
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 - Incident

Sida looked confused because Keily disappeared from the car. It's her fault for falling asleep. The Eeng driver woke her up because he saw the lady leave the car. Hearing this, she and all aides rushed out looking for their master's women but did not find her.

"Sida!" Ethan's voice sounded worried, "Did something happen to Keily?" he asked feeling something happened to Keily.

Sida was about to answer, but the lady screamed in panic from the right side of the house,

"Ah! Ethan!"

Ethan hearing this immediately ran with Samuel and Gandy to where the screams were coming from.

"Keily!" the young master called out to his lady while in the large side garden, while his eyes darted around, "My God!" he screamed because he found the lady huddled in a tree where she looked scared to see Samuel's deer looking fierce at her.

"Dina!" shouted Samuel loudly calling his deer that jumped forward to attack Keily, rushed to run fast to catch the deer, taken away from Keily.

Meanwhile, Ethan ran fast to Keily, grabbed the girl's waist, and carried her away from the tree. Keily exhaled, feeling relieved, then pointed at the deer named Dina, whose head Samuel stroked.

Sida and Gandy rushed to the other side of the lady, on standby to guard the lady.

"Ethan," came the lady's voice, "That's a deer, isn't it?" asked the doctor with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, it's a deer, my brother Samuel's pet." Said the doctor, "He's tame actually" he added calming the girl.

"Benign?!" the lady was amazed to hear this, "Ish, he's fierce! I accidentally stepped on his hind legs, he immediately jumped to lunge at me. Luckily I can do kung fu, quickly dodge, and run. But he kept chasing me."

"I see." Samuel heard all of the lady's stories, "Miss, I'm sorry if Dina behaved like that because she doesn't know you yet." He also apologized to the girl who was close to Ethan's body because Dina grinned fiercely at him. "I'm sorry, what was it but you accidentally stepped on his foot, did you hit him?"

"Ish, you dare to ask that to Kei?" Ethan hearing this became annoyed, "Dina attacks and chases Kei, if Kei hits her, that's natural! Kei protects herself!" sprayed by his older brother who felt the question was out of place.

"How can I hit that adorable deer?" Keily snapped quickly before Samuel responded to Ethan's emotions, shaking her head, "I just ran away from that animal! I also apologized to him." she added, "But he didn't forgive me, so I got his claws too." she added again while holding out her hands which seemed decorated with several border lines of red liquid.

"Good grief!" Ethan saw this in shock, "Samuel!" he screamed at Samuel who also saw the wound on his beloved girl's hand, "Can't your deer see that Keily isn't an enemy, hmm? Kei also accidentally stepped on his foot, already apologized too!" his brother sprayed with anger while grabbing his girl's hand, immediately observed all the scratches.

Dina the deer is indeed fierce to strangers because she doesn't understand whether someone who stepped on her intentionally or unintentionally did so.

"Ish!" the doctor's voice sounded again, then looked at Samuel who sighed feeling guilty because Dina scratched Keily. He could imagine the action of the deer earlier towards the lady who was just running away, without hitting the animal.

"Samuel!" he screamed again with emotion rising to the level of Sugriwa who was annoyed with Subali, the two legendary monkeys during Sri Rama's time. "Look at this!" the lady's hands showed off to his older brother, "Sadistic Dina clawed at Kei! If only Dina wasn't your pet, I would have beaten her for being sadistic towards Kei!"

"Ethan!" came Keily's voice in a soft tone, "Enough." The girl let go of her hands, then slowly rubbed the doctor's chest with one hand, "Dina doesn't know me yet, then she's still a child, so act as she thinks." This man persuaded, "Come on, just a small wound." she added, "Later I will also cure it."

Samuel heard all this and observed the lady because it's very rare that someone gets attacked by an animal and can forgive the animal.

