
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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84 Chs

Return of the Dead

Shigaraki, Himiko, and his daughters are rushed to the hospital with Stain and Night Walker following as well however they are taken to a secret lab within the hospital and they are brought to a room where Nine rushes Shigaraki and Himiko to a bed and they are given an anesthetic before both of them falls unconscious. Some amount of time passed and Himiko wakes up, She looks around the room, somewhat confused before remembering her encounter with Stain. She jolts up but she suddenly feels a sharp pain in her arm. The door suddenly opens and Nine walks in. "You're finally awake." Nine says. "Where is everyone?" Himiko asks as Nine looks through some documents. "Tomura will be fine however he lost his left arm in the fight, on the other hand, Shigaraki's daughters have minor injuries and have been placed in the care of a few of my colleagues." Nine explains, assuring Himiko that everyone is safe. "What about my husband?" she asks, hoping to get more information on Chizome. "He's here as well but we decided to not discuss what happened until you and Tomura awoke." Nine explains and Himiko starts to smile before she turns to Nine. "Could you take me to him?"

Himiko follows Nine to a room which he opens and inside she sees Chizome sitting on a chair. They lock gazes for a moment before Chizome immediately stands up and walks towards her. "Himiko, I-I know that this is-" Chizome says, trying to explain himself but Himiko immediately hugs him as tears fall from her face. "You don't know how much I missed you." Himiko says as the tears in her eyes fall down her face and Chizome smiles before hugging her. "I'm sorry I took so long." Chizome replies as they share a silent moment together. "Are you done?" a voice says and they stop hugging before Stain turns to the direction the voice came from and there, a man with a mask on his face stood there, leaning on the wall. "I can't help it, Aizawa." Stain says which stuns Himiko. "A-Aizawa?!" she says and he sighs before removing his mask revealing himself to be Aizawa and it leaves her stunned. "H-How are you alive?!" she asks, shocked by Aizawa still being alive. "We'll explain everything when Shigaraki gets in here." Aizawa says. "Then you won't have to wait long." Shigaraki says as he appears in front of the door. "Now, let's start from the beginning."

"You still got some fight in you I see. How about I pay you back for stabbing me in the heart. If you survive I'll let you live." Toshinori says with his maniacal grin growing wider as he uses black whip to move his hand slowly into Stain's chest and he made sure to move slowly, making Stain scream while he laughs loudly and pushes deeper inside him. He reaches Stains heart and grabs it. "What a beautiful heart you have Stain." Toshinori says, feeling its soothing beats before being able to move again and crushing it, killing Stain and he drops his body onto the ground. "I truly am grateful for our match Stain. You were a true hero." Toshinori says before dashing away and the rain begins to fall as more blood flowed out of his body and stains his fallen mask. Stain's vision slowly turns black as the blood continues to flow out of his body. He starts to recall his past experiences with his wife and as the final memories pass by, the light in his eyes fades and he stops moving entirely. A man with long hair and wearing a mask walks over to Stain's corpse. He picks up Stain's blade before stabbing it into the ground. He takes off his jacket and places it on the sword. "You have served this world well, even sacrificing yourself for the greater good of the future. Thank you Akaguro, the world will miss a hero like you." the man says before walking away. Stain suddenly woke up, gasping violently for air and this catches the attention of the masked man who turns around from the noise and was shocked to see Stain still breathing. All of Stain's wounds healed almost immediately and he screams in pain as two sharp spikes begin to grow on his back before extending and growing into black wings. His skin turns a sickly grey, his iris changes to a blood-red color, and he grows a large horn on the right side of his forehead.

The masked man watches in shock as Stain seemingly had mutated right in front of his eyes. Stain's breathing finally calmed down and he quickly places his palm on his chest and to his shock, his heart was there and not only beating like normal but he could feel multiple heart beats inside him. The masked man pulls slightly on his scarf and prepares a knife before slowly walking towards Stain. "What happened to you?" the man asks while cautiously preparing to fight. "I-I don't-" Stain says when he remembers the vial that Toshinori forced down his throat. "It must've been that vial." Stain says before turning to the masked man. "I need your help."

"After that, he helped keep me in check while I investigated the changes throughout my body." Stain adds and his story had left everyone speechless. They knew that this vial was special but they couldn't believe that it could also revive someone near death. "This vial is more special than I expected." Nine thinks to himself. Shigaraki and Himiko sat in silence but Nine continued to push Stain for information. "What did the vial do to your body?" Nine asks before preparing a piece of paper and pen. "For starters, my skin is almost like armor. Many blades can't penetrate it so easily and my resistance to heat has greatly increased, my wings aren't for show either. They allow me to fly, and my quirk has improved as well, allowing me to activate it as long as I touch the blood. I no longer have to lick it to activate my quirk." Stain says and Nine writes down everything he says.

