
Poké Trainer Day 1 (Pt 2)


Hey guys one more chap and this story will have its 10 chapters. As a new writer, I'm sure that there are things that I could improve on and I would appreciate it if you could all give me some feedback on your experience so far.



Ethan quickly went up the stairs so that he could get a bird's eye view of the situation. The gym leader was using the large rock formations to shield his Pokémon from the volley of water spouts coming from Squirrel's mouth.

He was surprised by what was going on, he had learned that water Pokémon were strong against rock-types but still. Geodude seemed to be made out of rock, why was it scared of the water coming from the small blue turtle?

The water gun, as Gary called it, seemed strong but not nearly strong enough to break stone.

The small turtle Pokémon was very nimble and it would barely miss its shot when Geodude moved from its cover.

The gym leader seemed to get tired of having to only defend, sadly he yelled out his orders and missed out on a great opportunity to catch Gary by surprise.

"Geodude, break down that rock next to you and throw them!"

'If you knew that your Pokémon is a melee fighter and you had a plan for some ranged attacks why didn't you come up with a signal or code word???'

Since Gary knew ahead of time what was about to occur he had Squirtal hide inside its shell.

"Geodude get closer and maintain cover but don't stop throwing"

Ethan looked at Gary and was surprised that he seemed perfectly fine. There was no trace of being nervous or doubting the outcome of the battle.

'Just what do you have planned? As soon as Squirtal pokes its head out it's going to be hit by a barrage of stones. Geodude is getting closer and closer and even if Squirtle managed to shoot at it, the rock Pokémon can easily take cover.'

When Geodude was only a few feet away Gary suddenly gave it an order.

"Water Spin now!!"

The shell of Squirtle began to spin and squirted water from inside its shell and then it shot with an arrow-like speed towards the rock Pokémon.

'Oh, Squirtle has the ability to do that?'

Just as the blue turtle was about to make contact with the rock Pokémon, the gym leader yelled out an order.

"Geodude catch Squirtle and use Seismic Toss!!"

Almost immediately Geodude caught the shell of the turtle Pokémon with both hands, it then went on to floating up with shell in hand. It began spinning and after gathering enough speed it threw the hidden Squirtle into the ground.

'Not bad the reflexes that Geodude has are pretty impressive…. Wait did the water attack that Squirtle just released actually hurt him? I'm pretty sure that I saw it flinch...….Ouch, that poor Pokémon is definitely going to feel that with or without its shell.'

"Squirtle Use Hydro Pump on the floor!!"

From the inside, Squirtle shot out a water gun that was by far more powerful than the ones he had been shooting earlier. The shell was sent back up and the turtle finally emerged from its shell with a big smile on its face.

It held on to Geodude and once it had received the order it shot a Hydro Pump on the rock Pokémon's face from a point-blank range.

Geodude seemed to fall unconscious and Squirtle rode on top of it as they fell down to the ground.

Ethan looked at the damage that Squirtle had done earlier when it shot at the floor, there was a small crater on the ground. 'If Geodude can survive that attack from so close how come it got hurt earlier from the little splashes Squirtal was making when it used water spin?'

"Gary Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can!"

"Gary Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can!"

"Gary Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can!"

"Gary Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can!"

Ethan, who had forgotten about the crazy woman was surprised by their sudden cheering. 'My ears are bleeding who the hell came up with that chant?'

He turned back at the field and found that the Gym leader was drooling as he looked at the women. Then he looked at Gary and revealed an angry expression.

The gym leader sighed and called back Geodude with its Pokéball, "I see where you get your confidence from. I admit you are a good trainer and your Squirtle is an amazing Pokémon who seems to trust you completely. However, that still doesn't give you the right to speak badly about other Pokémon types."

The gym leader grabbed his Pokéball and brought out a Pokémon that made Ethan gulp down saliva. In the field, there was an enormous snake-like Pokémon that was made out of stone. He couldn't help but compare the stature of Squirtle and the giant Pokémon. 'May you rest in peace little turtle.'

"Onix use dig!!"

He looked at Gary and once again the kid still had his smug face, "Squirtle use Water Spin!!"

The blue turtle continued on using the move that it had used against Geodude. In less than 10 seconds a small mud puddle began to form around it.

