
Senki Zesshō Symphogear : Gear of Hope

When I woke up I don't remember anything, nor who my parents are, if I have brothers and sisters, I don't even know where I am, but I only remember my knowledge and I know that the world where I live is in danger thanks to the music in my heart, I will bring a smile and hope to this world Hiwae this is the birth of a new king of time and champion of peace and love I don’t own the song, game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar

Daoist_zero950 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Saving friends and lives

// September 15, 2040, Concert by Zwei Wing, Tokyo, Japan //

In the backstage is Tetsuya dressed in a Gaim team BiteRider outfit connecting cables while listening to music in his headphones

Today is the day of the Kanade and Tsubasa concert, you think I should stop this concert because we all know how it's going to go, but I can't do that because just with my intervention to save Chris I've already changed the future that makes her the first antagonist of the series, I don't know who we're going to face before we confront Finé so I don't want to make too many waves to be one step ahead of what happens next.

It may seem immoral coming from me who am a Kamen Rider but I can't save everyone and that a certain Archer makes me understand it well and that I know, I would save what I could and what I have to save. That's why I had additional doors added to the stadium in case of a Noise attack and made a publicity campaign to follow in case of a Noise attack in collaboration with the government, to reduce causalities but I know it won't help much.

Then a vibration in my pants comes out of my thoughts, I take the Build Phone out of my pocket and answer

"Hello, this is Tetsuya"

"Hello Tetsu-kun, it's Miku,

"Yo Miku, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"I'm calling you to ask you a favor"

"Anything you want, Miku, I'm listening"

"I couldn't come to the concert with Hibiki today because of a family problem, I wanted to ask you if you could go with her to replace me"

"Indeed, knowing her, if she stays alone, she may find herself in trouble"

"You understand the nature of my request."

"I see I hope it's nothing serious on your side, if you need my help I'm here for you my little ray of sunshine," I say

"Tetsu-kun, stop saying things like that" almost scream Miku I'm sure she's blushing right now

"Hahahaha, sorry Miku I couldn't help it and don't worry about Hibiki I'll take care of watching her"

"Thank you very much, I love you very much"

"I love you too, I have to leave you, I still have work to do before I join Hibiki"

"Understood bye-bye"


I hang up with a smile on my lips when I feel a negative aura behind me, I turn my head around to see Tsubasa with a depressive look covered in a white cape above her stage outfit

"Yo Tsu-chan, why are you making that face?" I ask as I approach her

During these 3 years, Tsubasa and Kanade did not escape my nickname assignment for Kanade I call her Tomato and Tsubasa it is Tsu-chan and Saber because I show her the Fate/Stay Night series

"I'm a little stressed because of the concert and also because of the other event that's coming up today."

"I see, although Ryoko says it's an important step in discovering what relics are, don't let it weigh on your conscience." I sit on the crate where she sits and I take Tsubasa in my arms and put her head against my chest

"Tetsuya, what are you doing? "she said, blushing like a tomato

"Calm down and focus on my heartbeat."

"Hum" then she focuses on my heartbeat and seems to have calmed down we stay like that for a few minutes

"How do you feel, you're not as tense as you were before, are you?"

"Huh, oh, now that you mention it, I'm less tense, thank you very much Tetsuya"

I give her a kiss on the forehead which made her blush more and then gets up from the crate

"Anything for you Tsu-chan, I have to go, I still have work to do before the concert starts, good luck, you're going to be hit during this concert" then I go to the stage to make sure everything is in place for the concert.

At that same moment, another person dressed in the same cape as Tsubasa appears and walks towards her wraps her arms around Tsubasa's neck

"What were you two talking about? Any progress in your relationship maybe? "

"What are you talking about, Kanade? We're just friends."

"Oh, you're just friends so you won't mind if I ask Tetsuya to become my boyfriend then?"

"No, you don't have the right Kanade"

"Ahahah, I'm teasing you, Tsubasa"

During the Knejorou discussions, come and give them one last word before the concert, as for me I see one last time the evacuation system of the stadium.

After checking that everything is ready for the concert I go to the entrance to find Hibiki.

"It shouldn't be difficult to find her, just find her voice," I say, concentrating my hearing

As for this moment, I hear a familiar voice, I turn to the voice to see Hibiki who must be on the phone with Miku panicking

"Hamster found, I should go and reassure her" Then I head for Hibiki

"What do you mean you can't be there for the concert, you invited me, I know almost nothing about this concert"

"Sorry Hibiki but my grandmother had an accident, I and my parents are going to visit her but don't worry a replacement will accompany you in my place"

"Who is it? "asks the young girl

"It should be me Hamster" I answer Hibiki's question when I arrive next to her surprised to see me

"Tetsu-kun???? Why?"

