
Poké Trainer Day 1 (Pt 1)

When Ethan woke up he found Gary snoring as he cuddled the pillow. 'Please tell me that's not what I look like when I sleep.'

He walked out of the room and decided to get some fresh air, but when he tried exiting the Pokémon Center the door wouldn't budge.

"Oh my, you're awake already?"

Ethan turned around and found Nurse Joy rubbing her eyes as she walked towards him.

"Yeah, I wake up about the same time every day, it's turned into a habit haha."

She nodded and swiped something near the door, "Well the doors are unlocked now, just remember that they will always stay locked till 6 am. It's a rule that must be followed for the safety of all the Pokémon entrusted to this Pokémon Center."

Ethan thanked her and started to head out but after seeing her start to work on the front desk he figured he could ask her a quick question without being too much of a bother. 'I have Gary to answer some of my questions but having an old trusty book wouldn't be too bad. This would allow me to find the answer to questions that I didn't know I needed to ask.'

"Nurse Joy would you happen to know where I can find a library?"

She smiled and gave him a sheet of paper, "That's the map of the 2nd floor, as you can see we have a large Library in there. Just know that you can't take any book out of the library, Okay?"

"I see thank you... wait, umm do I have to pay?"

Nurse Joy shook her head, "Trainers don't have to pay for any of the services offered in Pokémon Centers, we receive funding from the earnings of the Pokémon League. Though you are not yet an official trainer, Professor Oak explained your situation to me."

Ethan thanked her once more and went to the second floor of the Pokémon Center. After following the map he stumbled upon a large wooden double door. When he came into the room he was left breathless, he had no idea that there could ever be so many books in one place.

He looked around and found a small group of books that were on a bookshelf labeled Pokemon Trainer Basics. Ethan picked up a few and began skimming through them, 'I'm glad that the language is the same, it really saves me a lot of trouble.'

"Let's see ...….Once a Pokémon escapes a Pokéball it can no longer be used..... Yikes, each Pokéball costs 200 Pokédollars, well it does allow you to capture and tame Pokémon so it's actually cheap now that I think of it...…. So the Pokédex has a sensor that detects how many Pokéballs are on a trainer. If I have more than 6 Pokémon caught then they will be transported to the Professor, but why?.... Oh, that's what the old man meant in exchange for a starter Pokémon, the information on the Pokédex, the 6 Pokéballs, and the taking care of all the Pokémon that trainers collect the professors are allowed to research them. That's actually a good idea but I don't like the fact that the number of Pokémon that I can have with me is limited."

"Interesting so evolution is common in this world and most Pokémon actually experience it...…... "

"Alright now let's have a look at what Pokémon are in this area.... Viridian forest has Weedles .... Then there's Pewter City which has Geo...."

"Alright now that I know what I'm going to be facing I need to find a method of transportation. I don't have the money to even think of buying a car so I need two Pokémon that can make travel easier. Back in my old world, the Beast Tamers would ride their monsters so why can't I? Hmmm..... Pidgeot, Charizard, Fearow, Arcanine, Rapidash, Dodrio, Tauros, and Rhyhorn all seem to be a good size to ride. Pidgeot and Fearow are probably the most realistic goals for now.."

"Hey, Ethan you here?"

He put the books down and found Gary holding a red Pokédex and 6 small Pokéballs, "Looks like your grandfather works fast, can I?"

Gray nodded and gave him the Pokéballs and the Pokédex, "Yeah, once he gets working on something there's no stopping him haha. So what have you been up to? Nurse Joy said that you've been here for a few hours."

"Oh, it's been that long already? I was just reading a little on Pokémon and what to expect as a trainer. Umm which one is the one with Pidgey in it?"

"It's the one with the grey star sticker, in the future, you can buy some more stickers to be able to tell which is which. Once you are an experienced trainer like me, you'll be able to tell the differences between your Pokéballs."

'Didn't he say that he just started his Pokémon trainer journey?'

Ethan nodded and imitated Gray's movements to call out Pidgey. The small brown bird flew around and landed on his shoulder. He smiled and patted its head, 'If it wasn't for me witnessing its power first hand during my time in my forest I would think of it as a simple pet haha.'

"Hello little guy, let's work together from now on."

The little bird chirped and began rubbing its head on Ethan's cheek.

