
Second life in Multiverse

Disclaimer: My story is shit, i just try to write one since I always wanted to write one and now I always bored with my fav novel have no updates. Updated is inconsistent and most chapter will consist of 5k to 6k or above words. Also story will all be AU since i can't trust myself to make it consistent with the source. New Synopsis: A nameless smuck want to meet ROB suicide and coincidentally (or is it) a ROB notice him, gave him a contract to live second life but it went downhill when he fail a contract/quest in Date a Live world and receive a Penalty Contract. Now stuck in Bloodborne world and through his odd personality and mindset plus willpower, he survived and now start a new life as a full fledged multiverse traveller with his 'exotic' harem. World: Bloodborne ReZero Date a Live (again) DxD (Now) Also have +18

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Return 1/2

After resolved the issue of the wizards living space and logistics, Ray leave everything to Scáthach before returning to Hunter's Dream.

When he returned, he had a question that plagued his mind. Where does Laurence even get the resources to build his mansion. Laurence does said he is willing to dig the church's coffers to build the mansion but its didn't answer why people are very willing to help him that whole city just stopped their own work to quickly build his mansion.

He swear he saw vague shape of a giant beast over in the distance digging and carrying large stuff that look like hunters fallen into beasthood.

He probably imaging that but the answer for that is his blood. Now that the church seriously regulate the usage of his blood, they able to study deeper into its usage and they no longer have to risk of turned into deformed monstrosity by the blood. The scholars revolutionised the usage of blood.

They able to use Ray's blood to refine their body and evolve into better human with increased strength, higher affinity to arcane and even improved vitality to increase lifespan and regeneration.

However the side effect is they become his bloodkin which is nothing bad since Ray will not even use it in a bad way since he isn't a true evil person.

The effect is similar to bloodkin of vampires, they will instinctively obey his order as his rank is similar to that of a progenitor, the origin of their current race. Ray essentially is the race creator as his blood turns them into a new species of human.

They are no longer similar biological to normal humans although visually they look the same.

However they helped him not because they instinctively obeyed him. They are actually grateful to him and wanted to repay them since they are now nearly 3 times better in physical ability and life span. They are also healthier and very unlikely to fall to disease.

His blood, as the catalyst to their evolution, is hailed as the most sacred item in this world as it simply has too many functions. One of them can heal a brink of death back to health with a drop of his blood that was diluted into a hundred blood vials.

There are also people with great achievements like Ludwig and Gehrmen that become superhuman just by ingesting Ray's blood through blood vial when they are injured in combat. The blood unlocked their potential and enabled them to push their limits to get stronger.

He is hailed as their god and almost everyone other than Vileblood truly worships Ray as their god. Vileblood is being Vileblood as usual, they worship their Queen but the Queen sees Ray as her husband and King after the proposal.

Ray true body married Ray away without him knowing at all. The Queen also didn't pursue him for a child yet since he was still an infant Great One that was incapable to properly impregnate her like Odeon could. Thus the Vileblood Queen will wait until the time arrives.

When Ray arrived at the doorstep, he put aside his thoughts and walked directly into his bedroom. The house is empty since Maria finds a new hobby to visit the real Maria and as the one that takes care of their literal god, she could not reject her visit even if she was very much annoyed that there is a doll with her face and name.

When he entered his bedroom, he was greeted by Ikaros who looked over Ellen. It looked like someone just dumped her on the floor and left.

Ikaros stares at him intently, especially his hand while her ahoge is twitching like Tsukuyomi's tail and ears when he is excited.

'Oh yeah, she probably wanted to be praised.' Ray reach a conclusion after trying to decipher her intention for a bit.

'Ikaros does like to be praised for doing well even in the anime.' That was his conclusion he made.

He raised his hand to her head before caressing her gently while whispering to her ear.

"You did well, Ikaros."

Ikaros lower her head while enjoying her reward while her ahoge twitching stronger which indicates the great joy she is feeling.

After a few moments, Ray then looks at Ellen that still cannot move her body. She is stuck in an uncomfortable position while looking at Ray and Ikaros.