"Looks like your escort has arrived, I'll leave you in good hands, see you later," Miku said before hanging up.

"Miku, she hung up"

"Don't worry about her and I'm here to accompany you" I smile at her and reach out my hand

"Hmm" she nods her head in blushing and takes my hand

Then we head inside the stadium, arrived inside Hibiki is surprised at the size of the scene, after buying light sticks and we were able to find double seats without too much difficulty which is weird

"Should it be good here?"

"Yes, but... "

"Nervous? "

"This is my first concert and I don't know what people do during these kinds of events."

"Don't worry I'm here, just follow me, okay"

"Thank you, Tetsuya"

"It should start soon"

As if someone had heard my voice, the lights start to go out and lights come on on the stage.

Suddenly, the music started screaming and the whole audience, including Hibiki and me, got up and started clapping. Feathers then began to fall from the ceiling and, a few moments later, two familiar girls came down to the stage. It was also our signal to light our light sticks

After their appearance, they start singing the song Gyako no Flugel

( Engilsh version )


"Can you hear it...?" The dramatic music playing.

Let it sound out toward the sky!

Can you hear it...?" The pulsing heartbeat when a life starts.

Thrust your love into the air

That day, in the distance, when the stars became music

The season when hair sways in the wind, let's you and I make our heartbeats into a song.

With that, our dreams opened

Into a brand new world...

Yes, just believe. Let's make history with a light the likes even God hasn't seen.

A future flooded with light

Won't you fly there with us?

Wings stained with tears of just feeling

When it feels like you can't flap those wings anymore, make a wish

I'll hold that hand and add my strength to yours

When we're together, our singing hearts become wings.

The day when I understand will come, so

I will never... Forget.

And at that time, I will not forget

The way my heart was... When you smiled.


Then the roof of the stadium starts to open, normally the weather should be clear today but I swear to God if it starts raining...


You and I can definitely, as one bird,

Holding hands like long ago,

Make a great leap across the big blue sky

So that's what I'm living for

Toward the light of a brand new day

Yes, just believe, a thousand years later or today, even if I'm reborn or change, I'll still want to sing

This warmth is so gentle

And I'll never let it go.

Just feeling. There's no such thing as fate.

This is my story, so I jump.

If you feel that you want to run away, just look at the stars.

Courage definitely shines bright, a singing star

That day, in the distance, when the stars became music

When I met you, it probably was already woven into legend

I'm not afraid of anything.

Let's go to a brand new world...

Yes, just believe. Let's make history with a light the likes even God hasn't seen.

A future flooded with light

Won't you fly there with us?

Wings stained with tears of just feeling

When it feels like you can't flap those wings anymore, make a wish

Melodies fuse and become a symphony

When we're together, our singing hearts become wings.

Let's go higher, even higher than the Sun.


Once the song was over, Tsubasa stood in front of Kanade, turned her back on her partner, fell to one knee, then both raised their hands to heaven as she prayed.

From what I see, Kanade and Tsubasa are having a great time. Then I take a look at Hibiki and see that she smiles up to her ear at their performance. I'm glad she's having fun.

Kanade and Tsubasa seem to be really giving it their all for this concert I have to keep Kanade from losing her voice but it's going to be difficult

// Meanwhile, in the underground laboratory //

In a laboratory under the stage, the experiment was going according to plan.

"Phonic gain growth within the expected range. "Say a scientist

"I suppose we can write it as a success. "Ryoko announces

"Good work, everyone. "Genjuro announces to the scientific team

* ALARM! *

Suddenly, the alarms went off as the flashing red light filled the room.

"What's going on?!? "

"The damping system can't handle the increasing internal pressure!" one of the scientists replied

Genjuro's eyes widen in panic in front of the scientist's words because the relic can cause great destruction if it is not put in a cage.

"At this rate, the Relic will wake up and go crazy! "

The test subject of the experiment began to emit an energy that began to envelop and convulse until.....

// Concert //

* BOOM! *

"It's starting," I thought to myself.

"What the hell is this!!!!?? "Hibiki says panicked

When the smoke from the explosion cleared, everyone started screaming when humanity's alien predators appeared.

The Noises had arrived.

"I have to get Hibiki out of here and transform! '

Just as I was finishing this thought, a mystical force prevented me from moving, and I found myself caught in a delirious crowd, separating myself from Hibiki.

"Hibiki!!!!! "

"Tetsuya!!!!! "

I tried to reach her, but something prevents me from reaching her.