'Is this Keily, Ethan's savior goddess?' whispered his heart feeling that girl is Keily the goddess of Ethan's savior, 'Very beautiful.' He added assessing the beautiful girl, 'Her aura is also very good, innocent, and clear. No wonder Ethan immediately fell in love with this girl.' He said seeing Ethan not only hugging the lady's waist but looking very worried about the girl.

It didn't take long for Manuel and several aides to approach Samuel.

"First young master." The assistant immediately reprimanded the young master, "Sorry I came late because Vikas just reported that Miss disappeared in your pavilion." He said telling why came with his aides.

"We have found the lady, Manuel." Samuel replied while glancing at Keily who was in Ethan's arms, then handed Dina to his assistant, "Take Dina to Doctor Eric to treat her emotions. Then check the hind legs that Miss Keily accidentally stepped on. Finally, quickly ask him for wound medicine and antibiotic serum for Miss Keily." The order was passed down to the assistant, "Dina scratched the lady's hand." He added that his assistant looked surprised when he asked for wound medicine and antibiotics for Keily.

"Good grief!" Manuel was surprised to hear his young master's last words, "Okay sir, I'll do it right away." He said immediately leaving this place with a worried face.

Even though Dina has been injected with a vaccine so that if someone is scratched by her it doesn't get infected with a virus or bacteria, the victim of the deer must still be given an antibiotic serum to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

Samuel slowly approached Ethan but had not arrived yet, the younger brother's hand quickly stretched forward,

"Do not come close!" also heard the voice of his brother.

Samuel had to stop, knowing that his younger brother was angry and didn't want to be approached. Only Theodore could get close. Theodore was very close to Issac's two sons.

"Ethan!" came Keily's voice, "Why forbid him from approaching us? He wanted to say that something," she said reprimanding the attitude of the doctor.

"He doesn't need to say anything more." Ethan replied curtly, "Because he blamed you earlier, felt you hit Dina, so Dina got even more violent and clawed at your hands." He added annoyed with his brother.

Keily was about to speak but the doctor picked her up, making her hands quickly hug the man's neck.

"We go home!" came the second young master's voice, then without waiting, immediately led them away from this place. He didn't even say goodbye to Samuel. His face looked worried and full of anger.

Sida, Gandy, and the young master's aide rushed after the man.

Samuel sighed seeing all this,

"Looks like Ethan has set his heart on that woman." He said because his younger brother was so worried and angry with him that Dina hurt Keily. "Ethan, I'm rooting for you, definitely helping you protect her from mama and Santana."


The night sky looked bright, decorating the beautiful sky at Theodore's luxurious house in the village area of Cibubur. This man has been slowly building a luxurious house since he is a bachelor by managing his Therama Company and managing Issac's Cakra Hospital. Before this house, he lived on Issac's property, in his annex.

Issac asked him to stay in the pavilion because he loved his cousin so much, but he chose to separate the house. He realized that Laura was so ambitious that she completely overpowered Issac, so if he remained in the pavilion he could be considered a thorn in his cousin's life.

Now seen in front of the pavilion, Theodore was standing in front of the stairs observing the sky. It's been 20 years, and he still misses Maria, even though Ilyana sincerely loves and takes care of her. He always remembered Maria liked to look at the beauty of the sky at night, especially when the full moon came.

Then came Ilyana with two maids carrying trays filled with warm drinks and snacks. Her steps stopped because she saw her husband lost in thought even though her eyes were directed to the sky.

She knew what her husband was thinking, namely, Maria was her best friend too. Her heart felt guilty for making her husband separate from Maria for marrying her. Increasingly guilty for not being able to give offspring to her husband. When she said she wanted to adopt a child, her husband refused. The husband said that he sincerely did not have children for the sake of Ilyana, who was barren.

"You guys," a low voice rebuked the two maids, "just put the drinks and snacks on the table." she said pointing to the table on the right of the pavilion's courtyard, "After that, just go back inside," she added.

The two maids nodded their heads immediately doing the task given by the gentle-hearted madam.

Ilyana slowly approached Theodore, touched her husband's arm gently, making the husband flinch, and then looked at her.

