
Senki Zesshō Symphogear : Gear of Hope

When I woke up I don't remember anything, nor who my parents are, if I have brothers and sisters, I don't even know where I am, but I only remember my knowledge and I know that the world where I live is in danger thanks to the music in my heart, I will bring a smile and hope to this world Hiwae this is the birth of a new king of time and champion of peace and love I don’t own the song, game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar

Daoist_zero950 · Anime & Comics
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Zi-O and Kazanari Genguro

// 2 weeks later //

It took me two weeks to get Chris' papers via an illegal route to allow her to travel. I took advantage of these two weeks to teach Chris again how to behave normally in public because during these 6 years she didn't learn what a normal child should know and well it wasn't easy at first but I took my time to teach her as if she was my little sister.

During our trip from Val Verde to the international airport in Guatemala Chris and I have forged a bond of trust, her mistrust of adults is not as strong as in the original work, I bought her everything she wanted as new clothes, or else I let her experience all the youth she missed.

At first, she was shy and refused everything I bought her I used my manipulation technique as pretending to be hurt by her behavior to make her accept it and when she realizes the trickery she yells at me

We are currently in a private jet to Tokyo that I rented thanks to the fund that was on the card that was in the suitcase I have for ¥9,000,000, Chris sleeps on the seat next to me her head on my shoulder clinging to the sleeve of my jacket not letting go because she is afraid that I will disappear, since we are almost the same age and after what she has experienced she became dependent on me.

Arriving at Tokyo airport, we take a taxi heading towards the city center, having almost arrived at destination a big Bang rang not far away and an alert rang throughout the city

"Tetsuya, what's with the explosion and the siren?"

"It's an alarm that announces the appearance of noise," said the taxi driver before getting out of the taxi to take shelter in a nearby shelter.

"Noise? "

"Noises are an unknown life form that appeared on earth about ten years ago that does attack humans, when a Noise affects a human it turns them into carbon or ash to disappear after"

We get out of the taxi and I head towards the direction where the noises are and many people try to escape with the help of the soldiers who help to repel the noises but their weapons do almost no damage

I take out my Ziku Driver

"Chris, go to safety, I'll take care of this."

"Don't go Tetsuya, it's dangerous, I've heard that nothing can hurt the Noises and there are too many of them"

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine, I'll take care of them, cha-cha and come back" I answer her with a smile

"You're lying, my Mum and Dad also told me that everything was going to be fine but they're dead, I don't want to lose you too Tetsuya," she told me with tears in her eyes

I look at her and smile at her and put my hand on her head

'Sorry, Sogo, I'm going to use your dream.'

"Thank you, Chris, for caring for me, it really makes me happy, you know I have a dream and it's to become king but I was told that in the future I would become the worst and most cruel of the Demon Kings and would destroy the whole world"

"That's not true, you told me Kamen riders are heroes"

"I too didn't want to believe it at first so I tried to understand why and I deduced that because no one believed in him and his dream that the future me became what it is but I am different because I have you at my side, I have somewhere to go back to"

"Don't say such embarrassing things, BAKA," she starts to blush.

"Because I met you because you care about me, even if I become a Demon King, I will become the most benevolent and magnanimous of the Demon Kings, to see you smile, so don't worry, I come back I promise you"



She tries to force a smile even though I see the fear in her eyes

' I have to get it over with as soon as possible. '

"Don't worry, these two will protect you" and then all of a sudden Cross-Z and Great Cross-Z come out of my bag and turn around Chris.

* cries of little dragons * x2

"You two burn anyone trying to hurt Chris, understand" the two dragons nod before following Chris who will hide in a building far from the battlefield.

I put on my hood then put my Driver on my hip and take out my Drill Crusher and pierce all the Noises on my way.

// Secret base somewhere //

Alarms were triggered in a kind of base while people were running while others were typing on high-tech computers, trying to get information about the Noise attack.

Standing firmly, looking at everything that was going on, there was a man named Genjuro Kazanari.

"Sir! We have the images and we're downloading them right now! "a staff member told him

Genjuro nods when a woman approaches him. This woman was none other than Ryoko Sakurai.

"Download complete! I'm sending the feed live now! "

Genjuro and Ryoko looked up at the screen to see something they or someone else were waiting for. It was a young man with a hood who fought the Noises by piercing them with a drill-shaped sword and destroying them in a single blow.

"What the hell is this? Who the hell is that?!? "

"Whoever he is, he wins against the Noise, and he looks pretty dashing too. "

Everyone on the base couldn't say anything because they were too focused on the ongoing fight.