"Hibiki! Get out of the way, damn it! "although I tried, I quickly found myself outside.

There was no way I was going to let Hibiki, Tsubasa or Kanade die. I've already decided to change their fate with my hands.

Running into a nearby alley, I took my Build Driver and the Taka and Gatling Fullbottle out of my jacket and put the Driver on my belt and then shake the bottles

"Now we'll start the experiment" and then place the bottles in the Driver

Build Driver: Taka

Build Driver: Gatling

Build Driver: Best Match

Then I turn the crank on the Driver

Build Driver: Are You Ready?

"Henshin," I say, snap my fingers

Build Driver : (Brass band music) Tenkuu no Abarenbou! (Rampage of the Skies!), HawkGatling! Yeahhhh!"

And in a flash of light, Kamen Rider Build HawkGatling was ready to fight... then two large falcon wings came out of my back allowing me to take off towards the stadium.

"Hang on, girls, I'm coming! "

If I had only looked in my pants pocket at that time, I would have noticed a strange pink and golden glow before I turned.

After about 2 minutes of flight, I reached the top of the stadium and saw Kanade and Tsubasa, all Symphogeared up and Hibiki bleeding.

Without any hesitation, I plunged into the stadium, cutting through Noise's army with my wings and finally stopping in front of Hibiki.

"Hibiki! Hibiki! Don't you dare give up your life! You heard me! HIBIKI!!!!! "

As if she could hear me, Hibiki's eyes opened wider, making me let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oi! The armored man, is she all right? "

"Yes, but she needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible! "

But even in this case, the problem is the amount of Noise here is greater than what I thought most of them are more dangerous than normal Noises, fate really deciding to stop me from saving the girls. Even if I had to get Kanade, Tsubasa, and Hibiki out of here, the Noises would give the hunt and more people would be put in danger! What the hell am I doing!?!?!?????

As if she thought the same question as me, Kanade stretched her lips as she dug her head to find an answer to this dilemma. Finally, finding the answer, she got up with her broken spear and slowly walked towards a large number of Noises in the stadium.

Kanade: Hey, Armored Guy, what's your name?

"Build, Kamen Rider Build. "

"A Kamen Rider other than Zi-O? "Tsubasa asks.

I nod in response

"It's true, you know, I wanted to sing without feeling anything, but look how many people came to listen to me today. That's why... I'm going to give them everything I have, it'll be my final aria."

No. No. No. No. No! No! NO! NO! NO! Damn it, she's going to sing her Swan Song. What the hell am I doing? I promised myself to protect them, to change their destiny, but look at me now, on the ground, wondering what to do!

"The answer is very simple. You're going to beat this game with no continues! "A voice said to me

"What...? "

Then I found myself out of my armor, an open field of lush green grass as far as the eye could see.

"I'm glad you answered my call. "

"Wait, you...! "

"Emu Hojo, aka Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, but I guess you already knew that. "

"How are you here, and where are we?"

"This is your Mindscape. Why I'm here is because you need help to save these girls. "

"Yes, but how are you going to help me, you're in my head, remember? "

"That's true, but you already have some of my power with you. "

As if to react to his words, a light jumped out of my pants pocket and formed into two very familiar Fullbottles.

"Ex-aid and Hyper Muteki Fullbottle, but how, I... "

"Just put these Bottles in the Driver and you will be able to access Muteki Gamer for a short period of time. After that, the Bottles will disappear and you won't be able to use them the same way for the other Legend Rider Fullbottles you use.

"But why help me? "

"The Riders must help the other Riders. Isn't that what Eiji said. "

(Eiji is Kamen Rider OOO)

"Yeah, you're right. Now, let's go kick the ass of this game. "

"Yeah!!!!! "

As I blinked, I noticed I'm back in the stade and that time had passed and that Kanade was halfway to her swan song. Not if I could stop her.

Appearing in front of Kanade, I hit her in the guts strong enough to lose consciousness and stop singing and then threw her to Tsubasa.

"Take care of them. "

By turning away from Tsubasa, I take out the Ex-aid and Hyper Muteki Fullbottle and put them in the Driver.

Build Driver: Muteki Gamer! Ex-aid! Legend Match!

"The fate of Zwei Wing and Hibiki I will change it with my own hands" and then turn the crank of the Driver

If I didn't have my helmet we could see that my eyes turned pink on the right eye and gold on the left eye

Build Driver: Are You Ready!?


Build Driver: Muteki Gamer! Shine Bright! Like A True Shooting Star! The Ultimate Gamer, Clad in Gold! Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid!

