
Set Fire to Rain

In the shadow of tragedy, Meredith's world crumbled like a fragile sandcastle, swept away by the merciless waves of fate. With her mother's demise echoing in her soul, a sinister revelation emerged – her father had gambled away their fortune, leaving behind a staggering debt that clawed at the edges of her existence. As if scripted by the cruel hand of destiny, Meredith's father fled, abandoning her to face the financial tempest alone. The burden of survival rested heavily on her young shoulders, and the weight threatened to shatter her resolve. But amid the debris of despair, an unexpected lifeline emerged, weaving an enigmatic twist into the narrative of her upheaval. Paris, the city of love and lights, became the backdrop for Meredith's metamorphosis. Yet, the glamour of the French capital remained elusive as her modest budget clashed with the city's extravagant reality. Shelter, a basic human need, became a luxury she could ill afford. Then, like a subtle melody in the cacophony of her turmoil, Matthew entered the stage. A peculiar proposition danced in the air – he offered her a room in his apartment. However, fate, in its mischievous playfulness, cast Matthew as a central figure in a drama laced with bitterness. Matthew, the ex-flame of her closest confidante Maria, was the embodiment of a past Meredith despised. The lingering embers of their tumultuous history sparked a tension that crackled beneath the surface. Would Meredith swallow her pride, her disdain for Maria's ex-lover, and accept the refuge offered by this unexpected ally? Or, would she face the unforgiving streets of Paris, choosing solitude over the discomfort of cohabiting with her nemesis? As Meredith contemplates this paradoxical predicament, a curious metaphor unfolds – fire and water forced into a reluctant alliance within the confines of a shared space. The sparks of their clashing personalities promise a spectacle, a sizzling fusion of passion and cool detachment. In the heart of Paris, where love and defiance dance hand in hand, Meredith and Matthew find themselves bound by circumstance, fanning the flames of an unlikely companionship. Yet, beneath the surface of this unconventional arrangement lies the question that lingers like an unspoken secret – can Meredith, the fiery protagonist scarred by her past, find solace and redemption in the proximity of her watery counterpart? The streets of Paris hold the answers, echoing with the footsteps of a young woman navigating the intricate alleys of loss, pride, and the unforeseen chemistry that ignites when opposites collide.

Marianne_2020 · Fantaisie
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212 Chs

Come to the hospital

Matthew's POV

Her response, delivered with an unsettling nonchalance, only heightened my anxiety. "I don't know, Matthew. I was pretty high myself. I don't know what happened between us.

Looking at the mess in the room and how sore I was the next morning, I think we did," she admitted, her words landing heavily on my already distressed mind. In frustration, I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, as if trying to shake loose the fog that clouded my memory. This couldn't be happening.

A torrent of questions flooded my thoughts, intensifying the disorientation. Who was this guy, and what could possibly be his intentions? The room for confusion and disbelief expanded as I grappled with the unsettling realization that my recollection was shrouded in a haze of uncertainty.