// Downtown //

I put away my Drill Crusher and then and take out my Zi-O Riderwatch


I turn the dial of the Watch and press the button at the top which makes a head appear with ZI-O in katakana at eye level

Watch: Zi-O

Then insert it into the right slot of the Driver and press the button above it which

A clock with rotating hands appears behind me and I starts to pose

" Henshin"

Then turns the Driver dial counter-clockwise

Ziku Driver: Rider Time

The clock hand stops and then the sentence ZI-O in katakana appears on the clock

(Electronic beat)

Ziku Driver: Kamen Rider Zi-O

The clock breaks into several pieces to form armor around me and then the ZI-O Katakana positions itself right side up is my eyes

"Now let's go bring hope to this world"

Ziku Driver: Zikan Girade

Zikan Girade: Zyu (Gun)

Zyu Mode fires high-speed energy bullets generated by an injector.

I start shooting at the noises that attack people to allow them to escape and help those on the ground. I shoot those who fight against the army

"Get out of here, I'll take care of the rest of the noise."

"Understood thank you for the help."

"I'm just doing my job" by doing a thumb.

Noises try to attack me by surprise I change the mode of my weapon by rotating the barrel to make a blade appear

Zikan Girade: Ken (sword)

The blade part of the weapon. By using the central component oscillator that powers the blade, the weapon becomes high energy and a high-frequency tool that can cut through almost any substance.

I cut in half the noises that try to attack me by surprise then I run towards another noise group then attack them either one by one or by a group of three when there is only half of the noises left I hear the sound of an approaching helicopter and two songs above me

"Croitzal ronzell Gungnir zizzl"

"Imyuteus Ame no Habakiri tron"

I look over me to see two girls jumping out of the helicopter, one wearing blue armor and the other orange armor and as she lands she starts to fight the rest of the Noise by singing.

"I was so involved in the fight that I didn't even hear them coming."

Their singing is so catchy that it also puts me in the mood and I start singing too. I parry the attack of noise with my sword and I send it waltzed with a kick to be pierced by the girl's spear in orange

Then a giant Noise is formed thanks to smaller ones, the girl in blue rains hundreds of blades on this Noise which makes a lot of damage, I notice that my attacks are more devastating when I sing, having noticed this detail I jump over the giant noise by using the sword of the girl in blue then eliminate it with only one blow of the blade

When I notice that he's starting to have almost no more or many Noises

"It looks like it's time to end it," I think to myself, then I do a backward salto and take the Zi-O Riderwatch off my driver and put it in my Zikan Girade's slot and watch the Noises.

Zikan Girade : Time Charge

"I would be your judge... "

Zikan Girade: 5...

I dodge the attack of a noise that comes towards me and then cuts it in half to turn into ashes.

Zikan Girade: 4...

"your Juror..."

Zikan Girade: 3...

I kick a noise in the head that kills him instantly

Zikan Girade: 2...

"... and your Executor"

Zikan Girade: 1...

I get into position to cut off as much noise as possible in a single attack

Zikan Girade: Zero Time!

I pull the trigger on the Zikan Girade's trigger

Zikan Girade: Giri Giri Giri

"Rider Slash"

The Zikan Girade is clothed in magenta energy, I, the girl in blue and the girl in orange destroying the rest of the noises in a three-way attack that creates an explosion with projections of two silver energy clocks at the moment of impact.

// Secret base //

Back at the base, Genjuro and everyone looked at what they had all just witnessed. In the blink of an eye, Zi-O destroyed almost half of the noises in the area before the arrival of Symphogear users.

But in addition, he cooperates with her to destroy the rest of the Noises with an attack that rivals that of a tactical missile

Genjuro: Who is this guy?

No one can blame him for asking him the question, because he just saw a guy turn into armor and destroy the Noises when even the army couldn't scratch them.

"Interesting! He was able to destroy the noises without using a relic. I'd like to meet this boy. "Ryoko says

Genjuro continued to observe Zi-O, waiting for him to undo his transformation. Genjuro seems interested in the device he uses to transform himself.

"Should we tell Tsubasa and Kanade to ask him questions or take him back to the base? "

"Tell them to stay on their guard we don't know if he's an enemy or an ally"

// Downtown //

"Fiu, I deserve a good ice cream when I get home" I start to leave when I feel two blades on each side of my head


I put my hands up in the air

"Uh, don't you think it's a little excessive to point your weapons at an honest citizen"

"We have some questions to ask you"

"Who are you? And why are you fighting against the noises?"

"Okay, I'll answer your questions, but first, lower your weapons, it makes me uncomfortable."