'Just how long can Squirtle keep this up?'

The ground began to shake and Onix dug itself out next to Squirtle. There was a problem though Onix's whole face was covered in mud. Ethan looked more carefully at the ground of the field and noticed what had happened.

'So during the fight against Geodude, all those Water Guns it used got most of the field nice and wet. It wasn't to the point of making a puddle of mud like the one around Squirtle now, but it was enough to stick onto Onix's face.'

The giant snake Pokémon began shaking its head wildly as it whipped its tail around the field.

"Squirtle use its tail and shoot it with Hydro Pump!"

The blue turtle followed instructions to the letter. When the tail of Onix made contact with the ground Squirtle jumped on it and used the force generated to the tail to send it flying straight over Onix's head. Then it shot a Hydro Pump at the head of Onix which made the blue turtle go up even more, after receiving another order from Gary. It got back inside its shell and began to released water from the shell's holes and came crashing down on Onix's head.

The snake Pokémon created a mini quake as it fell and hit the ground.

The four women cheered loudly and ran down the stairs to hug Gray. While they were doing that Ethan walked to the Pokémon and got a closer look. Before he could touch Onix, the Pokémon disappeared into its Pokéball and the trainer showed up next to him.

"That friend of yours is really good, could you give this to him? I don't feel like giving it to him, I pretty sure I couldn't keep myself in control if I hear another word out of him."

He nodded and took the badge that the gym leader was giving him, "I'll make sure to give it to him. Umm before you go can I ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me capture an Onix when you have time. I just became a trainer today and this little guy is my Pokémon. As you can see I have a long way to go, but once I'm ready could you at least guide me to where I can find them? It would save me a lot of time."

The gym leader seemed to think about it but after a few seconds, he shook his head, "I'm sorry I'm too busy to help you. Now if you guys could please leave, I have to take my Pokémon to the Pokémon Center and then do some other things."

Ethan sighed and nodded, 'Well it was worth a try. I'll just have to catch one myself then, I guess it's better that way anyway.'

After giving Gary the badge they left the gym and headed to the city and went to the Pokémon Center.

"Hey Ethan after Squirtle is healed I'm going to head out to Cerulean City to challenge the water gym so this is going to be, goodbye. I would like to ask you to travel with us but that would only get in the way of your growth and mine. For example, if we...…"

"Don't worry man I understand, there's no need for you to explain it. You have your own journey and I have mine I'm sure that we will meet some other day."

Gary smiled and nodded, "I talked to my grandpa, since you have nothing he decided to help you. Here's this card, it will allow you to stay in a Pokémon Center for as long as you need, he will also deposit 5,000 Pokédollars every month for your needs."

Ethan hesitated but in the end, he took it, right now was not the time to follow his father's teachings. There was nothing that he could give so he doubted that there were evil intentions behind this gift.

"Thanks Gary, you have no idea how much this means to me. If you ever need help let me know, I'll do whatever I can to help."

The two friends talked to each other for the remainder of the time about their goals or about Pokémon. Gary really enjoyed showing off his knowledge and Ethan was eager to absorb all the information he could.

Since Squirtle didn't suffer any serious injuries Nurse Joy had him in tip-top shape after a few minutes.

After waiting for an hour for one of the girls to arrive in a new blue car that they rented it was finally time to say their farewells, "Alright Gary take care, make sure that you stay safe this time."

Gary laughed and nodded, "You bet we will, I can't wait to battle you when he meet again. Do you have any plans for now?"

Ethan nodded and pointed at Viridian forest, "Flying Pokémon have an advantage on bug and grass types. I figure there's no better place to start."

"Just as expected from the person that I, Gary Oak, thinks of my rival haha. Well, we're off, good luck Ethan."





Ethan waved as the blue car became smaller and smaller, "see ya around. Well now that they are gone it's time to finally do something to increase our strength, what do you say Pidgey?"

The brown Pokémon that was in his arm rubbed its head on his cheek and chirped as it flapped its wings and began flying towards the forest.

"Like my father always said, We're fired up and ready to roll haha."

Fun Fact:

African elephants can live up to 60-70 years making them the longest living land mammals, aside from humans.

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts