
Senki Zesshō Symphogear : Gear of Hope

When I woke up I don't remember anything, nor who my parents are, if I have brothers and sisters, I don't even know where I am, but I only remember my knowledge and I know that the world where I live is in danger thanks to the music in my heart, I will bring a smile and hope to this world Hiwae this is the birth of a new king of time and champion of peace and love I don’t own the song, game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar

Daoist_zero950 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Hamster et Sunflower

// Sunday, April 15, 2040, Park, City Center, Tokyo //

I am in the park dressed in the clothes of the hard-boiled detective Shotaro aka Kamen rider W arguing with Miku while waiting for Hibiki who asked us if we could spend time together this Sunday.

But in the meantime, we started arguing.

"It's hard-boiled, for God's sake! "I shout to Miku

"No, it's half-boiled. "she shouts back at me

"Oh hey, guys, sorry I'm late," said a voice so I and Miku turn our heads and see Hibiki.

"It doesn't matter Hibiki" Miku and I say at the same time

"So, what was that fight about? "

"It was about... "

"It was just a stupid little argument, nothing serious. "I say when I cut off Miku

"Oh, okay, let's go then," she says enthusiastically as she walks away.

Miku was about to say something but I put a finger on her lips

"Miku, I know what you're going to say and don't say it because we both know she'd be sad if we told her the truth."

"Yes, I know, now let's go catch her," she said, grabbing my hand and running after Hibiki.

"I remember the picture I took of them at the Flower thanks to the camera Tsukasa aka Kamen rider Decade sent me where above Miku there was darkness and above Hibiki light* This world is so interesting."

// TimeSkip brought by a Tetsuya chibi playing the violin in music class //

Right now the girls and I are in karaoke and it's my turn to sing

"So Tetsu-kun, what are you going to sing? "Hibiki asks me

"Oh, you'll see," I said as I got up.

"This song is for my friends Shotaro and Phillip."

" (W-B-X Crime and the city) "

" Once again, someone's knocking at the door

Got a feeling it's a case; Welcome to Windy city

Tears do not go well with this city

Find the Keyword that's concealed in the darkness "

" A dream that I cannot reach alone

(Look into the infinite archives,

dive into the sea of memories)

But with you around, we can make it come true, Half and Half

(Double Boiled Extreme!) "

" W-B-X!

The Bodies & Souls of two,

(I'll ride with Only you and no other)

Become one


Upon meeting the ultimate partner

A miracle will be created (So We can make it)

Search for W (Double)! "

" (W-B-X Crime and the city) "

" The chaos of the city, the alluring scent of danger

A storm is coming; Welcome to Windy city

Slip through the congesting News and lies

Find the Keyword that's hidden from sight "

" Someday, the strength of this combination of trust

(As halves, the two are extreme,

Skills are unleashed from 2 ways)

Will, with no doubt, save this city, trust and trust

(Double Boiled Extreme!) "

" W-B-X!

The Bodies & Souls of fate,

(It can be no one else but Only you alone)

Become one


The ultimate chemistry has happened

Sweep away the topic (So We can make it)

Search for W! "

" People have disappeared from there,

And now, the city is but an empty box

The wind that connects us together,

There's no sign of cessation! "

" W-B-X!

The Bodies & Souls of two,

(I'll ride with Only you and no other)

Become one


Upon meeting the ultimate partner

A miracle will be created (So We can make it)

We're W (Double)! "

" W-B-X!

The Bodies & Souls of fate,

(It can be no one else but Only you alone)

Become one


The ultimate chemistry has happened

Sweep away the topic (So We can make it)

Search for W! "

" (W-B-X Crime and the city x2) "

At the end of the song, I look at Hibiki and Miku and their mouths were open.

"Hamster, Sunflower, I know I'm handsome but please keep your mouths closed," I told them, making them close their mouths as they blush?

"B-b-b-b-baka we weren't speechless because you're handsome, but because you had a beautiful voice! "

"Yeah! "They told me while they were blushing madly

"So you admit I'm handsome," I told them, making them blush even more than he could compete with Kabuto's armor.

