
Senki Zesshō Symphogear : Gear of Hope

When I woke up I don't remember anything, nor who my parents are, if I have brothers and sisters, I don't even know where I am, but I only remember my knowledge and I know that the world where I live is in danger thanks to the music in my heart, I will bring a smile and hope to this world Hiwae this is the birth of a new king of time and champion of peace and love I don’t own the song, game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar

Daoist_zero950 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Who I was, who I am, who I want to be

// ??/??/????, ???? //

In one room is a 13-year-old child, with black hair, light brown skin color, dressed in a white t-shirt with a black hooded sweatshirt and blue pants, who is starting to wake up

"Um, where am I?" I get up and look around me

"Ouch," I notice that I have a bandage on my head and right arm

"I remember my name, Sakuta Harunobu, but I only remember my knowledge and nothing else, who my parents are or where I live."

Then look at my reflection in a mirror on a wall and I see my face but as a younger person and I've odd eyes one is bleu and the other is red

"What happened to my body why it became younger and what happens with my eyes" when I look down to see a metal suitcase on the floor next to me

"Maybe this suitcase contains information about where I am? "I get up with difficulty but I manage to take the suitcase and put it on the bed and then I put my hands on it to try to open the suitcase when something happens

[ Full scan ]

[ Subject recognized: unlocked ]

And the suitcase opens what appears in it are objects of which I know most thanks to my knowledge of otaku

In the suitcase:

An identity card

A credit card

A relic (a necklace with a red stone)

A Buildphone

A Build Driver

All Fullbottles and Power-Ups of Build and Cross-Z

A Ziku Driver

All Riderwatch

And a letter

"They're not real, aren't they? They're replicas." I'm trying to convince myself.

Then I take the ID card with my picture on it the name on it is Tetsuya Kagami, I was born on June 10, 2026, in Tokyo

"So my identity is Tetsuya, does that mean I migrated into the body of a self from another world or another dimension or something like that?" Then I take the Buildphone and turn it on, the first thing I did was to look at the date

"It's July 20, 2038, so I'm 12 this year, let's see what information I can get about where I am."

After some research I found several answers, first I am in Japan in Tokyo to be precise, the only thing that bothers me is the existence of a monster called Noise who sows terror in this world

"I don't remember that this kind of monster existed, except in the Symphogear series"

At that moment I started to panic a little bit, how I could find myself in this world but I quickly recovered

"Don't panic, Tetsuya, there must be a reason for my presence here"

Then I notice the letter with the Build logo, take the letter and read what it contains

Yo Harunobu or rather Tetsuya

Here, the engineering physicist, Kiryu Sento, who is writing to you

If you read this letter it is because you have arrived safely, you must ask yourself why you are in this world and many other questions, it is because this world needs a Rider and you have accepted this mission and many other things although you will not remember it and therefore thanks to Tsukasa you are in your new home, normally your hazard level should be able to allow you to transform with the basic bottles and Cross-Z Dragon as for the other power-up it depends on you and as for the Riderwatch some Rider allowed you to use theirs when to others they want you to prove to them that you deserve to receive their power, the watch will let you know when it will be the case as Evolto will say


"I wonder why I agreed to come here, did I wish I didn't remember my past, but since I agreed to become a Rider in this world, I might as well fulfill my mission and enjoy this new life"


"I should go thank the person who takes cared of me and housed me and get something to eat"

I take my identity papers and credit card, the Build Phone, the Ziku Driver and the Zi-O Riderwatch and put them in my pockets and then I close the suitcase at that moment the door of the room opens and an old lady comes in with a tray with food.

As I recall, this lady is the owner of the "Flower" restaurant

"Oh, you're awake, young man"

"Yes, thank you for taking me in and treating me, ma'am."

"Don't worry about it, I did what I thought was right, I couldn't leave a child alone and hurt."

"I see, really thank you, I don't know how to repay this debt."

