
Self-Reminder: Quotes Of A Day

Just a piece of quotes of a day. For self-reminder and for us, who was a normal human-being on this earth. I love making quotes.

umayra_yusoff · Urbain
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Today, I was feeling discourage.

'Cause I was keeps taking everyone's bad vibe.

I felt tired.

My emphatic is too high.

I always feels guilty and sympathize for others.

Oh, dearself.

Why are you so strong?

Why are you being like this?

However, I don't blame you, dearself.

Because you are only being 'yourself'

I know it.

That's why I accept you, dearself.

I love you, dearself.

No matter what I'm doing, somewhat I feels a confident in it.

Because I'm being myself.

However, others people cannot understand ourselves.

The only way to understand is to understand 'yourself' first.

If you understand 'who are you'.

That's means that you have found a path to control your entire life.

 'Cause you know what to do, what to eat, what to buy, where do you go and etc.

You know what your life wants.

What your life needs.

What your goals of your life.

If you understand 'who are you truly are'.

Then congratulations.

You have achieve an achievement of yours life.

You have 'found' yourself.

Keep walking.

Don't look back.

I hope you are happy with your life.

Keep going until you found a meaning of a true 'happiness' that you have search in a long time in your life.

I hope you can do it.

Just trust yourself, you can make it.

Nothing is impossible.

If you have a will, you have to make it come true.

If you have a dream, you have to make it really happens in your life.

Don't let 'it' go.

Chances only come once in this lifetime.

Do your best.

Good luck.

Thank you for listening.

I hope you have a nice day.


I feels hopeless today...

Keep alive everyone :D

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