
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter 15 - Back Curious

In front of Ethan at the moment, there were many items that Keily had chosen, then he observed them one by one while silently evaluating them. He felt that Sinta not only bestowed the luxury of life on the lady but also taught her to choose items that match the personality of the lady who is cheerful, simple, and elegant. The items that the beautiful lady chose conveyed her personality, and the young master was satisfied.

"Ethan." Keily reprimanded the young master, "Are all the ones I picked bad? You've been quiet all along." she was curious because this man just eyeballed, "Sorry Ethan, this is my first time shopping for what I want, and need myself."

Ethan turned his gaze to Keily, then smiled amused to see the worried look on the lady's face mixed with guilt. He poked the nose tip of the lady.

"Hey, since when did you become not who you are, hmm? You usually don't easily regret after deciding anything."

"It is not like that. You said after I chose the items I wanted to bring to you. For me, it must be approved by you. So, this is my first time shopping alone, and I'm new to you, I don't know whether my choice is good or not, and I don't know whether you like it or not."

Ethan smiled in amusement at all of Keily's innocent but very polite words. He knew that even though this lady was a tomboy, she was taught to act and speak in a kind and polite manner.

"Ethan." Keily rebuked the doctor again, "Why are you even smiling amusedly?" When one of the man's arms shook slightly, she felt uncomfortable, the young master smiled amused at all he said.

Seeing this the young master smiled again in amusement, his heart felt more love for this girl. Even though they haven't been close for long, he is sure that he loves the girl because while at the cottage he feels comfortable with her. Even he is comfortable letting Miss see his body without a single thread.

"Ugh!" came his voice, "Whose woman is this? How adorable." His chuckle became exasperated at Keily, the lady pointed at the tip of her nose, "Those who are usually ignorant, now maintain an image." he added.

"Ethan!" Keily became sulky, shaking the man's arm again, "So next time don't ask me to show the item I chose, so I don't have to take care of my image."

"Ha ha ha!" Ethan laughed amusedly, "Ugh, my woman makes me cute!" he exclaimed exasperatedly to this lady, "Enough." He chuckled "Kei, I said all of your picks were brought to me because I was wondering if you knew what you wanted and needed." He said, "You said all this time your aunts were shopping for you."

"Ooo that's it." Keily understood, "Ethan, even if they buy if it's not what I want, they'll exchange it immediately. Sometimes Aunt Sinta brings in several shop managers to show them their goods which I can choose myself. So don't you think I have to accept all the things my aunt buys me?"

"I see." Ethan got it, "Kei, you can have all of this stuff." He said while pointing at all the items in front of them which agreed to be owned by the lady.

"Is it true?"

"Very true."

Keily hearing this cheered happily, spontaneously hugged this man,

"Thanks, Ethan, thanks!" she cried while slightly shaking the man's body, her face looks happy. "I promise I will do my best to be your assistant," she said promising to do her best as an assistant to the young master.

Gandy and Sida hearing this smiled in amusement knowing that Ethan had not made the lady an assistant, but a beloved woman. However, he deliberately said that the lady was used as an assistant so that she would not get into trouble with Laura and Santana until one day he went to Issac to ask for his blessing to marry the lady.

He was sure his father would have given him his blessing because so far he had given him the freedom to choose his life partner. His father always scolded Laura for pushing Santana to Ethan, knowing that his son didn't like Santana.

Gandy slowly dared to poke one of Ethan's shoulders.

"Young master." He also called his boss.

"Just talk Gandy, I hear you." Said the master who didn't look at him because he was enjoying his girl's affectionate hug.

"Sorry sir, you are making Miss an assistant."


"Have you said how much salary you offer to miss each month? Being an assistant is paid every month."

Keily hearing this released her hug, then looked at the young master who seemed a little irritated that Gandy made him end the hug.

"Gandy's right!" cried the lady, "Because I'm your assistant," Ethan looked at, "You have to give me a monthly salary, just like Aunt Sinta gave it to Aunt Rika, Aunt Dena, Baba, and all the workers in my hostel and boarding school."

Ethan smiled amused at hearing this because he hadn't talked about the salary for Keily, who was made his assistant. But whatever the lady wants and needs, he fulfills it all. Even put this miss in the room next to his. All of that means he doesn't make Miss his assistant, but his woman.

The young master then pulled out a wallet from the right back pocket of his jeans, then took out one of his black cards, and gave it to Keily.

"Black cards?!" Keily recognizes that the card is a card without any restrictions, and can be used in all countries. "What do you mean?" the doctor looked at.

"I see," Ethan knows even more than the lady is indeed a billionaire woman because she recognizes the card she gave him, "That's your salary from me."

"This?" Keily flashed the card to the man.

"That's right my dear lady." Said the young master while ruffling the hair above the lady's forehead a little, "Your job is hard, not only taking care of me every day but accompanying me anywhere anytime." He added again, "Then I will immediately give you a card like that in your name."

Gandy and Sida, who saw all this, were increasingly convinced that Keily was Ethan's woman.

"What for? Your one is more than enough." Keily was amazed because having just one made her live a luxurious life, "After all, Baba brought a card like this that belongs to me besides my identity card in my wallet." she added, immediately opening the clutch in her lap, took out a card like Ethan's from her wallet, gave it to Ethan.

The doctor looked at the card, then studied the lady.

'Who are you really in the life of the late mistress Maria?' asked his heart, 'You grew up in a cottage in great luxury. Then you also have a black card in your name. It's impossible for you to just be her foster child or adopted child.' He felt that Keily was not an adopted or adopted child of the late Maria, and became curious again about who the real lady was in Maria's life because she was given an extraordinarily luxurious life.