"We will take you in for some tests and try to see what the vial has done to your organ structure, blood, and anything else we can find." Nine says before standing up and Stain does the same. "We can't pass up such an amazing opportunity to investigate the effects of the vial on the human body." Nine adds before walking to the door and signaling for Stain to follow him. "We will try to understand what happened to you so follow me. " Nine adds and they both walk out the door together. Shigaraki then turns his gaze to Aizawa who stands silently in the corner. "What about you, Aizawa?" Shigaraki asks as Aizawa just stares at the ground. "I faked my death. When I realized that everyone thought I died, I found it as a good opportunity to hunt down villains in the shadows. Many times they don't expect seeing me since they assumed I had passed. That's all you really need to know." Aizawa replies when suddenly a woman walk in. "Mister Tomura, your daughters want to see you." the woman says and Shigaraki stands up before excusing himself and leaving the room. Himiko also excuses herself before leaving to stay with Stain. Aizawa stands in the corner silently, staring at the door as he wonders what's next. He looks at his mask, staring at it for a moment before placing it back on and walking out the door.

Shigaraki follows the woman to one of the rooms which she opens and Sachi was sitting there with Ai. They both turn to their father and their eyes light up with joy and relief. They rush over to their father and Shigaraki gets on one knee before they jump on him to hug him. "Dad, you're okay!" Sachi yells with relief and Ai begins to cry as he comforts his daughters. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Are you both okay?" Shigaraki asks and they both get off before nodding and Shigaraki notices Ai's hands had been handcuffed which surprises him and he turned to the woman for answers. "Why is my daughter handcuffed?!" Shigaraki asks and the woman points to a room next door and Shigaraki goes to the room and opens the door but to his surprise, the entire room was destroyed. The floor, walls, and ceiling was covered in holes, the furniture was melted and for what was left, it was covered in char and black spots. "What happened here?" Shigaraki asks. "Your daughter had acquired her quirk but she can't control it. She released a black liquid from her hands which disintegrated anything it got in contact with and it also exploded when she tried to get it under control, destroying this entire room in the process so as a precaution, we cuffed her with quirk cancelling handcuffs so she isn't a danger to everyone around her." the woman explains and he stares at Ai in shock. "What about Sachi, did she activate her quirk as well?" Shigaraki asks and she nods before pulling out a document. "I must first apologise because as you were unconscious we had ran some tests on your daughters without your permission after your daughter's little rampage. That aside your daughter Sachi Shimura appears to have a quirk different from both parents." she explains which confuses Shigaraki. "What do you mean?"

"Your daughter, Sachi Shimura appears to have acquired a barrier quirk despite your family having no history of a barrier quirk user however it seems to have some unique attributes. Most evidently is that she can make explosions within the barrier, meaning that anything encased within the barrier, she can destroy with an explosion which is similar to the mother's explosion quirk." she explains and Shigaraki was baffled by her explanation. He then remembers the barrier that protected them back at the park and he realized that it was Sachi that had protected Ai. Shigaraki looks at his girls with amazement. He walks over to them before hugging them again. "Thank you girls. You are both heroes." Shigaraki says before a tear falls from his eyes. "Dad?" Sachi asks as they realize that Shigaraki is crying. "You girls saved me and saved each other but please, don't be so reckless. I can't lose you two as well." Shigaraki says before gripping his girls tighter. They hug him as well as the silence gifted them with a strengthened family bond.

After 30 minutes, Shigaraki leaves his daughters inside the room and head to the room Stain and Nine were in. He walks in and see Stain laying on a bed with Himiko by his side and both Nine and Aizawa at a desk discussing something. He walks upto Nine and Aizawa to get an understanding of the situation. "What did you find?" asked Shigaraki. "Ah Tenko, you arrived just in time. For starters, his body has very drastic changes. For one thing, his skin is too tough to penetrate easily with a syringe so we had to do it with his blade to get a blood sample and his wounds heal almost instantaneously. He also seems to have grown a total of 7 hearts and his physical strength and speed has more than doubled after ingesting the vial. Along with all the physical changes, his quirk has seemingly evolved as well. After testing, he doesn't require ingesting the blood of his enemy to paralyze them. As long as he makes physical contact with their blood, he can paralyze them with ease." Nine explains and Shigaraki stares at Stain as he talks with Himiko. "He might be our best weapon against Toshinori. We can't ignore this opportunity." Nine adds. "Send them home." Shigaraki replies which catches Nine off guard. "W-What did you say?" Nine asks, surprised by what Shigaraki says and he turns to Nine. "He hasn't been with his family in so long so let's send him home." Shigaraki replies. "Tenko, it's too dangerous to send him home, especially with Toshinori knowing that he's alive. I'm sure he'll try to-" Nine protested but Shigaraki cut him off. "If he's our best weapon against Toshinori, he'll be able to handle himself. I killed the Hero Killer and Blood and Anarchy is dead so we won't have as much of an issue if it's just Toshinori alone." Shigaraki explains. "Speaking of, when are you going to finish him off?" Aizawa asks and they both turn their attention to him. "We can't keep letting Toshinori play this game of hit and run. If he finds someone as dangerous as the Hero Killer again, you won't be as lucky as you were the first time." Aizawa adds and Shigaraki stares at his left side, he looks at his now gone left arm. He understands Aizawa's words and thinks for a moment before turning back to Aizawa. "Very well. We'll hunt down Toshinori and finish him off ourselves."

