
Chapter Two

Waking up is all but a nightmare. The waves of adrenaline fill the veins, you get that tightness in your chest. You wonder where you are. This is anxiety and it fills the hearts of many, including Donald. Flashbacks of that night haunt him though the years. They were never caught so he still wondered as to why. He tried to live a normal life, he's now in college getting his law degree, for what you guessed it to catch his mother's killers. What had he found out that day why was it a big deal he didn't know? The questions haunted him. Quite literally, he always felt watched, looked down on. His "new" mother said he'd fit in fine it's been 15 years and still no sign at belonging anywhere. He was happy the system placed him somewhere good, the man and woman whom raised him was amazing, añd sort of dorky. Still they made him feel he had a family.

Donald drive his car to school every day and always stayed late. He at 25 still lived in the basement. He had no girlfriend, although he still had his fun. Frat girl after frat girl he fucked them all, For whatever reason he never built a connection with anyone. His life had become the mystery of his mother. He often pondered on if things were different where would he be, definitely not with a wall full of dead ends.

There was a knock at the dorm door, he got the strength up to get up, it was a Saturday who's at the door? It was nobody but an envelope sitting on the ground. He opened it to reveal the shocking sentence of:

" Maybe you should dig deeper into your origins"

He took a step back. He knew where he was from, he knew what happened why dig more into the past? Now thinking about it maybe he should maybe he will finally find the answer he's been looking for. He headed to the library. Typed in his mother's name, and found her public records. But what he saw made no sense, how could this be? His mother wasn't his mother at all it was his aunt. But what happened to his mother? What was the purpose? He also found out he wasn't from Texas but Inercourse, Pennsylvania. His head hurt. Who left the note. Like the rest of his life more and more questions than answers.