Gandy also saw the card and became curious because he didn't expect the girl who saved Ethan from among the world's billionaires. Is there a fine pearl hidden in the late Maria Kennely's dormitory?

Keily is the only daughter of Maria, and the only granddaughter of Winata. Winata billionaire like Issac, gave all his wealth to Maria. Then the woman is more than a gynecologist, but a businesswoman. Keily's mother has a company engaged in the Event Organizer, Jewelry, and Fashion sector, named MK Cooperation.

"Ethan." Keily's voice rebuked Ethan.

Slowly this man took the hand of the lady who was still holding his arm, squeezed gently,

"Kei, can I keep your card?" Ethan also made a sound while showing off the card, "You just use my card. I keep your card as your treasure."

Keily listened to everything the young master said, then nodded her head. She was sure that Ethan could be trusted by her.

"Thanks, Kei." Ethan thanked him "Ah yeah you forgot something." Diverted conversation.

"What's that?"

"Why are all your nightgowns baby dolls and pajamas?" the young master pointed to a few pieces of nightgown among the items the lady chose.

"Then what kind of nightgown should I have?" Keily looked at the doctor confused, because all this time Sinta had given her nightgowns in the form of negligees, baby dolls, and pajamas.

"Sida!" the young master called out to Sida who was standing on the other side of the lady, "You take Kei to the underwear section, find a sexy nightgown for her. I don't want her to sleep in baby dolls or pajamas, because she is an adult, not a teenager." Asked the nanny to take the lady to the lingerie section to get sexy nightgowns.

"Yes sir." Sida understood, then reprimanded Keily, "Come on miss."

Keily nodded her head even though she was still confused about why Ethan told her to wear a sexy nightgown. Then what is sexy? She sighed, then followed Sida to go get what the young master asked for.

"Gandy!" Ethan's voice rebuked Gandy, "Find out the origin of this card." Given Keily's black card to Gandy, "That way I can know who Kei is."


Samuel welcomes Ethan to his pavilion tonight. His younger brother had called him, saying he would come to see him immediately. Hugged for a moment this brother who accompanied Gandy.

Ethan purposely stopped by after he and Keily had had their fill of a nice dinner on the beach to bring some sweets and some kind of food that the lady ordered for her brother. So, while they were having dinner, the lady asked if she could send some of the food they were currently eating to Sinta, Rika, Dena, Baba, and Sari.

The young master said yes, then asked Gandy to arrange it so that tomorrow what the miss ordered would reach Sinta's hands in the dormitory where the missus had given him the address. After that, the big lady remembered that the young master had an older brother, so she was asked if she could add another order, namely for Samuel. She remembered the man always shared with his older brother. Ethan agreed, asking Gandy to quickly order some food to be brought to Samuel before returning to his pavilion.

So where is Keily right now Ethan only brought Gandy who was carrying candy and a shopping bag filled with food. The lady was exhausted so fell asleep in the car. Ethan did not have the heart to wake up to be invited to meet Samuel. Then the young master felt that it was not the time for the lady to be introduced to her older sister.

Samuel took off his arms, observed by the younger brother with relief.

"Thank God, you're finally back." He said happily, "I'm sorry I failed to save you at that time." He added that he apologized for failing to save his younger brother.

"Not your fault." Ethan chuckled as he took them to sit on the sofa in the living room, "Later, if time permits, I'll tell you what happened to me after the accident."

"I'm waiting for that." Samuel understood, "Ah ya, where are you from?"

"Nothing." Ethan didn't want to open his heart to his older brother when he found the woman of his choice, "Ah ya, I brought a present for you." He said changing the subject, "Gandy!" the assistant who was beside him reprimanded, "Put the souvenirs on the table, let Sam see them."

Gandy nodded his head, immediately placing his handcuffs on the table directly in front of the two superiors. It didn't take long for Samuel to check all the gifts, then grab some candy, showing it off to Ethan.

"Candy?" he asked surprised, "It feels like it's been a long time since you bought this for me because we're adults." chuckled.

"Hehehe." Ethan chuckled "Earlier at the shopping center, Keily saw this and had an urge. Yes, I bought it, and I remember that you also like this candy, so I bought it for you too."

"Keily?" Samuel was surprised to hear Keily's name called by his sister, "Is that goddess who saved you?" observed his younger brother whose face brightened when he told him why he bought him sweets.

"Hehehe." Ethan chuckled, "Ah yes, I'm only here for a short time, poor Kei in the car, only accompanied by Sida and my aides."

"Why don't you bring her here?"

"She was so exhausted he fell asleep in the car."

"She's tired, uhm-uhm, after you've been shopping?"

"Hais, inconsequential!" Ethan chuckled, "Sam, she is the goddess who saved my life and heart, I will not touch her before making her my wife."

"Wife? Sorry, Gandy said you'd make her your assistant."

"It was to protect her from Santana and mama."

"I see." Samuel understood, then patted one of his younger siblings on the shoulder, "Ethan, you've grown up, so far you haven't been afraid to face Santana and mama, so that's still the case if you have set your heart on that savior goddess. I support you."

"Thanks, Sam." Ethan was touched and then hugged his brother for a moment, "I'll be back." He said goodbye to his brother.

"I'll take you to the front."

It didn't take long for the brothers to come to the front porch, where Ethan's jeep was parked on the front porch. At the same time, Sida hurriedly approached the second young master.

"Young master."

"What's wrong Sida? Did Keily wake up? Or something happened to Keily?"