
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime et bandes dessinées
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165 Chs

Pakura's Plan

After finishing the delicious meal and clearing the table together, we put on swimsuits. Some of us sat by the pool, soaking our feet, while others lay down to sunbathe.

After applying sunscreen, of course.

—So, why do you want to support Temari as Kazekage? —I asked Pakura while applying sunscreen to Anko's back with familiarity, and she practically purred under my hands— I would expect that if you want to help one of Rasa's children, it would be Gaara. In terms of potential, he seems to have more than Temari due to his jinchuriki status.

At least, I remember he could move significant amounts of sand when he assumed the position years later during the defense against Akatsuki. About half of what Pakura can control right now with her Devil Fruit, which is quite a lot considering it's under the condition that she doesn't strain herself too much to do it.

As for Kankuro... no, he wasn't even mentioned once.

I mean, come on! That kid only knows how to use Sasori's puppets by the book, and he didn't even modify them a little. It's like he lacks personality, and that's why he paints his face, to say, "I still exist!"

—No matter how much power he has, Gaara is too cruel and bloody. He wouldn't be a good leader for Sunagakure with the childhood he had, and even less, a reliable person who would return kindness —Pakura shook her head.

True, Pakura doesn't know about Gaara's change in perspective, and I don't think she got the best impression of him after seeing his behavior during the Chunin Exams. So I guess it's normal for her thoughts to follow that line.

Besides, if Akatsuki takes Gaara later, the village will still have its Kazekage to organize it, although I'm sure he would still try to retrieve his younger brother.

A Kazekage Temari...

Hey, actually, with her personality, I think she wouldn't do a bad job as the village leader.

The only downside I see is her lack of experience due to her young age and in administrative matters, but that's what the Council is for, assisting until she gets familiar with everything.

So, would she go down in history as the first woman to hold a Kage position instead of Tsunade?

Now I'm interested in seeing how that would unfold!

—And what exactly is your plan? —I asked as I moved from applying sunscreen on Anko's back to Tsunade and Shizune, who were sporting light blue bikinis.

It's surprising what the confidence gained after years of honesty and sincere dealings can achieve. Since they know I'm not looking at them with lust *cough* Jiraiya *cough*, they treat me like a friend and a sincere teacher. Perhaps if I didn't have the three best women in the world by my side, my thoughts would be different, who knows. In any case, I'd be lying if I said I'm not a bit touched by the trust they have in me, especially how Tsunade can relax despite her personality, which one would expect to only allow Shizune to do what I'm doing now.

—Sunagakure will now have to make a painful compensation to Konoha for the attack if they don't want to face them, and they'll be at a pretty low point. So, Iwagakure might take advantage of this to attack their supply routes disguised as bandits to further impoverish them while they gain resources covertly and almost effortlessly —Pakura explained with experience— At the same time, I have no doubt that even with the compensation delivered to Konoha, they will take measures from the shadows to increase the prices of grain and some fundamental foods that Sunagakure is forced to import for its survival.

Incredible, if Pakura had managed to be the Kazekage instead of Rasa... Chills!

—Wow, they really want to tighten their necks and stomachs —commented Anko lying face down while enjoying the warmth.

—Given the chaos in Konoha, if they had the courage, they could deliver only half of the compensation that, Mmm! A bit to the right, that's it... —moaned Tsunade, causing me to raise an eyebrow at what seemed to be— they really demand, after all, the village is also going through a tumultuous period after the elimination of the old fossils by Ameyuri, and they just want a bit of face to convey a message that, a bit stronger!

Mariko, Maki, and the others were trying to contain their laughter at Tsunade's attitude towards me, understanding that she's teasing me due to our mutual trust.

Am I applying sunscreen or giving you an oil massage?

Never mind, who made my hands so skillful after going through the heat of so many night battles? Although the expectant look of a restless Shizune in a bikini has me amused.

—I think Pakura's plan should involve the Wind Daimyo, right? —Mariko turned her head as she finished applying sunscreen to her daughter and began with Fu.

—That's right —Pakura smiled, nodding as they followed her train of thought— Before Rasa sank the village's relationship with the Wind Daimyo due to his lack of social skills, he held me in high esteem. I believe that if I approach him to suggest Temari as a successor, I could convince him. This would be a massive achievement to support Temari's rise.

—You want the missions that the Daimyo has been diverting to Konoha to return to Sunagakure and increase the annual economic support to the village. This would make Temari's words, actions, and influence skyrocket —Nemu accurately guessed Pakura's intentions.

—But now you're no longer part of the village "subordinate" to the Wind Daimyo —Shizune raised a valid question— Will your opinion still matter to him?

—I don't doubt it —Pakura asserted confidently— Since I'm willing to support a kunoichi from Sunagakure, for him, it's the same as regaining his lost prestige in that village while forming a new connection with Seimeigakure through me. Pure benefits, and all he has to do is let go of some money.

—And? —I added as my lotion-coated hands moved from Tsunade to Shizune.

I had a feeling that couldn't be all, not with Pakura in mind.

—And... —Pakura stuck out her tongue cutely, realizing she couldn't hide her plan from me— I think we could "bind" the Wind Daimyo as you did with the Fire Daimyo.

Using a golden apple to secure support...

Undoubtedly, the effects it has are a devastating temptation for a ruler, and if we limit the quantity to one every few years, it's not impossible. We would have two Daimyos under control who would make sure not to offend Seimeigakure and would even take the initiative to help in the hope of gaining more benefits and favor.

For example, getting a couple of SMILES to strengthen their personal bodyguards.

It's worth noting that from my perspective, Daimyos are not a big deal, but for people native to this world, even ninjas are cautious when dealing with nobles, not to mention the Daimyo.

—Given that this plan works, there are still at least two obstacles —Tsunade said, raising her head slightly, blushing between her crossed arms— You still have to convince Rasa's daughter to allow you to support her, and you also have to do something about the food.

—Believe me, Temari won't be a problem —Pakura shook her head— I talked to her, and I can see that even after my "circumstances," my words still carry weight in her youthful mind. In any case, I'll need to talk to people like Chiyo and Ebizo —she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear— As for the food, I have a plan.