"Calm down, can you tell me your name so I can contact your parents or guardian"

"In fact, I don't remember anything by my first and last name, who Tetsuya Kagami"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Tetsuya, I'll see what I can do, you must be starving"

Then she puts the tray in front of me, which I eat slowly and it was very good.

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

"Nothing, rest again, the doctor said you should feel better tomorrow, goodnight" and then she leaves the room.

After eating I lay down on the bed and fell asleep because I am still hurt.

// Timeskip //

A few months have passed since my arrival in the world of Symphogear and the owner has hosted me for a while and in return I help her with the restaurant and I have made many encounters especially since the restaurant is not far from the private music academy Lydian which is a school specialized in music, I would have liked to integrate it but it is a school for girls, I found myself a soul of a cook by cooking delicious dishes thanks to a second memory that is not mine which gives me information on different dishes, cooking techniques, and others and to say the restaurant has become very popular thanks to me.

This second memory gives me knowledge about almost anything I want, from cooking to hacking into government records, at first I was scared because I was afraid of having what is called a personality change, but over time I got used to this change. Sometimes I wonder who owns this second memory and what it was doing before.

During the last month I transcribed all the information of this world in a notebook and initiated several plans one of them and to save Yukine Chris in Val Verde it is now 6 years that she is there, prevent Kanade from dying during the concert and when I would have more control over the power of Zi-O save Serena

I have trained to use the Build Driver and tried to master the Best Match forms, like RabbitTank or NinninComic, I can use Cross-Z Dragon but I can't use the other forms like Cross-Z Magma or RabbitRabbit Form because I have to increase my Hazard Level and the only way to increase it is to fight and push my limits

For the Ziku driver, I can use the Zi-O Ridewatch and all the powers associated with it and some of the ZI-O II, I can use some of the Heisei Riderwatch but as Sento says in the letter some have not yet recognized me worthy to use them. For the moment I can use the basic forms of each system,

During the last few months I have been fighting against the noises to protect the city, the power I use most is that of Zi-O, I use the power of Build, more for special situations. The news calls me a symbol of hope. Since I'm the only known person who can fight the noise that sometimes the police tried to stop me but I always managed to escape

I also tried to use the relic but it seems not to want to wake up but at some point, it reacts to my song, I let it hang around my neck

// Timeskip //

// October 2038, Val Verde, South America //

I'm on my Machine Builder crossing a forest, it's been two weeks since I arrived in Val Verde to find Chris, I had to lie to the owner of the Flower that I was going on a culinary trip to South America to let me go. I researched the last place Chris and her parents were before he was reported missing by the UN. I have a lot of trouble getting information but I have managed to draw approximate areas from where it could be, I also monitor black market auctions as well.

I have already mocked two places on my list and I'm heading for the third one, it must be said that for missions like this one, the power of Build is very useful

Then I suddenly brake at the edge of a cliff that overlooks a kind of old abandoned base guarded by armed men. I use binoculars to inspect every part of this base to find all the guards, I stay there all day from morning to night, to know their itinerary and schedule.

"There are 5 soldiers in the forest who patrol every three hours, 5 watchtowers and about ten inside, that should do it"

I transform my Machine Builder into a Build Phone then I magically take the Build Driver out of my back how it works I don't know but I manage to do it and put it on my hip level

??? Build Driver

Then I take out the Ninja and Comic Fullbottle and shake them before clipping the top of each Bottle and then put them in the slots of the Driver

Build Driver: Ninja

Build Driver: Comic

Build Driver/Tetsuya: Best Match

I turn the lever on the side of the Driver

Build Driver: Are You Ready

"Henshin," I say when I take a combat pose

(Surfing rock music)

Build Driver: Shinobi no Entertainer! NinninComic! Yeahhhh!