Ray pulls out a chair from his inventory before putting Ellen there and removes the magical enhancement that immobilizes her.

"Hello Ellen, time to wake up… oh, you cannot sleep. My bad my bad. You can't sleep because I didn't give you the order to sleep."

Seeing that Ellen remains silent and keeps looking at the floor, he lifts her chin to match his eyes but she keeps looking away and not wanting to look at him.

She was afraid of the ability he used on the wizards. She sees for herself that those wizards that trained to have unwavering loyalty to Isaac turn into Ray's loyal servant easily. They put Ray above their lives, willing to die if Ray simply gave the order to.

As prideful she is, she is still afraid to lose herself to whatever Ray did to the wizards. She also remembers that Ray can easily toy her with his strength.

"Cmon, say something. You aren't a mute right?" Ray becomes more impatient as she keeps looking away to avoid his gaze while staying silent.

Tired of waiting, he attempted something to catch her attention.

"If you refuse to talk then perhaps I should simply turn you like the wizards."

"Wait!" Ellen, who catches the bait, quickly stops Ray.

"So you can talk after all." Ray smirks because his plan worked and she starts talking now.

Knowing that she was baited by Ray, she stares at him definitely but still has fear hidden in her eyes that somehow gives Ray excitement.

"I dislike that look of you, prideful and arrogant but no strength to back it up." Ray is slowly taken over by the Eldritch divinity again since this time he can't even suppress his emotions which are overflowing and being twisted by the divinity.

His pupils now have the purplish black of void glint which sadly are hardly noticeable since the environment is bright.

"What do you want from me?" Ellen carefully said as she felt something was changing to Ray, he suddenly became more forceful and less playful like previously.

"What I wanted from you, you ask? You talk like you even have the right to demand from me bitch!" He then released his grip on her face before he suddenly slapped her left cheek which surprised Ellen and Ikaros by his sudden change of behaviour.

Ikaros was surprised that her gentle and affectionate master suddenly turned violent. She quickly tells Artemis and Tsukuyomi through their shared link before both of them immediately summon themselves.

Unaffected by his weapon souls' arrival, Ray looks at Ellen reddening cheek with satisfaction and pleasure growing in his heart.

"You are nothing without the CR suit, you are so weak that I didn't need to lift a finger to fight you. You are now my trophy, my spoil of victory. You understand that bitch."

"Answer me." Seeing that Ellen didn't reply to him, Ray slapped her left cheek again before pulling her hair to lift her head.

Meanwhile at the side, his weapon souls are discussing amongst themselves.

"Shouldn't we stop master? I feel his change of behaviour due to him being affected by one of his abilities." Ikaros said while looking at Artemis and Tsukuyomi.

"Let master vent himself, that Ellen had it coming for attempting to castrate master twice and Artemis supports this."

"You think the same too, right?" Artemis then asked Tsukuyomi who nodded as his tail swayed slowly as he looked at Ellen with his slitted eyes like he wanted to tear her apart.

Seeing that her seniors didn't interfere with Ray, Ikaros then nodded and waited at the sideline and watched.

Back to Ray, he lowered his head and moved closer to Ellen's ear.

"You better cooperate or we will have fun removing that pride of yours. I won't brag about it but nearly nothing could kill you here and I could heal you back easily if I accidentally slipped my hand."

Ray of course bluffed, he can heal her using magic but he didn't have great proficiency in the healing magic.

"Then… what do you want me to do?" Ellen asked with a more docile tone that made Ray smile wider.

"Hmn… very simple, submit yourself to me willingly and I will give you more benefits Isaac could ever give you." Like a devil tempting a human, Ray's voice becomes softer like a loving father talking to his children.

"I know your aspiration to be the strongest. I can give you power and battle to fight for the title of strongest. Isn't it a bad deal for a battle maniac like you right?"

"Not like you have anywhere to return to anymore. Isaac is gone, his body taken over by another person." Ray patiently explains to Ellen like an evil villain explaining his master plan.

Ellen actually was thinking about it and realized the truth in what Ray said, she didn't have a place to return if Isaac truly is another person now. She was also tempted by the offer from Ray.