"Not in your current state, at least take a few weeks off so you can recover. Your injuries are no laughing matter and it's a miracle enough that you can walk right now at all." Nine says and both Aizawa and Shigaraki agrees. "Very well, we'll begin our attack by next month. Contact the military and tell them to prepare their soldiers to evacuate the citizens and Contact other heroes to gather a decent force to prepare for our final assault against Toshinori. We will not rest until his head falls."

Toshinori flies to the nearby woods. He pulls out a dirt covered piece of paper which holds a multi digit code and to a location of a cave. He suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest and falls to the ground, landing hard on a branch that pierced his stomach. He pulls the branch off before throwing it away. He limps over to a dark cave and moves deep inside it. Reaching a large hole in the ground, he jumps down and using his master's quirk, floats down only to find an underground waterfall. He walks inside with the sound of his footsteps echoing throughout the cave. He finds a door with a lock which needed a code to open. He uses the light from the lock to see the numbers on the piece of paper and inputs them into the lock. The code was accepted and he opens the door, revealing a large laboratory. The lights turned on, and there were documents on every table. Charts of different heroes, their skills and weaknesses plastered all over the walls. "Are you sure this is the place?" Toshinori asks. "Yes, it is." the voice of Mab replies in Toshinori's head. Toshinori looks around, passing by many chemicals and documents. He then finds a door and opens it before a hand suddenly reaches out and grabs his neck before extending all the way back to the entrance. Toshinori quickly slices off the hand which retracts back to the door and a long worrying silence filled the room. Toshinori slowly walks towards the door when suddenly a creature rushes out, trying to grab Toshinori but he dodges and jumps back. He looks at the creature and was shocked by its appearance. It had the beak of a bird, its body was dark purplish black. It was riddled with scars and its brain was visible from missing parts of its head. It released a screech no human could ever make before running towards him but before it attacked, the creature froze before turning around and walking back to the room. This confuses Toshinori but he follows the creature regardless.

He enters the room and the creature turns on the lights and Toshinori stares in shock as across the room was a large glass chamber and inside it was the fully intact body of Deku, The Hero Killer. "What in the world." Toshinori says. The Nomu walks up to the chamber and taps a button before smoke releases from the valves and the liquid in the chamber drains and Deku slowly opens his eyes. The chamber opens and a naked Deku walks out of the chamber with a sigh. "If I'm out, that means my predecessor has died am I correct?" Deku says and Toshinori nods. "Very well." Deku says before turning to the monster. "Return me his memories and quirk. Looks like things must have ended rough if I had died." Deku says and the monster goes to the computers. "Who is that?" Toshinori asks. "That? It's a monster my father made. We call them Nomu." Deku says and it stunned Toshinori. He recognizes the name, his former master had warned him of such creatures coming from the most dangerous villain of them all. All For One. "Your father, he isn't-" Toshinori says but Deku interrupted. "He's the man you're thinking of right now." he replies before turning away. "I was hoping to retrieve my father's quirk after my sister passed but your stupid master was really good at keeping her and her successor safe. Then I heard you destroyed it by killing the current successor, ending the lineage of All For One. I was actually quite upset. My sister's and father's quirks were incredibly powerful and would have been a valuable asset to my quirks if I could get my hands on them." Deku says before turning around to face the Nomu and begins writing something down in a notebook. "About that, It isn't over yet. We have a chance to retrieve All For One." Toshinori says which makes Deku pause before closing his notebook and he turns to Toshinori with a look of excitement and shock. "What do you mean?" Deku asks intrigued by his statement. "The successor of All For One is alive, he's in another world and I suspect the reason he managed to escape was because of that annoying brat you call a sister." Toshinori says and he drops his notebook from the shock before a maniacal grin widens across his face. "Can you take me to him?"