"Oh right, I nearly forgot we need to hurry, I have to go to the gym. Nurse Joy said that the gym leader is always busy and I wanna make sure I don't have to stay here any longer. The longer I'm here the closer that loser gets."

Gary grabbed his hand and dragged Ethan out, when they arrived at a lobby they found Gary's fans, Nurse Joy, and two people in blue uniforms huddled together looking at something. They walked closer until they finally found what was happening. Inside the group circle, there was the body of a Pokémon he had seen before.

Laying down on a stretcher was the blue crested Pokémon he had seen last night. 'Could it be the same one? Looks like he's been burned and there are also large chunks of his body missing. Just what trouble did you get yourself into buddy?"

"Nurse Joy, we would appreciate it if you could give this body an autopsy. It would help our investigation tremendously if we knew what we are looking for."

The young nurse nodded and took the body away but not before putting a sign on the door saying that the Pokémon Center was temporarily closed.

Gary quickly ran to the uniformed woman, "Officer Jenny, what happened to that Machop?"

The officer shrugged and sighed, "He was found laying on the street, not far away was the body of another man. We think that he was Machop's trainer."

'So that's what he was going back to the alley for, amazing, do these Pokémon really have such loyalty for their trainers that they would die for them without being ordered to?'

He couldn't help but pet Pidgey as he wondered if he would ever have a Pokémon loyal enough to die for him.

Gary sighed and nodded "I see, well Officer Jenny I hope that you find the Pokémon responsible for this."

Together Gary, his fans, and Ethan walked towards the Gym, "I thought that you were going to ask Officer Jenny if you could join the investigation."

The brown-haired kid took a deep breath and shook his head, "I would only get in their way, I hate what they did to Machop but if I start chasing after people I'll simply get my Pokémon killed as well. I'll make sure to make my Pokémon stronger so that I can take down anyone who does something like that again."

Ethan nodded and continued walking beside Gary, 'Looks like I underestimated him, I thought he was one of the brainless people that act on emotion but seems I was wrong.'

When they finally reached the gym Gary was about to open the door but it was flung open and smacked against Gary.

"Tommy and Billy, what have I told you so many times, now look you've hurt somebody."

Gary seemed to get angry and right as he was going to yell at the two kids. Ethan grabbed him and pushed him into the Gym. "Calm down, it was a simple accident."

The girl who was taking care of the two kids was about their age, he couldn't let a girl trying her best to take care of her friends or siblings get yelled at. It also helped that he might get some points, though at the moment all he kept on getting was Pocket change, if you could even call it that.

"It's fine, you guys take care."

"What do you mean it's fin…."

"What do you mean it's fin…."

"What do you mean it's fin…."

"What do you mean it's fin…."

Before the four fans could go all out on the kids for hurting their Idol he 'guided' them inside as well.

"Forgive them, those four are just overprotective when something happens to him. Were you challenging the Gym or do you guys come here to play outside the city?"

The two little kids suddenly stood proudly and had a smug look on their faces, "Well you see our brother is the Rock Gym Leader. His Pokémon are the strongest."

"Oh, that's great, what Pokémon does he ...…"

Suddenly he heard an odd whirring noise coming from inside, after excusing himself he went inside to check out what was going on. From the sides of the building, two pieces of a stoney terrain got closer together until it formed a field between the Gym leader and Gary.

"Alright then, let's start the match."

Gary nodded and smiled at his cheerleaders before throwing a Pokéball into the field, "I choose you Squirtle."

The Gym leader seemed annoyed as he threw his Pokéball, "Geodude, go".

Ethan was surprised to see the stone Pokémon, now that he saw it in person he remembered that it was like the toy that the bullies were taking away from Timmy.

Suddenly the Gym leader began laughing like a villain before he pointed at Gary's Squirtle. "Don't think for a second I'm going to let go of that comment you made go unpunished. I'll show you what happens when you look down on Rock-type Pokémon."

Ethan looked at Gary who was looking smug and he couldn't help but sigh, "Just what did he do to get the gym leader so fired up?.... Wait now that I think about it I should actually be taking notes haha."

Fun Fact:

The current oldest person in the world is Kane Tanaka, at the moment she is 118 years old. Everyone give her a big hand and pray for her to many more years of life :-)

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts