
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Dinner with Randall was in two days, I wasn't even sure I'd show up. Staying away was probably the best option at the moment.

I was leaving the house when I drove past Roy, Camille's husband we both slowed down

"Roy how good to see you" I said

"Nice to see you too Skye" he beamed "I'm so sorry for not showing up when Jack got back. Work's been killing me since I got back"

I smiled "It's fine. Glad you're back"

We continued in opposite directions. I remained at the bakery through the day going to the kitchen to check on things every now and then.

I was surprised to see Gwen by the counter, later that evening ordering a mini chocolate cake. Somehow a genuine warm smile made it's way to my face.

"Skye, I thought I'd drop by. My daughter has been obsessing over your cake" she said

"Wow that's sweet of her. Thank you Gwen"

"I know Jack is still recovering and all but are we gonna see you at book club this week?" asked Gwen politely

I was sure I had been clear on my disinterest. I almost rolled my eyes before replying "Um I'll get back to you on that Gwen. Hopefully....maybe I could come by"

"Great. See you then I guess" she was in a very bright and bouncy mood if you ask me

I put in an extra mini cake for her daughter and she was gone.

It was 5:30pm, I decided to head home. I recalled Jack's call yesterday, he was meeting someone today. Had they met already by now? I exhaled through my mouth eyeing the liquor store I normally drove by.

I'd already broken my two months of sobriety and without remorse too. I was too comfortable taking long sips during dinner with Randall and basically finished a bottle the night I found out about Jack and Camille.

I felt anger course through me as I thought about them. I hadn't spoken to Amy in a while, it was best not to tell her about Randall. She'd go crazy wondering why I'd do such a thing.

I parked in the garage and rested my forehead on the steering wheel letting out an exasperated breath. I hadn't even noticed that Jack's car was here, he was home early.

I walked into the house and saw his study door open, I could hear him typing on his laptop.

"Hey honey" I said kissing his cheek "How was work?"

"Fine" he answered grumpily

"What's wrong?" I rubbed his shoulder

"Nothing. Just work" he replied

"Okay. Let me make dinner, I wasn't expecting you home so soon" I left his side, moving towards the door

"Yeah. Had to pack and sort things out"


"Business trip. I'm leaving tomorrow morning" he said

"Is it safe for you to travel? The doctor-

"Don't worry about it" he forces a smile

"How long will you be gone?" I asked

"I might not be back till weekend"

I didn't reply as I left him and headed to our room to change. He was definitely in a foul mood, maybe his meeting with whoever hadn't gone well. I tied my hair up and proceeded to the kitchen to make dinner.


I met Jack earlier today a meeting I reluctantly agreed to since Roy was home and also because I was a bit scared. Last time I told Jack was pregnant, things didn't go well. I wasn't expecting today to be any different.

After a brief kiss, he insisted on knowing why I had been distancing myself since he got back from the hospital.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out and He couldn't hide the disappointed look on his face

"Roy's?" He asked

I was taken aback. Was he being serious? Our affair had been going on for a while now and by a while, I mean over a month or so.

"It's yours Jack" I said in a monotone voice

His hand let go of mine and my hand was back at my side.

"Get rid of it" he said simply like it was nothing

"Excuse me?"

"What do you expect me to do Camille?"

"I thought you said you cared about me?" I asked

"I do. But you can't keep it" he insisted

A hand went to my still flat belly as I took a step back

"Look what if you keep it and Ray finds out it isn't his? How do you even explain it?" He asked

"I've been working on that already" my tone slightly elevated

Jack remained silent for a while before giving me a knowing look. I had been having more sex with Roy since he got back when Jack was in the hospital just so I could use it as an excuse. I felt tears well up, I held myself together.

Jack had taken a step back giving me a hard look.

"You should get rid of it" he said "Choose the hospital or whatever and I'll take care of it" he kissed my forehead leaving immediately.

This was risky, it was obvious Jack's memory still hadn't returned. What if it did, I wouldn't be safe. He'd hate me or even worse, maybe the cops, I was confused.

How had I gotten myself into this. I was stupid for thinking he'd leave his wife, even after he showed me the divorce papers. I drove back home feeling utterly stupid and crushed.

Roy was home as usual working on his laptop. He smiled widely as I approached he engulfed me in a bear hug and kissed the top of my head, he was almost a foot taller than me. I embraced the warmth of his body.

"I ordered take-out" he lifted my chin

"You're the best" I smiled a pang of guilt ripped through me, I let go of him.

"Are you okay baby?" He looked concerned

Roy was always a sweetheart, I had fucked things up stupidly.

"I'm fine honey" I hugged him again

He let me settle in and we were catching up on our day.

"I ran into Skye today" he said

I almost froze "Really? That's nice" I almost replied sarcastically

"Yeah. She's nice" he closed his laptop and scooted over then wrapped his arms around me.

The doorbell rang suddenly "that must be food" he said with glee as he made his way to the door.


Morning came quick and Jack was on his way to the airport. I got a call from him after 3 hours, he sounded very formal and hung up quickly.

Amy and I decided to meet. she showed me the divorce papers, I put it in my bag not bothering to look at it.

"You're not gonna read it?" asked Amy

"When I get home" I picked up the menu, we were at our usual restaurant. As we chatted over lunch she revealed she was hoping for a promotion pretty soon.

Time seemed to fly by as the day came to an end. I was home alone eating pizza and watching tv. My phone beeped; a message from an unknown number.

'My driver will pick you up 7pm tomorrow' it read.

This was definitely Randall, I seemed to sink deeper into the couch as I munched on my pizza. This was trouble.