"Easily, however our key to get to him has been captured by the heroes. We will need to rescue him in order to get there." Toshinori replies and Deku quickly goes to a computer and types something in. He then reenters the chamber he was in and the glass cover closes again. "What are you doing?!" Toshinori asks, confused as to what is happening. Suddenly, robotic hands extends from the sides, as a chemical fills the chamber, his back is then ripped open as a metal plate is placed in his ripped skins stead. Green vials are then injected into his back and syringes with a strange substance is injected into his arms. A mask is then placed ontop of his mouth, covering it entirely. Two larger vials of the green liquid is added to his back and the chamber finally opens. Toshinori stares in shock and confusion as he can't comprehend whatever is happening within this situation. Deku opens his eyes before getting out of the chamber. He walks passed the Nomu and places on a custom suit, that has a massive hole on the back to allow his new augmentations to be visible. "Take me to him." Deku says. "What did you do?" Toshinori asks. "This is a gift from my father. He realized that although I wasnt as gifted as my sister, My natural ability to hold multiple quirks was substancially greater than the average person. I am now able to use my full power, with my added 6 quirks." Deku replies and Toshinori stares in shock. "Is this an artificial All For One?" Toshinori asks and Deku shakes his head. "It isn't. It isn't healthy to carry multiple quirks everyday. It errodes my health the longer I hold it so my father allowed me to remove them and return them as I please as long as I have this machine." He explains before pulling open a drawer and finds a pair of white gloves. He grabs them and puts them on before turning to Toshinori with a maniacal grin which is covered by his mask. "I'll help you find this person and finish what I started with the number 1." Deku says before turning to a door and opening it, revealing an army of Nomu.

"Its time for round two, Tomura Shigaraki!"

Everyone is asleep in the dorms of UA, Christopher stands outside, gazing at the stars when Meliodas and Ban walks outside and they walk towards him. "What're you doing up so late?" Meliodas asks and Christopher turns around before smiling. "It's a beautiful night. How could I resist a bit of star gazing." he replies, trying to sound as joyful as usual. "We can tell something's bothering you. What's on your mind?" Ban asks. Christopher pauses before looking back at the stars. "I am just a bit frustrated at the moment. Being stuck in a linear path in this story is infuriating." Christopher replies. "Are you talking about the future?" Meliodas asks and Christopher nods. "The truth is, my future vision is limited. I can only see the likely outcome based on the actions of Kuro currently. His future was a very dark one but thanks to you both, we managed to alter it by making him change his choices but right now i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place." Christopher adds. "Where are you stuck?"

"If the growth of him and his people require the lives of hundreds of people. Would you take it when its the best outcome you can see?" Christopher asks and both Meliodas and Ban pause for a moment. "The reason I chose to help that boy was because I saw a light brighter than any I had seen in my world. He was a beacon of light so bright I truly couldn't fathom how beautiful it was but his future predicted that his light would extinguish very quickly, with his power being stolen and used for destruction." Christopher says. "Why don't you use us for help. Our power is far greater than anyone else's here. We could defeat them easily and save everyone." Ban asks. "The worlds have a unique story for each of us. When that story falls too far out of line, it will attempt to correct itself in any way necessary. If Kuro isn't strong enough yet but all his enemies were defeated by you both and you had saved everyone. The worlds will try to correct it by introducing a villain far worse than any so far or strengthen a current villain to an unimaginable degree or will bring disaster of such a degree unheard of within its story. We have already affected it too greatly and we have awakened its first new demon." Christopher says and sees the image of Deku within his mind before turning to Meliodas and Ban. "The only way for that cycle to end is if Kuro and his people defeats them themselves. We can't interfere too much or else it will try correcting itself again. Thats our punishment for beings in mere stories to try and change it. I seem to be the only exception within this matter to an extent."

"What do you mean exception?" Ban asks. "It seems my story has been destroyed or removed when I passed. I am not bound by the same limits as you so interfering with me does not cause the worlds to correct themselves but if I interfere with yours, it does have a significant effect." Christopher explains. "I see." Meliodas says as he thinks for a moment. "What about this world, we have interfered with it but there hasn't been any large 'corrections'." Ban asks. "The inherent story hasn't changed significantly for the world to try and correct it. Everything and every event in this story has stayed the same throughout your time here." Christopher explains. "So we can't do anything?" Meliodas asks and Christopher shakes his head. "All we can do is train the boy and his allies. If they aren't ready, they will die and if we step in, they will have to face a threat worse than the previous one. We need them to be ready for whats to come. The first 'correction' has already started in his world and if we aren't careful, we will be responsible for their worlds downfall."