Baba, "Ethan." she reprimanded the doctor, "You are nice to me because of what? Because you fell in love with me, or because I was nice to you?"

Suddenly heard a man's voice,

"Which do you want, honey?"

Keily gasped hearing this, spontaneously one hand raised the doctor's face to look up at her. But before she made a sound, the man's hand pulled her neck, then kissed her lips.

The lady's eyes widened because it was the first time a man kissed her on the lips. Even the first time her lips crushed passionately. Her heart started pounding, making the leaves embedded in it react. The leaf glowed red darts, then slowly cracked in one part.

The reaction of this leaf made the lady feel sick, so she pulled her face away from the doctor's face, then one hand held the chest where the leaf was embedded. Her face was scrunched up with pain.

"Darling?!" Ethan was surprised to see this, "What's wrong with you?" he asked immediately getting up from the floor, immediately sat on the edge of the bed while moving the lady's lying position so that he was on her back. Immediately check the pulse on the lady's right wrist, "Gosh, why is your pulse irregular, honey?" he was surprised because he felt the lady's heartbeat was irregular.

The doctor's anxiety makes the leaves continue to react because this man's sincere love begins to enter Keily's soul. As Maria said, if someone loves her daughter, then at that moment the leaves begin to crack, and the child feels what the man feels. Happiness, desire, anxiety, sadness, and more. If so, the child feels pain in her chest.

"I'm fine, Ethan." Keily's voice was heard trying to catch her breath so that her heart would return to normal, "Don't worry, okay?" she added, reaching out her other hand to rub the doctor's face affectionately, "Please help me straighten half of my body, so I can breathe better." she added asking for help to straighten half of the body, because in a lying position, the leaf's reaction which was getting stronger due to the man's anxiety, making it difficult for her to catch her breath.

Ethan immediately moved behind the lady, then straightened the poor girl's half-body, leaning against his chest. One hand wrapped around the lady's stomach, the other hand holding the girl's hand.

"Inhale slowly, hold it for a moment while you organize your thoughts, then exhale slowly." He also guided the lady to catch her breath, because it looked like the lady was gasping a little. After all, she was panicking, "Relax honey, relax okay? I'm with you." He kept on persuading the lady to calm down.

"You need to calm down too, Ethan." Keily's voice was in difficulty catching her breath at this time, "I'm panicking because you're worried about me." she added innocently saying what her mind felt.

Ethan gasped at this, observed the lady's eyes,

'She can sense I'm really worried about her?' asked his heart in astonishment, 'Even though all this time she didn't feel anything. Even when I'm jealous, she doesn't feel it.' He remembered that the lady had not felt what he was feeling, 'Is my love starting to be understood by her, so that she can feel me worrying about her?'

"Ethan." The lady's voice was heard, "Please calm down, so I can calm down too." She said asking the doctor to regulate his emotions so that he was calm, so she was calm.

For some reason, the doctor even grabbed his daughter Maria's lips and crushed him while embracing her body lovingly.

"I love you, Kei. Love you so much.' His heart whispered conveying his feelings, 'Do you feel my love, as you feel my anxiety?' asked the girl's mind.

This question made the leaves react even more, where the cracks on the surface also increased.

Keily felt this, quickly released Ethan's kiss,

"Ethan!" she cried softly, "Control yourself."

"You hear my inner voice?"

"Ethan, I don't know what love is, so control yourself."

"What's wrong with you?"

"My chest hurts right now, either because I feel what you feel. You're worried, I feel it. You convey the feeling of love, I feel it."

"Why make your chest hurt? Has there ever been a man who hurt you so that now another man loves you, your chest hurts?"

"That's not it, Ethan. My chest feels like there is something."


"I guess so." Keily answered each of the doctor's questions while enduring the pain in her chest, "Something somehow reacts when you kiss my lips, making me sick. Then because I'm sick, you are worried about me, this makes the reaction in that something increase, so I ask you to calm down."

Ethan listened to all of this, then,

"Sida!" he screamed calling Sida, "Gandy!" he called again calling Gandy.

Sida and Gandy hearing this scream woke up and rushed to Ethan. The doctor's screams woke Issac, Samuel, Manuel, and Herbert, and immediately rushed to the man.

"Ethan!" the father's voice was heard because he saw his son quickly carrying Keily, where Gandy held a pole hanging from an infusion bag, while Sida put a blanket over Miss's body, "Why Keily? Where do you want to take it?" he asked worriedly.

"To Cakra Hospital, pa." Ethan answered briefly, "Her pulse was irregular, then she felt her chest hurt, so she had difficulty catching her breath." He added explaining the condition of his beloved girl.

"Papa is coming with you." The father decided to accompany his son because he still believed that the lady was his daughter from Maria.


Sinta sighed looking at Theodore who met her in front of the main fence of the prospective nurse's dormitory. After tens of years had passed, this man appeared before her.

"Sorry sir, you already know Mrs. Maria's message, right?" Issac's cousin asked with an irritated face, "You are not allowed to come here, nor are you allowed to communicate with us here."

"I know that," Theodore said calmly, then handed him a large brown envelope with the Cakra Hospital logo, "Please look and study the files in that envelope," he said politely.

Sinta sighed, forced to comply with the request of the second great lord Collins. The contents of the envelope were taken out, which contained the results of a DNA test and a routine blood test. Then there's also a photo of Keily lying on the bed in Ethan's pavilion. Seeing all this couldn't help but surprise her, but she tried not to be seen by the big master. She then turned her gaze to the senior doctor.

"What do you want after I see the contents of this envelope?"

"You know Keily Kennely is currently at my nephew Ethan's pavilion?"

"Keily Kennelly? Who's she?"

"Don't ask that, Sinta. I know you know Keily Kennely."

"I don't know that name, sir."

Theodore became irritated, took the envelope from Sinta's hand, then took out a photo of Keily, showing it to the girl's nanny's aunt.

"This girl is called Keily Kennely right?"

"No," Sinta answered firmly because the name of her foster child was not Keily Kennely.

"Sinta, I know this girl is Maria Kennely's daughter."

"Sir," Sinta looked at the doctor sharply, "I have answered, this girl's name is not Keily Kennely, but Keily Winata. She is not mistress Maria's daughter."

"Keily Winata?!" Theodore was taken aback, then remembered Winata, "Gosh!" his sigh became exasperated, "Maria is too much! Why name my child Keily Winata? Winata is the grandfather of my child!"

"Sir!" Sinta's voice sounded a little louder, "Don't curse Mrs. Maria!" she shouted angrily hearing Theodore curse at Maria, "You and Mr Issac have made her die in excruciating pain! It even made her lose the great master Winata!"

Theodore gasped in surprise at this and sighed. He forgot to control his emotions because he wanted Sinta to say that Keily was indeed her daughter, Maria, which means his biological daughter.

Sinta was about to spit out her anger again, but the lord's cell phone rang, forced to keep it in her heart.

Theodore immediately answered the phone call.

"Yes, Ethan?" greeted his nephew who did make the phone call, "What?!" he looked surprised not to play because he heard the news conveyed by his nephew. His two beads immediately looked at Sinta sharply, took the woman's hand in no time, and took her to walk towards her car which was parked not far from the front gate.

"Sir!" came the shriek of Keily's aunt, "Let go of my hand!" she tried to let go of the hand of this big master who had already ended the call, "Sir!"

"Shut up!" Theodore had to rebuke the woman, "You come with me right now!" he added while pushing Sinta into the car whose door had been opened by the driver Sukro.

"Where are you going, sir?" asked the confused woman looking at the master who immediately got into the car, and sat next to her.

"You'll find out later."