She is a battle maniac. Considering Ray's strength that he definitely didn't fully use against her. She concludes that the enemies he fights against must be stronger than what this place can offer.

She wanted to accept but still hesitated since the brainwashing ability that Ray uses will change everything about her and turn her into another person.

"The time is ticking." Ray quickly reminds her that he didn't have much patience to wait for her to make her decision.

"If… if you don't use the brainwashing ability, I will submit myself to you."

"Hm… sure but I will need to put a leash on you for safety reasons."

Ray wanted to put something on her to make sure she will not run away at any given chance.

Suddenly Ikaros from the side stepped up to offer a device to use on Ellen.

"Master, how about using this." Ikaros took out a collar that looked similar to what she had on her neck.

"This collar is made similar to mine, it can form a spiritual and physical link to master and force obedience to the wearer. But the wearer needs to be willing to put it on themselves or the collar will not work."

"Wonderful! You did a great job Ikaros." Ray gave Ikaros a kiss on her lips before taking the collar. Ikaros look confused before she able to process what just happened.

"Genius… with this collar she cannot fake her loyalty since she have to be willing for the device to activate. If she simply fake it, the collar will not activate. Hahaha." Ray laugh a little before he cough and throw the collar to Ellen who catched it and look at it reluctantly.

"Wear it and i will treat you like my harem instead of brainwashing you like the wizards. I will promise you strength and worthy foe to forge your fame for submitting to me."

Ray smirked as he see Ellen slowly losing her hesitation when she lift the collar up as if considering the offer. She then look at Ray and asked.

"You promise to uphold your… words?"

When Ray confidently nodded, she lose her hesitation an wear the collar before a bright light glow from the collar and the chain appear from it to Ray's hand just like when Ikaros imprinted on him.

Ray have to admit though, a scantily dressed beautiful woman like Ellen with collar and chain on her neck made the scene look kinky as fuck that his dick unconsciously harden and a tent which very visible to everyone in the room.

His twisted thought to torture her lose itself as his libido heightened. His blood pumped harder as excitement course through his body in anticipation.

Since Ellen had accepted his offer and became part of his harem, she already resolved herself to become his lover. She actually prefer a stronger man as her partner which match her battle maniac and prideful traits.

(Note: I made up this part which I think would fit her appropriately)

"I, Ellen Mira Mathers, vow to serve you in every capacity I could to my last breath as your lover and your personal wizard in exchange for your vow."

Ray was surprised by her sudden vow which was unexpected. She looks like a knight that exchanged vows to serve a lord which made it kinkier.

Being absorbed into his thoughts, he noticed Ellen's sight that bore into him. He faked a cough before he hastily made up a vow in reply.

"I Ray Elliot will uphold my vow of giving you strength and worthy foe to forge your fame."

As soon as they exchanged their vows, Ellen took his right hand where Tsukuyomi's ring is weared. Ray seen such gesture from somewhere which a nobles or knights will do to the king to signify their submission or allegiance to the king.

"I didn't expect you would prefer something formal like this pledge of allegiance."

Ray voiced his surprise but Ellen didn't know how to respond when Ray was violent and prone to physical abuse then became very friendly and gentle very suddenly. Her impression of him is a very fickle person.

"Now that you are mine… let's start our punishment for trying to castrate your lord twice huh?" Ray speaks gently as he corrects her messy hair that he pulled violently moments ago.

Ellen how was afraid when Ray said he going to punish her but his warm and gentle touch made her confused if he going to torture her or something until she lower her head. She saw a tent that hid the raging boner inside.

…(Lemon/r18 ahead)

She understands what the punishment will be and she becomes embarrassed but he does say that he will take her as his harem or lover. Her prideful self prevented her from blushing like an embarrassed maiden and donned a confident face.

"Master! Artemis wants to join too."

The people on the sideline finally joined the conversation again.

"Tsuku wants too…"

"..." Ikaros silently watched only since her master didn't order her to do anything.

"Nope, you two had sex twice with me already and the recent one Artemis broke my hip bone.

