
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 7

I told Amy to draw up divorce papers, I would give him mine first.

The next day I got a call from Randall again.

'I have something for you' I said

'What's more important than my money?'

'You'll see' I tried to sound confident 'but I want something in return'

'You're not in any position to make demands'

'7pm tonight, 8th Westford on Langley '

He chuckled 'The restaurant?'

'Be there' I hung up.

This was crazy, I was letting my emotions lead me but I liked it. I wanted things to end my way, I wanted Jack to pay. It wasn't possible legally....I wasn't sure how far I'd go past this line of morality.

I stood in the kitchen doing the dishes, Jack wasn't ready for kids yet; so he said. He wanted us to wait at least a year or two, getting Camille pregnant was stupid.

Her husband Roy travelled a lot, she couldn't possibly claim it was his. What exactly was their plan? Why would she go to the hospital to hurt Jack? Something else must have happened that night.

As more thoughts unfolded in my head like a sort of reverse origami I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, it was Jack.

'Hey' he said

I turned to face him 'Honey. How're you feeling today?'

Everyday was the same routine constantly asking how he was and acting like I cared.

'I'm fine but I might head out to the office to check a few things' he said

'You're a workaholic' I smiled 'You should rest'

'I'll be fine dear' he replied

'Okay then. Take your pills with you'


There was a moment of silence, I saw him fidgeting, he almost stammered 'Skye?'

'Yeah. What's wrong?'

'Are you....' He paused

'Am I what honey?' I cooed

'Are you pregnant?' He rushed

'No. Of course not. You said we should wait remember?' I held his hand 'Or have you changed your mind?'

'No' he said 'No, I'm just asking...I thought... You know what, never mind. Its probably my meds'

'Maybe. You sure you're okay?'

'Yes honey. Thanks' He kissed my forehead then left the house.

The day seemed to fly by as the sun started to set so soon. I had passed through the bakery earlier and also got groceries.

Jack still wasn't back, I took my time selecting an appropriate outfit. I hadn't gone out in a while, I don't I was bit restless. I was going to meet Randall, someone I was supposed to be scared of.

Half an hour later, I was wearing a black evening dress and I let my hair down in waves. I smiled at my reflection as I put on my earring and coated my lips a dark shade of red.

My drive to the restaurant was uneventful thankfully. With my unwavering confidence, I handed the valet my car keys and walked in.

I was surprised to see a man seated at a corner smiling at me. His piercing blue eyes seemed to hold in place to hold me in place, he gave a slight nod and I moved towards him.

Well-built muscles hidden under his expensive suit, dark hair lay perfectly at the right angles a few strands almost falling in front of his face.

I almost cleared my throat before speaking

"Mr Bailey" I said

"Please" he gave a smile "Call me Randall, maybe Randy over time"

"Over time?"

"You didn't think this was a one time thing?"

I took a deep breath

"Like I said earlier, I have something for-"

"Skye" he cut in "relax we're here to eat"

"We're here to make a deal" I said looking him in the eye

Just then a waiter came ready to take our order

"Tonight's specials" Randall said "Surprise us"

"No problem Sir" he strode off

As each course arrived, he made small talk. Asking seemingly harmless questions, he was definitely stalling, why couldn't we just go straight to the point.

"Look Mr Bailey-"

" Randall" he smiled

"Randall, we shouldn't waste each other's time"

He chuckled lightly "What do you have for me?"

I scrolled to a picture on my phone then slid it to him, he took a quick glance.

"You have a copy of my business account statement. So what?"

"Swipe" I said sharply

He raised a brow at me, then with his ever steady grace of a confident man he swiped for some seconds. I studied his demeanor, expecting to see a furrowed brow, or a slight twitch in his almost perfect feature. He remained calm as he slid the phone back to me.

"What do you want me to say?" He was smirking

"Jack is stealing from you" I paused " but you already knew that, didn't you?" I sighed

"Don't look so downcast" he replied

I brought my wine cup to my lips and took a long sip.

"How sure could it be that you aren't in this together but you want to save yourself?"

I gasped "that's impossible"

"Is it?" He asked, his voice dropping and making me shiver slightly. A heavy silence hung in the air. I felt stupid for thinking things would go smoothly. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he typed something and tucking in back in his inner breast pocket

"Sorry about that" he said "I want copies of what you have"

"I'll need something in return" I said

"What you're bringing isn't new information"

"Then why do you want a copy? Get it yourself"

"I can" he sounded serious, I held myself together. The waiter came with the bill. I swiftly brought out my card

"Nonsense" Randall waves his hand giving the waiter his instead.

"Okay" he replied finally " I'll hear your demands but we'll do dinner again"

"I should be getting home, my husband must be back already" I said nervously

"Oh" his smirk was back "Don't worry about that he won't be home for an hour or so"

They were probably gonna meet after this. What if Randall told Jack?" I worried

As we exited for our cars he grabbed my hand "You're safe Skye" he leaned in and whispered "For now"

I swallowed hard. What was wrong with this man? My car was here but his hand still held mine "So?" he asked

"So?" I was confused

"Dinner, on Thursday" he kissed my hand "see you then" he walked away


I got home in time to shower, change and like Randall said Jack wasn't home for almost two hours. I lay in bed pretending to be asleep when he got back. He stripped out of his work clothes and went downstairs. Minutes passed before I quietly made my way downstairs, Jack was on the phone

"He's home?" I heard him ask lowly "okay fine. I'll see you tomorrow"

I made a show of walking into the room like I had just woken up, he quickly hung up.

"I didn't hear you come in" I said going close to him

"I didn't want to wake you" he replied


"Me and the boys ordered Chinese. We were working late"

My mind momentarily drifted to Randall

momentarily. I took a deep breath

"I'm really tired. I'll head to bed" I kissed his cheek. He held onto me longer than usual, as I felt his fingers rub circles where they touched.

Not risking him going further I walked away quickly muttering "Goodnight" under my breath.