
Secrets of the Unknown

What if your life was a lie? What if it seemed to haunt you? Donald will find out soon what happened but when he does it will cause a war he didn't expect. Secrets will come out and the story untold will reveal a more heart breaking truth.

RoseannaMcDaneils · Horreur
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

One day in Dallas Texas, a young boy ventured out to explore his new surroundings. His mother had warned him not to go off too far, however in his lighting heart he couldn't stop. His spirit awaked by the trees, the cool air on his face, the smell of dirt, the wind blowing. He ran past an old cemetery, a old barn, a corn field, but stopped at the sight of an old church. It looked very creepy, and old. The cross on top was beginning to fall off, along with the traditional shades. He saw crows nesting on a top and coming flying from the windows. He crept closer hoping noone was inside. He then heard a voice calling his name.

"Donald!" said the voice over and over louder and louder.

He backed up slowly and tripped fell hit is head off a rock. He then knew who was calling his name, his mother, but it didn't sound like her at first. Her voice was deeper, more rasspy than normal. She ran up to him tapping him in the face asking him to come too. Once he finally did his mother carried him home, put him in bed, and told him to rest now. It was 7pm that particular night, He didn't feel like resting but knew he should. Donald fell off into a deep sleep only to awaken to screams and gun fire. He kept downstairs were he seen his mother bound to a car pleading for her life. Donald stayed hidden he didn't know who could of done this, he was scared. He watched as 2 men came back, one slapping his mother demanding to know why her son knows.

She yelled "he doesn't!!! We just moved here last week!"

The one man stepped forward with a bottle, and started pouring it down her throat.

She screamed a gargled scream. After spitting the liquid out. They then asked again how her son knew.

Donald brave and scared ran out from behind the wall and yelled "I DONT KNOW ANYTHING PLEASE STOP!!" This was a mistake he learned to regret. They grabbed him and covered his mouth with cloth, and bound his arms and legs. and threw him in the corner. They then went up to his mother cutting the ties and lifting her off the chair roughly. They carried her upstairs where Donald could now hear his mother beg them to stop. They do not the torcher and **** her to death. Donald passes out.

When he awakes again it's by police lifting him up to get his ties off. He asks "Where's my mom.

The officer replies "she's dead son, I'm sorry for your loss you'll go with Ms. Kristen over there she will take good care of you."

Donald nods he's scared of what the future will bring. More troubling is he didn't know what he wasn't supposed to know which made no sense to him. He went in her car and they drove off, Donald looking out the window, Ms.Kristen then asked

"are you okay?"

Donald didn't speak it was to much of a shock for a 6 year old boy.

He watched the trees pass and the sun come up. It was 7am now, just 12 hours after he fell asleep, he now wishes he didnt. He wanted his mom back, but knew there was nothing. He then said to himself "I will never stop fighting till I figure out who killed and why they killed his mother, a task for a young boy that seemed almost unreachable.