This time I will do it with her only since I still have to finish that fake Isaac after this." Ray spoke with finality before the two along with Ikaros unsummoned and gave Ray and Ellen some space to do it.

"Now we are alone, let's get started should we?" Ray spoke with a huskier voice as his right hand linger on her face.

"Yes Lord Ray" Ellen said while maintaining her stoic face.

Ray didn't mind it since she usually put her duty above herself even during her times with Isaac. This adds more challenge to Ray as he will have his fun tearing apart her stoic face to see her real face underneath it.

He sits on the chair that Ellen sat on just now while Ellen kneels between his legs as he takes in the fragrance of her as he moves his mouth closer to kiss her as his eyes are locked to her amethyst like purple eyes that are locked to his.

The kiss is quite passionate although Ray is the one that uses his tongue to guide her since she seems to be inexperienced with it.

She soon takes initiative and imitates Ray which keeps going for a while before she stops since she is out of breath. Ray waited for a bit before he held the back of her head and started kissing again with more aggressiveness as Ellen's face became blushed as drool fell out her mouth a little when her mind blanked for a moment due to asphyxiation kicked in.

Ray nibbles her lip before her consciousness return and she look at Ray who gave her such intoxicating pleasure which she never felt before.

"Is this your first time?" Ray asked although he can already guess but he wanted to confirm it.

She nodded absentmindedly as her mind was still reminiscing the pleasure just now.

"You know, when I first seen you. I always envy Isaac for having such a beautiful woman but uninterested in you. But now…" Ray lift some of her long hair before sniffing them like fragrant flowers.

"Your most beautiful form is when you wear the CR suit, you look like a war goddess descended to earth." He gave her another kiss before taking off the form fitting leotard like outfit as his eyes feast on her gorgeous body.

Ellen feels happy as a strange feeling grows in her heart as Ray continues to compliment her beauty which naturally fixes her recently broken ego. Her happiness is genuine as a smile forms on her face which enhances her beauty even more.

She moves her hand to Ray's pants to release the hidden beast that bulges on the fabric while constantly twitching. She is truly inexperienced in this but she at least have the basic knowledge of what to do during sex.

An audible gasp was released by Ray when her soft and delicate hand grabbed his dick which is hard and very warm. She looks at Ray for approval which he nodded before she lowered her body from a kneel to seiza sitting position as he looked at the thick dick which she doubts will fit her mouth and lower mouth.

"It is best if you lubricate it before we start the real deal."

"Yes Lord Ray."

"Just Ray, no need to call me lord. You are part of my harem now."

Ellen gave a hm before she lowered her head and started licking the head as her hand move up and down on the shaft. The musky scent of his dick flooded her sense of smell which she strangely didn't hate as her tongue move from the head to the lower shaft before she attempts to fit it in her mouth.

Ray who was arranging her hair from disturbing her suddenly feel Ellen's teeth when she tried to fit his dick in her mouth that cause it to twitching suddenly in her mouth.

She look up at Ray who simply shake his hand to tell her not to worry. She then tried again but more carefully as she place ther tongue above her lower teeth for his dick to slide in easier until it reach the entrance of her throat.

She feel another twitch but Ray was gasp with pleasure as he unconsciously tried to thrust his hip as he guided her head to go deeper. Her tongue move along the shaft and create more stimulation to Ray's dick.

"I didn't… expect you be this talented with… your mouth." Ray said while wave of pleasure washing over him as her mouth feel very warm and pleasurable. The throat is dangerous that he almost moved his hip unconsciously.

As time slowly pass, her movement become more faster and less sluggish. She even manage to grasp his weakness which is his testicles which she massage as she giving a blowjob.

His urethra become loaded as buildups are growing as he tried to hold on but Ellen just too good. As she lock eye with him, he feel that his limit become closer and closer to burst.

"Ellen!" Ray gasped before he halted her head and press her head deeper as his dick reached her throat then he burst his thick load down her throat.

When he finished, she lift her head a little before sucking the cum remaining in the urethra. She swallowed them before looking at Ray for the next step.