"Girls, calm down, I'm just teasing you, let's go shopping."

"Hai," say Miku and Hibiki as you left the establishment

// TimeSkip brought by a Chibi Testsuya dancing with the Beat Riders of the Gaim team //

It was nighttime when I brought the girls home.

"Thank you for walking us home with Tetsu-kun"

"No problem, Hamster, no problem."

"Hey, Tetsu-kun, why do you call me Sunflower and Hibiki Hamster? "Miku asked me

"I call you Sunflower because you are as beautiful as one and I call Hibiki Hamster because she is as cute as one," I said, that make them blush.

"O-ok," said Miku but Hibiki still remained in place shaking.

"Hamster, what's wrong? "I ask her, she didn't answer that she only pointed forward.

"? "I look in front of me to see a lot of Noise, I look at the girls and they still don't move, they tremble with fear.

"Hibiki, Miku I want you both to run to the nearest shelter while I distract the Noises"



I yell at them, turn around to look at them and see them nod and run away.

Then I put an earpiece in my ear

{ HQ this is Tetsuya, Noises spotted in the city center, residential side, request for instruction }

{ This is HQ, engage enemies. Reinforcements are on their way. }

{ Understood }

I take my necklace out of my pocket and then start singing my "divine song

"Okay, you guys, waste my day off and my time with my friends, I hope you're ready to suffer the consequences.

Then my eyes turn Red to the right eye and Green to the left eye

"Avali Excalibur Tron"

A transmutation circle appears under my feet and blue and golden ribbons cross me putting me in a bodysuit that goes from the chest to the foot and at the arms level they are gloves that go from the hands to the forearm in blue and gold color.

Then silver-colored mechanical combat boots that go to my knees appear on my feet, then a light armor of the same color appears on my chest and mechanical combat gloves appear on my hands up to my forearms and dragon horn earphones at my head of the same color.

After my transformation, I rush to the Noises by starting my song

"These overflowing emotions

Are penetrating through this body

The Next Stage of dissolution of Time has begun"

I arrive on the first group of Noise that I start to bombard with punches to the head that turns them into carbon

"It is never enough

Resignations that are like excuses

Always piling up endlessly, as though hiding something"

And I continue to follow technique after technique, punching, elbowing, kicking back

"Surrounded somewhere at a distance

A scenery which seemed to have been gazed upon

Swiftly smashed to pieces and scattered on the palm of my hands"

The Noises surround me from all sides and attack me one after the other, I dodge most of them, block the attack of certain and counter-attack to be able to get out of this encirclement

"Tell me the destination of this feeling"

At that moment my gauntlet changes shape to become mechanical arms with turbines that cover both my hands this is one of my armed gears, King Breaker that I use when I am in close combat

"This unrestrainable scorching blaze

Burns away all all confusion

Starting to forget all sensations until yesterday"

I activate the turbines of my gauntlet and use one of the techniques I created during my training

* Tetsuya Style - Golden Rush *

I throw hundreds of punches at the Noises that are destroyed at the speed of sound

"No one ever knows, the sounds of mine

Evolving in every aspect

A yet unknown side of myself is waking


After taking care of the Noises on the ground I notice Noises flying in the sky I decided to change Armed Gear with the following command

' Gear changes, Royal Shooter '

"Advancing forward

No longer afraid of anything

As though accustomed to regret"

I put my arms against each other and my two mechanical arms merge and turn into an assault rifle at the same time other Noises appear then at the same time Kanade, Tsubasa and Chris arrive and take care of the Noises that have just appeared

' Go on, we'll take care of them. '

I nod and keep shooting at all the Noises in my sights

"Desiring to want to protect

The futures of important people

From the moment of realization, everything has changed"

After creating a path I take care of the Noises in the air, I shoot them while staying in motion to avoid high up shots

"Look, Fate is now speeding up"

I decide to climb up and jump between the walls of the buildings to find myself on the rooftops and continue to destroy all the Noises in the air

"With maximum impact

These happenings are calling up a miracle

Nothing can stop the ever-changing me"

I transform my rifle into a gun machine and atomize all the Noises

* Starbreak Instinction *

" No one ever knows, the surges from me

Resonating throughout the world

Towards a new era, start running...