"Now let's go bring hope to this world"

I put my hand in front of me

Build Driver: 4Koma Nimpouto

4Koma Nimpouto is a weapon invented by Sento Kiryu and designed for the NinninComic form of Kamen Rider Build. It is available in any form using Ninjya or Comic Fullbottle. Its design is based on a katana, a comic strip with four panels and a fountain pen.

"First the guards in the forest to secure our exit"

I pull the 4Koma trigger four times

4Koma Nimpouto: Kakuremi no Jutsu, (Art of Camouflage) Doron! (Abscond)

I disappear into a cloud of smoke and reappear behind one of the guards that I knock out with the guard of my sword and I do the same with the others then tie them up and take apart all their weapons.

"It's so convenient to have at least 8 tons of strength in each arm,"

Then I move towards the base I draw shuriken and neutralize each guard silently then I move towards the entrance being covered with my Onmitsu scarf which allows me to blend into the exterior decor when I am out of reach of the security cameras I pull the trigger twice on my weapon trigger

4Koma Nimpouto: Katon no Jutsu! Kaen Giri! (Art of Fire Releasing, Blazing Slash)

I slash the front door of the base which creates a large cloud of smoke and then pulls the trigger once

4Koma Nimpouto: Bunshin no Jutsu, (Art of Cloning)

I create a dozen clones of myself that start running around the whole base, all pull the trigger 3 times at the same time

4Koma Nimpouto: Fūton no Jutsu, (Art of Wind Releasing,) Tatsumaki Giri (Tornado Slash)

All the clones attack the soldiers with a blade surrounded by wind, all of a sudden all the soldiers are on the ground put out of action, in one sword stroke or rather in one gust of wind then like the others I tie them up and dismantle their weapons, then I contact UN members to come and collect the children in a rallying point outside the rebel territory

"I think I got everyone" and then I search the guards for the keys and head for a room where I hear crying"

I open the door to see frightened and crying children, I get down on my knees and tell them in a language they can understand

"It's all right I came to save you, all the bad guys are gone"

At first, they were suspicious but when a little girl approached me she held my hand trembling, I reassured her by caressing her head which calmed her down.

Then I take the children who can still walk to a truck and take those who can't walk by themselves and put them in the truck. I notice a girl with purple eyes and long lavender hair falling to her knees, separated into two twin-tails that are divided into three curly strands each, and an ahoge.

I look at her and speak to her in Japanese, which surprises her

"What do you call yourself? "

"Yukine Chris"

"So your name is Chris-chan"

She nods her head

"Who are you? "she asked me.

"You can call me Build, we can say I'm a kind of hero"

"You're not cool at all for a hero."

I feel like an arrow has lodged in my chest

"Um, coming back to our subject, I came to take you home."

"Why? I don't know you and you don't know me"

"I don't know you, but I'm sure you're a parent would want you to come home safe and sound and live a normal life after what you've been through for the last five years."

"Don't talk as if you know them" she yells at me

"I offer you two choices you can choose one or the other, either you go with the other children and you will be placed in a new family or you go back to Japan with me and allow yourself to continue the dream and your parents"

She looks at me a little hesitant and starts to think before answering me

"I'll come with you"

"Understood waiting with the other children, I have something to finish here before we leave," I tell her and answer me yes

I am thinking of erasing all traces of my presence here by destroying all video equipment and recordings.

Then drive the children to the meeting point with the UN, arrive at the meeting point and after confirming that everyone has been rescued by the authorities and that they are far enough away

I take NinninComic out of my Driver to become normal again, which is surprising for Chris because I am only a child of the same age as her

"Surprise," I say to her with a smile

"More than surprisingly I think you were an adult but you're just a child," she told me.

"I know when I transform, my size is that of a normal adult, but it's just a little detail we should hurry out of here before reinforcements arrive"

I put the Fullbottle lion in Build Phone and turns into a Machine Builder Then give Chris a helmet and then we head for Guatemala to take the next flight to Japan

"Say, who are you really?"

"My name is Tetsuya Kagami, and I am a Kamen Rider"