
Second Round Savior

What would happen if a former hero wins only to be sucked back into a hero? Will he be a hero or choose to remain a side character

Glenn_Meeks · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Homeward Bound

After a long and hard fought battle, Shi Kaze has finally arrived at the base of the demon lord. Countless eons seemed to have gone into this confrontation from his being cast into this world to the quests and conflicts along the way.

He had not originally wanted to fight this war but life has a strange sense of humor and found the breaking point to get his involvement.

Shi looks around the room and wipes the blood off his fists and looks at the demon lord. He raises his fist and says," Was it worth it? This world has already suffered enough and you fall through the rifts. You thought this land needed conquest by yet another beast invasion. You couldn't have just left well enough alone but no you had to systematically kill everyone who rose up. You had to leave me as the last one to carry on the mantle. I spent eons in isolation away from wars because of what I was forced to do. Instead of letting me exist in peace, you chose to force me into the role of hero. So once again was it worth it? The surface of this planet is dyed red and black with the blood of your followers. Today, you meet them again in your own hell."

He quickly moves forward using his magic and martial arts skills to propel his body forward like a missile. He hit the demon lord in the chest and an audible crack can be heard through the room. A roar escapes from the lips of the demon as it stands up to its full ten feet tall size and looks down on the human. Its eyes appear as black flames swirling around as it stares into the eyes of Shi.

Lesser men would have died or crumbled under the gaze but the warrior having moved back to safety just scoffs and throws another punch at its chest followed by a kick to its knee. What the demon and most others had never figured out was this was never a normal human to start with. He had been brought here and dropped into a place that was under powerful magics. This was not his first time as hero but he longed to just be a minor player in the history books not someone who had all the power.

Here he is though locked in combat with the demon lord and as they fought he quickly would gain the upper hand because he was a creature of antiquity. The powerful magics kept him trapped since the beginning of the world here. He has seen countless rises and falls all while hoping for death or a way home.

As he had studied up on these so called demons, he learned that there was a way home but it required remarkable timing and legendary materials. The last one being parts of the demon lord and his still beating heart. He had everything he needed save the heart and the head of the demon lord.

As time moved on, one crack in the demons armored flesh became a spidering of cracks until in a gruesome display, the warrior pulled out the heart and cut off the demons head. He then began to chant an incantation over the body as he brought out the other materials.

Suddenly a rift appeared and as an after thought or force of habit he put the demon skeleton into his inventory along with his gear and jumped through the rift.

[Darkness consumed the hero. Strange sounds and smells could be heard. ]

A soft but firm thing was under our hero. Voices could be heard outside and as he took his bearings he realized he had accomplished his goals. He was somehow back home. He sees machines and monitors all around him. A board on the way has a name he hadn't used in awhile. The name Ayuni Kurzani. It was strangely the name, he had used for most of his time in the past life until he was given the code name Death wind.

What had happened since he left and why did his body feel so strange. As if all the life had been forcibly drained from him. Once he woke up and started to look around the monitors suddenly sprang to life sounding an alarm and saying," Unknown movements in patient 531. Coma ended alerting authorities."

A person in a lab coat comes running in and looks at you. "You're awake after all this time. Things are going to be different and difficult for you. Just breathe and relax because it's been 5 years since you got in the accident. You are the sole survivor of the accident and you're now 15."

Countless things went through his mind and on top of this the program has a strict policy in place. He was to be sent to a school to live and be readjusted to society. They were discharging him in a week to start school.

After a long and strange week, Ayuni was sent to school where he would be shown how to function and get used to the changes in the world. School was rough at first but he was determined to be invisible as best he could be. The problem he ran into was several fold, he has formed habits and so even back on earth he resorted back to them. So he had training and meditation. He practiced his martial arts and his exercises but he found it strange they still worked here. As time passed and it had been a few months, his body had showed obvious changes and was considered healthy again.

Life was going great until the fateful day where the voice called to his class and informed them that they had been summoned to a new world.

With that everyone was pulled from Earth and dropped into this new world. The world they had landed in was they were told a high fantasy world where magic and technology had come together. They had been summoned to the empire of Hatori and were standing before the Emperor and Empress.

These two people stood out against the outsiders from earth because these royal beings were not humans. They were larger and more powerfully built than humans with lion heads and heavily muscular frames covered in fur of golden hue.

While the rest of the class looked confused, Ayuni looked at them and was thinking Oh great this is just like one of my books. Why did I have the awful luck to get pulled into this?

"Heroes from another realm, I am Emperor Kaze and my wife is Kurzani. We are facing a major problem. We have been invaded by monsters and our military is no longer enough to hold back the hordes. We lost our last outpost and am now under siege by the relentless waves of monsters. You are our last hope for my people. If we fall here then this plague could spread across the world."

The class looks confused and waits until one guy steps forward and asks," You summoned us here so you must have a plan? How are we supposed to fight against the monsters as just normal humans."

The Emperor looks at the young guy and says," We have prepared something for each of you to take. It will integrate you into this world and allow you to gain power from the monsters you kill and the things you do to help this world."

He has his servants pull out what looked like pills and handed them to each student. After looking at it,Shi takes the pill and unknown to the others something strange happens. A rush of memories and skills seem to flood back into his mind. He felt his body change and as it's changing he sees red screens before his eyes saying," Error other worldly powers activated and demon blood detected. Restructuring body to accept the new access from this world....

[Status Window]

[Ayuni Kurzani aka Death wind aka Shi Kaze aka Devils Dervish]

[Race: Monsterous humanoid (Leonine)

Minor lineage:Demon lord]

[Age: 15 (Ageless) ]

[Skills: Ayuni Street Fighting style (Perfection) Forms: 1 - 10

Kurzani Fighting style (Perfection)

Demon fusion (beginner)

Ultimate Body/Soul fusion: Perfect Peace (Unranked, incomplete)

[Awakening: (Unavailable) ]

He looks at it and he hears cries of joy and concern as people look at this new reality. They had traded fact for fiction and they were no longer on Earth and this was the new reality.

As he looked over the screen, he noticed it mentioned the demon lord. It would appear that this whole time he has been cultivating more than just his normal ways. He feels his body begin the excruciating pain of rebuilding and screams could be heard through the hall. He pushed through the pain and began to circulate his mana and body cultivating techniques to try to allow him to better utilize whatever was happening to him.

The others began to experience alternatives as they shifted from normal humans to super humans. The screams echoed through the meeting halls as the chosen were magically altered and branded as the chosen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Shameless plugs aside I am trying to put together a story where not only does the central character want out of the limelight but he will put himself first if need be.

It will take several chapters to build a foundation before things pick up. Comments are wanted and if you send me messages that's okay too. All ideas are good ideas

Glenn_Meekscreators' thoughts