" With these were the last "my armed gear takes the shape of a gauntlet

" Do you girls need me?" I ask them via the radio in my headset

" No, we're done on our side," Chris tells me.

"Okay, I can leave the rest to you, I have people waiting for me and then I go back to the base after"

"Understood, go join your girlfriends, Casanova," Kanade told me with a mocking look.

"They're not my girlfriends, only friends for the moment, I'm going there" I go back to my civilian form and head towards where Hibiki and Miku are

"I wonder if Tetsu-kun is all right? "Hibiki asked.

"Same thing here" Miku answers her.

"Well, don't be surprised because I'm here," said a voice when the two girls turned around to see me smile.

"TETSU-KUN" Miku and Hibiki scream as they hug me


"Sorry, but how about this before I go to school tomorrow, I'll make you both a 5-star lunch"

"Good," Hibiki and Miku said, pressing their "bumps" against my arms.

" Uhh, you girls press your "things" against my arms," I said, making them let go while blushing


"It's okay, let's go home anyway," I say, take the girls home.

// TimeSkip //

After walking the girls home, I arrive at the base to report back through the school, into the elevator singing when all of a sudden I have a bad feeling and I hold the Rabbit Fullbottle in my jacket pocket.

When the elevator door opens, I go to the control room and then I arrive behind Genjuro and Ryoko and the girls

"I'm back," I say but the girls don't talk to me, Kanade and Ryoko laughing on their side and Genjuro not saying anything


"Nothing at all" Tsubasa and Chris say and then leave,

I blink several times on the scene I just witnessed and then look at my legal guardian and ask him

"What was that, did I do something wrong?"

"Don't worry you're still young you'll understand later"

"Women are strange creatures?"

"You have no idea, Tetsuya, you have no idea"

// Timeskip brought by Tetsuya playing with Hibiki //

I'm currently at the Flower to help the owner with the lunch rush when the restaurant door open.

"Wel- What is it just the two of you," I say in a monotonous voice

"What kind of greeting was that? I demand a new greeting! "I just smiled

"Okay then"

I approach her and wrap one of my arms around her waist and put my other hand on her chin, which makes her look at me when you did, she made a little squeak.

"Hello, Darling," I told her while she was blushing like a madwoman.

"Mo, Tetsu-San stops flirting with Hibiki," Miku said as she pouted.

"So you want me to flirt with you? "I said looking at Miku, giving her an interrogating look.

Miku blushes

"N-no, I just want you to stop flirting o-ok

"Okay okay okay okay" the perverse attitude Ryoko is really starting to rub off on me.

I let go of Hibiki

"So you two, as usual? "Miku and Hibiki nodded their heads

"Okay, have a seat and I'll come back with your two orders. Okay." I said as I walked away

// A few minutes later //

"Your order is ready! "I say as I walk to the table of Hibiki and Miku and place Okonomiyaki there in front of them

"Itadakimasu! "They say when they start eating, I look at Miku who was eating slowly, then I look at Hibiki who was swallowing her food.

"You seem hyperactive today. Why? "I ask

"Hibiki entered me in a raffle where you could win tickets to the Zwei wing concert and, surprisingly, I won.

"Can you say it in a way that doesn't make me look like a bad guy? "

"*giggles* Sorry"

Then we start talking after that I went back to the kitchen to prepare another order

Later Genjuro told me that in a few days the girls will be back in Japan from their world tour for their next concert which will also be used to activate a new relic that section 2 just acquired the Nehushtan Armor. As for Chris, she is on a mission for Section 2 and should be back by the end of the concert.

Supernova Subbed MV


Kamen Rider W - WBX W-Boiled Extreme


Daoist_zero950creators' thoughts