
Self-Reminder: Quotes Of A Day

Just a piece of quotes of a day. For self-reminder and for us, who was a normal human-being on this earth. I love making quotes.

umayra_yusoff · Urban
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50 Chs



Today is raining at here.

So, today I want to ask you.

Have you ever like to take anything when you cannot resist the giver?

If yes then you should not be like that.

You have to have a principle in yourself.

Such as 'I can't take it.'

Although, they give you free, doesn't means that you will get it for free.

Some people like to ask in return or favor if they give something to you as free.

But, some people are really sincere with their given.

Actually, it's up to 'you' to take it or not.

You should look at their personality.

Then can decide it yourself to take it or not.

'You' have to rebuild in yourself.

The principle to hold in 'you'.

What are the bad and what are the good things.

Only 'you' can determine it.

Be a giver not a taker.

Okay, next question.

Have you like to be silent when you in a group?

If yes then you are not wrong.

Because sometimes, when we silent, it's not our fault.

But if someone you know ask you something about.

Then, you can talk about it.

But, what if no one ask you something about you?

Well, I see that 'they' are not the truth friends.

Because the truth friend are not neglect their own friend because of others people.

Someone might said that 'We need a friend because we cannot be alone in this world.'

That statement is kind of true because in this world, you have to communicate with others people.

'Cause what? Because we are human.

Human have to talk.

Such as like you talk to your family, your friend, your teacher, your cousin and etc.

But some of that statement kind of wrong.

Because you can have many friends.

But, in that many friends, it's too hard to find a really true friend.

That's what I'm gonna to says here.

You can have a friend, but you must search for a 'true' friend.

Because the 'true' friend will be with you everytime.

When you are happy nor sad.

'They' are always there for you other than your family.

If you need help, 'they' are willing to help.

If you want to talk, you can talk to 'them'.

Because 'they' can keep it in secret.

'Cause they are the 'true friends'.

However, you have to be careful in searching for a 'true friend'.

Because there are many 'fake friend' out there that pretend to be a 'true friend'.

I hope you are being careful about that.

Thanks for listening.

Have a nice day.


Raining, raining, raining ~

So cold >.<

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