They lower their weapons but remain on their guard

"Thank you, to answer your second question I fight the Noises because it is my mission as Kamen Rider to save people and by that, I was very close when they appeared I held them back to allow the citizen to reach a shelter"

"Kamen Rider, I've never heard of them, who tells us you're not responsible for the attacks of the noises"

"Although I can't prove otherwise, the Kamen Riders are warriors whose mission is to save and preserve peace in humanity although some are not"

"I understood that you're fighting for humanity, but it doesn't tell us who you are."

"Oh, excuse me, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Kamen Rider Zi-O, the one who succeeded the other Riders, a Demon King or at least that's what I was told"

"What a demon king?"

"I have to go next time Gungnir, Ame no Habakiri, your song was beautiful" I turn around to leave and then snap my fingers to disappear from their sight

"Where did he go? "she looks everywhere but sees me nowhere,

"HQ we lost the target, do you have a visual?"

"[ Sorry he completely disappeared, go back to the base"]

"Understood, he got us, next time I see him"

"Calm down, Kanade, I don't know why, but I feel like we're going to meet him again."

"If you say so, Tsubasa, but what intrigues me is that he knows who we are"

When all of a sudden the girl named Tsubasa finds a paper in her hand and reads the content that shocked her and when the girl Kanade reads the letter too she also seems shocked

The letter says that I know who they are and what organization they belong to and I give them the coordinates of a place where two potential users of Symphogear are, that the only person to come is Kazanari Genjuro and I also said not to tell anyone else but him

As for me, I'm in an alley next door in my normal form

"Fiu, it was close, I almost got screwed, being the king of time has its advantages," I think looking at the Zi-O II Riderwatch I can't activate but I can use only one of its powers to stop time for a moment like Time Jackers

"So where is Chris now? "

I'm heading to the place where we split up and then I start looking for my protégée.

"Hello, Chris, you can come out of hiding"

Then I hear laughter and I go to the sound to find Chris laughing and playing with Great Cross-Z and Cross-Z dragon

I stay there and watch her have fun until she notices me and runs to me and takes me in her arms and starts crying

"I'm glad you're nothing"

"See, I kept my promise."

Then I start thinking about how the next few years are going to go and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't accomplish much on my own and take care of Chris and myself without an adult, and I don't want to cause any problems for the owner of the Flower.

That's why I left a message for the bearer of "Soul no Habakiri" alias Tsubasa Kazanari so that I could meet the only person who can take care of us in a good environment and also prepare us for the future, the name of this person Kazanari Genjuro.

"Chris, we're going to meet someone who will take care of us, what do you think? "

"Is this person trustworthy? "

"I trust him"

"I'll do it then, but if something goes wrong, we'll leave, okay"


Then we head towards the meeting point which is a park, just next to a river, me and Chris waiting, hiding in the bushes waiting for the agreed time

When the time of the meeting came a black car arrived, the person getting out was a tall and muscular man with golden eyes, red hair and a goatee. He is most often seen wearing a red shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a pink tie with the tip folded into the left pocket of his shirt, light beige pants and black and blue sports shoes.

This person is none other than the Commander of the Task Force on Disaster Response, Section 2, Kazanari Genjuro.

Genjuro approaches the middle of the park and looks around him and I tell him

"Did you come alone? "

"Yes, you could show yourself"

Then me and Chris coming out of the bushes with Chris hiding behind me

"You are the commander of Section 2, Kazanari Genjuro"

"Indeed, and you who are you? Where is Zi-O? "he asked me.

"He's not here, he told us to come here and said that if I show you this you would know what to do" I show him my relic

"Where did you get this, young man?"

"I always have it with me, at least that's what I think because I have amnesia I only know my name Kagami Tetsuya and nothing else, I'm an orphan and the girl behind me is called Yukine Chris an orphan too"

"I see you're Masanori and Sonnet Yukine's daughter" Chris shows his head from behind my back and answers

"Yes, did you know my parents?"

"Not personally, but I would greatly admire their work,"

"I see"

"Coming back to our business, come with me both, I'll take you to a safer place so we can talk"

I look at Chris nodding his head and then we follow Genjuro in the car towards Section 2 HQ. During the trip he asked how Chris came back to Japan because she was reported missing or dead in Val Verde, I told him it was thanks to the help of Zi-O she was rescued in Val Verde and brought back to Japan and arrived only today.

After a few hours by car, we arrive in a car park when suddenly we felt that we were going down as if we were in an elevator when the elevator stopped and then descending from the car following Genjuro

"Welcome to Section 2, Yukine and Kagami"