
Second Round Savior

What would happen if a former hero wins only to be sucked back into a hero? Will he be a hero or choose to remain a side character

Glenn_Meeks · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Leave me be, Hero

The cries eventually died down and next a question is raised. "Why are our stats only around 10 on average? What's this about hidden stats?"

Ayuni looked at his window and was shocked because his stats were all past ten and were in the 40s. He had expected to be strong but this was outrageous. Not only did he have the standard stats it seemed like he has unlocked a leadership sub stat and the standalone stat of luck. The strangest part was his luck seemed to be outrageous. It was 100 right now and he saw they had been given a quest to learn swords and other skills from the royal training group.

Everyone was looking at their screens and after a few moments, the Emperor spoke again. " The screen you're seeing is something our gods gave us and it bases the stats around your current condition. Since you are from another world and were not trained in our ways it's understandable that you would have standard stats for a humanoid race. Anyway you are in the capital city and you will all be trained for the next month in combat basics. Anyone with a high affinity to magic will then be trained further in that field. The next month is to get you used to the world and get you used to the system. We will then begin more special training after. The first wave of monsters should not be here for six months or so our oracles predict. So you will hunt lower class monsters and beasts for experience."

Ayuni smiles and looks at the others as he thinks," No, I will just make it look like I am awful and just go work in a craftspersons house."

He leaves knowing that no one is going to miss the person that seems the weakest there. The only smart thing to do to maintain his place as not some main character lead is to stay as far away from them as possible. They want to get stronger that's fine but lets help them by creating weapons and try to hide away my skills unless humanity is about to be wiped out.

As he is walking through the capitol, he notices that this world seems to have varying degrees of technology. Least that's what his guess is because this world seems to be advanced through the use of magic blended with technology. He sees what look like monorails and hovercraft. This city looks more sci-fi than fantasy which he chuckles at. Looking back on his window and thinking about his skills, he looks for a smithy to try his hand at the crafts. If he is going to be the best retired hero he can be then he is going to make himself gear and then disappear into the mountains while everyone trains. The reason is because as he was walking around he realized his martial arts either needs to be grown in secret or he has to find a way to marry it with this country's technology and techniques.

He goes looking and asking around learning more about this city. The interesting part of his new status is he learned that he could turn off automatic translation and it allowed him to try to learn the language itself instead of relying on the status. His high stats made it so that he was able to find out he sat as a genius in language in this world. He learned that he could read things and had perfect recall and could analyze things as if his mind was running servers of super computers. He picked up new skills from doing what you would consider normal.

He looked at signs and tried to decipher the language and gained the skill of Decipher language which allowed him to at starting rank tell the difference between languages and dialects. He ended up asking people where a bookstore was using hand gestures and learned the skill of World Sign which allowed him to use World Sign language as a form of communication. He learned this way that it was possible to get skills attached to language that's normally covered by the system window.

He learned that systems were given out between age 12 and 18 in this world but the age was not set in stone for when awakening happens. His class and himself were considered outsiders but also awakened so they could participate in guilds and adventures. He eventually found cheap lodgings that would let him trade place to sleep for work after news traveled in the neighborhood that a giant had stopped in the area and was wearing strange clothes.

Once sleep came the window reappeared and said' Transformation continued. Race found as unknown/human/leonian. Combining the choices. Please select....' The rest he sought came and his inner mind saw different options for looks as he looked. He told the system to choose the best option for his desires. When he woke up he hurt all over and his body felt strange. He felt much heavier and taller. He was already tall before but now he realized the pain was completely from him having a new skin. He looked down and saw he was covered in jet black scales with a blood red edging to them giving an appearance like a barely lit coal of fire.

He had a headful of sharp spikes along his jaw and temples with two long horns standing out of his head and curving just a bit. He realizes he can somehow pull these all into his body and that he is covered in spurs of bone with a massive tail. The words flash across his window Race changed to Draconic Kurzani.

[Draconic Kurzani: A subrace of Kurzani who were thought to be a myth. No one is sure if the myth is real or not. Explore and find out more about the origins.

Racial Effect 1: Locked

Effect 2: Locked

Effect 3: Locked

Effect 4 : Locked



Effect 1: Exploration bonus for you or parties you lead.

Effect 2: Increased Damage,skill mastery and inspiration when traveling alone. Buffs are increased into an area of effect if leader of a party. Effects stack and multiple based on group size.

Effect 3: Immune to mind altering effects ]

[Ayuni Kurzani aka Aiden Keyes

Lvl 1-

Brawn: 1000

Acuity: 1000

Sense: 1000

Intelligence: 3000

Wisdom: 3000

Fortitude: 1000

Luck: 9100


Job: None ]

'What have I turned into? I need to go to the mountains even faster now because I feel my body is not stopping here and I need to temper and reforge this weapon before it's impurities shatters it.'

He quickly gets up and leaves as best he can. People seem to move out of his path as he unfurls his wings and takes flight. As he looks down on the city, he begins to grasp the vastness of the city. To even call it a capital doesn't seem to fit.

[Ding.. Achievement earned: One way ticket. (You are the first hero to attain flight. +5 Fame, Able to fly over the citadel as a friendly.)]

The notification pops up and the reality comes crashing back in. This world will not take kindly to you outside of these walls. Danger is everywhere and this citadel is proof.

He looks out and he sees massive walls surround the area in concentric circles each smaller and thicker until they reach the castle you arrived in. You see that rich nobles and the military must use these walls as means of travel and that the ones farthest out from the center are the land workers and have never seen the full grandeur of the capital and citadel.

He flies for hours and the nation seems to go on for thousands of miles in all directions. The mountains he saw must of been the walls but now he decides it's best to leave the Citadel for now and find a place on the outskirts of the outer rings for his work.

After a quick look around he finds a secluded place in a dense forest of ancient trees, he looks deeper and finds a barely noticeable cave entrance and he enters into the cave...

{Classmates point of view}

It was just another day and the rains had come. Well in this little city rain was so common it was a joke. It was finally senior year and it was time to enjoy this last year of high school. Nothing too strange ever happens in this small American city.

The day was ordinary that was until first period starts. As we had all come into class we saw someone standing by the window and as we took our seats. He would of made a stir regardless but once class started and the teacher announced that this person was named Aiden Keyes, the class stopped making noises and just stared. What was she talking about? Hadn't he died or went missing ten years ago. In a small town, news travels fast and strange news even faster. The Keyes were well known as a very kind and wealthy family but ten years ago the town suffered a strange event in that Aiden just seemed to have left without a trace. Given how talented he was in everything it seemed the acceptable conclusion was he was sent to a special school for the incredibly gifted.

So now he was back in the flesh and as he is standing there just about to speak, the ground suddenly begins to shift to a bright series of colors as a voice calls out "You have been chosen to represent Earth in a goodwill exchange. You will be transported to a new world to fix a problem and another planet will send its representation here to help fix Earths biggest problem. Have a good game and survive."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

So I will try to go between the different points of view. We will see our Main focus in his training but we will shift to the other side of the story for now

Glenn_Meekscreators' thoughts