With the power of Ex-Aid passing through me, I knew I could easily destroy these Noises and take the girls to the hospital.

"I'm going to beat this game, with no continues! "

Now to finish this problem, I started turning the Driver crank to perform a Finishing Move.

Build Driver: Ready Go

Build Driver: Hyper Critical Sparking

Jumping from Noise to Noise with powerful kicks and fists, I had managed to hit each of them, while the giants had several punches.

I think Tsubasa's head was spinning trying to follow me, but in the end, my last kick landed me right next to the user of Ame-no-Habakiri.

"What have you done?!? All the noise is still up and--! "

"Wait for it to happen! "

As if it was the right time, the Noises started to explode one by one, followed by a sentence that gave me satisfaction.

Build Driver: The Ultimate Impact! Flawless Victory! Yeaahhhh!

As I moved from Muteki Gamer to Build RabbitTank, Tsubasa was agape to see the power I was exercising, but this shock quickly turned into a concern when Kanade's armor completely disintegrated despite the interruption of her Swan Song, as she fainted using all her remaining energy in her Swan Song. Seeing this, Tsubasa didn't waste any time going to the side of her best friend.

"Kanade! Kanade! Open your eyes, Kanade! "shouts Tsubasa

"Come on, you all need medical treatment, NOW!" I told her.

// Timeskip who is brought to you by Tetsuya in doctor's outfit and a Gamer Driver on transporting Hibiki and Kanade to the CR block //

// Hospital //

When Kanade's eyes finally opened, the first thing she saw was a white ceiling. Looking around, she concluded that she was in a hospital. Feeling that someone was grabbing her hand, she looked beside her and saw Tsubasa sleeping beside her, grabbing her hand.

Kanade smiles at her best friend asleep before her attention is drawn to the door when it opened, revealing a Genjuro bandaged arm and head.

"I see you're finally awake. You scared the hell out of us. "

"Well... I guess that's what happens when you use your body as a weapon. By the way, how long was I unconscious? "

"A few hours. Do you remember what happened at the stadium? "

"I was trying to sing the Swan Song and then... Build stopped me from finishing it.

"Build? "

"Oh, that's the name of the other armored guy who kills Noises. "

"This guy's name is Build. "

"Although, I don't think that's his real name because his name was also Kamen Rider. "

"Another Kamen Rider like Zi-O"

"Now that I think about it, where is he? "

"He grew orange wings and flew away before we could even question him.

"I see. And the girl?!? She's fine!?? "

"Relax, she's fine. She's in surgery right now, but from what we know, she's fine. Also... we recently discovered that even if you hadn't sung the Swan Song to the end and you got out alive, what you sang so far was enough to completely destroy your Gungnir. "

"So I'm just a normal human being now... I guess that's what I get after trying to have a suicidal attack. "

That's when Tsubasa started to wake up.

"Kanade? "

Rubbing her eyes, she panted as she saw Kanade rise and awaken and clung to her as if she was going to disappear.

"Kanade! You're fine! You're fine! "

"Tsubasa.... you're killing me! "

Tsubasa: After what you did today, I have the right to kill you! I literally thought you were going to die!

Kanade: Maybe I did it and I'm just a ghost.

Tsubasa: I can't believe you still have the energy to tease me now!

Genjuro then left the room and when he closed the door, he took out his (new) phone and looked at the surveillance footage of Build's fighting alongside Kanade and Tsubasa.

Genjuro: Build, Zi-O..... who are you?

// POV of Tetsuya //

"Hibiki is fine?!!!!! Please tell me she's fine! "

"For the last time, Miku, she'll be fine. "

Right now, I was talking to Miku on the phone.

"The doctors said she needed surgery, but she'll be fine. "

"I'm so worried about her. "

"I'm sorry. I should have taken better care of her. "

"It doesn't matter. There was nothing you could do. "

"I'll call you tomorrow to talk to you about Hibiki, okay? "

"All right. Goodnight, Tetsu. "

"Goodnight, Miku. "

After that, I ended the call and lay on my bed

I did it.

Despite everything that has happened... I was able to change fate, I was able to save both their lives, a huge improvement over the anime, but who knows what kind of butterfly effect will occur. I still regret not having been able to save more survivors although the evacuation system I installed has reduced the number of deaths, there is nothing I can do about it now. They're dead and there's nothing anyone can do about it. This is a harsh reality. Hibiki was this close to dying, I can't let that happen next time.

Seeing that it was getting late from the time of my clock, I put on my nightwear and turned off the lights, and fell asleep.

Gyakko no Flugel


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