"Not asleep yet?" a man's voice rebuked her.

Ilyana smiled, then took her husband to sit on a chair in front of a table in the courtyard of the pavilion, then poured herbal tea water into the two cups in front of them. Theodore observes his wife who faithfully loves her without making him forget his love for Maria.

'I'm sorry, Il,' his inner voice spoke, 'Until today I can only love you, because my love is already for Maria.' He repeatedly apologized for not being able to love Ilyana. 'I'm sorry too when we had sex, in my mind, I was making out with Maria. Because to this day, my romance with her in bed is the most beautiful in my life.'

Theodore, when having sex with Ilyana, did imagine having sex with Maria, because he was addicted to sex with Keily's mother. The woman knows how to satisfy a man in bed, so the man gives her satisfaction too.

Ilyana is aware that her husband is watching her, smiles, and knows that her husband feels guilty for not being able to love her. However, she is satisfied that she is loved by her husband, especially since her husband is sincerely infertile.

"Drink it while it's still warm." A gentle voice asked her husband to drink the tea that was already in a cup in front of the man.

"Thanks," Theodore replied, then took a few sips of the tea that his wife brewed herself with selected tea leaves from one of the tea plantations owned by Therama Company in Bogor. The tea seeds come from Beijing.

"Theos." Ilyana's voice was heard, "What's wrong Sam asked you to go to the Collins Company because after that you asked Duate to stop Sars looking for Ethan." she opened the chat, "Has Ethan been found? Or?"

Theodore put the cup on the table, then took out a pack of cigars and a lighter from the front pocket of his trousers, lit one, and enjoyed it for a moment.

"Ethan is safe, Il." A voice sounded, "Saved a girl."

"Is it true?" Ilyana looked happy and relieved, "Where did he save that girl? Has Sam met him yet? Is he still at that girl's place?"

"Ethan hasn't said anything, Il." Theodore replied, "Sam asked me to go to the Collins Company to tell me that Ethan was safe, already in his pavilion, and a girl had saved him. Ethan also took the girl with him to the pavilion."

"Praise God, thank God." Ilyana was very relieved to hear all the explanations from her husband. "So do Issac and Laura know that?"

"According to Sam not yet, because Ethan brought his rescue girl."

Ilyana gasped, then, "Is Ethan afraid that Santana and Laura will harm the girl?"

Theodore was about to answer, but his cell phone rang. Quickly he answered the video call from Samuel because of the special ringtone for his nephew.

"Yes, Sam?"

"Sorry uncle, Sam was impolite to call uncle during recess."

"No problem. What's wrong with you? Have you met Ethan, so you want the three of us to talk?"

"Sam's already met him, since he's new here." Ethan's eldest brother replied, "This is about Ethan's savior goddess."

"Have Santana or Laura met the girl, so Ethan needs his uncle to fight them both?"

"That's not it, uncle. That girl was scratched by Dina."

"What?!" Theodore was shocked to hear this "Your deer clawed at that girl? How come? Your deer is tame."

Samuel also told Theodore about the incident when Keily was clawed by Dina from start to finish. After that, Theodore sighed, because Ethan chased away doctors Eric and Samuel who came to the second young master's pavilion to treat the wound on Keily's hand.

That's why Samuel contacted his uncle, asked for help to calm Ethan, then helped treat the wound on Keily's hand. Even though there's no need because Ethan is a doctor, has complete medical equipment and medicines in the clinic behind his pavilion.

"Ok, Uncle over there." Theodore already knew what Samuel meant, even though his nephew had not said it yet. "You just calm down okay? Shut the mouths of those around you two, so Santana and Laura don't find out." He added, "Okay, uncle immediately go there." Ended the call, then looked at Ilyana who looked worried, "Il, you take a rest first, I'm going to Ethan now. His savior goddess was injured by Sam's deer Dina." He said goodbye to his wife, then rushed away with a worried face.