"Lay on the mattress, I will repay your great blowjob." He then move to the mattress with Ellen but he didn't lay on it but was looking at her thighs that closed shut.

He pry open her thighs and greeted with her neatly shaved pussy without any pubic hair. He looked at Ellen who hid her face with her hand as she felt embarrassed by Ray.

The citrus and musky smell made him looked again and spotted the fluid that overflowing from her vagina. He enter a finger info the hole which end up being gripped very strongly as the inside twitched wildly as his finger move deeper and find no hymen.

Ellen who notice what Ray is finding. "I lost my hymen due to my occupation as wizard which is involved intense training and activity in my early days."

"Oh I that so, I don't need to hold back much then." Ray then start fingering her pussy while his mouth are playing with her clitoris.

Ellen was experiencing pleasure she never before felt as her mind feel lighter and the lower body keep twitching harder as Ray's moved become faster.

Not long after, her climax is very close but Ray suddenly stopped which feel like a bucket of cold water wash over her as she was blue balled. She look at Ray who smirked before his clothes vanished as he put his dick on her entrance and tease her by rubbing it to her clitoris.

"Let me show you the pleasure you missed out." Ray said before he insert his dick into the soppy wet and very tight pussy which envelope his dick with warm feeling and pleasure that made his dick more harder that it feel like it wanted to explode.

However Ellen who at the brink of climax before the insertion instantly climaxed hard when his dick fully entered and hit her womb entrance. The pleasure are too great that she blanked as her brain are brewing a cocktail of hormones and making her almost convulsed. Her eyes almost fully rolled back until few seconds later when she regain her clarity.

Ray warm and loving embrace greeted her when her clarity returned. This feeling is too intoxicating that she feel like her mind melted over. She didn't need her pride or anything at all as long as she can stay like this.

But suddenly pleasure even stronger and overwhelming wash over her body and brain as shiver travel down her spine when Ray start moving. Her heightened sensitivity cause the pleasure to be stronger as her mind become muddle as only the feeling of pleasure keep repeating in her mind as her body tightly hold on to Ray while she moaned loudly.

She cannot form a coherent thought as her brain being mushed and melted by the pleasure. She didn't noticed that she moan loudly as she tried to beg Ray to slow down but the words fail to leave her mouth in a proper words.

Meanwhile Ray feeling great that he able to made her feel such pleasure that her mind basically unable to perform at all as she keep utter words that he failed to understand while she lock her hands and legs on him trying to slow him down but failed since his strength is greater.

The sound of flesh slapping is echoing the room as the wet sound soon replace it when Ellen climaxed second time in a row as Ray pistoning non stop.

He feel her inside become tighten and her flesh squirmed probably due to climax twice in short time period. He can feel his ejaculation become near as he tried to hold it while he increase his speed again as fast as he could before one last thrust that he slam as deep as he could and feel like he pierced her womb before he ejaculated with a loud grunt.

After that, he feel his leg turned soft due to the intensity and him forcefully hold his load longer. He even resorted to use his Hemokinesis to hold on and continue pistoning until his mind lose concentration needed to control the Kinesis. He can feel that after that, his blood rushing into his brain after he forcefully concentrate the blood in his lower body.

He panted for a while to catch his breath because he hold it for too long when tried to concentrate. He look below him to see the total wrecked Ellen as she has the ahegao face on her.

Few moments later, Ellen clarity returned once more while still very disoriented before she saw a person in front of her who she cannot remember since her mind still muddled.

"Ellen… Ellen…"


She didn't receive an answer but Ray gave her kisses which quickly improved her clarity until she slowly remembered what just happened.

Her vagina is filled and feels completed with his dick plugged in. She fell in love with this feeling and the warm feeling in her womb.

"Do you feel satisfied?" Ray asked while still on top of her playing with her nipples and kissed her lips to savour her sweet nectar like saliva.


Ray gave her a kiss on her forehead before separating from her body but she quickly hugged him and refused to let him go since she disliked the feeling of emptiness in her.

"Don't… let's stay like this for a bit… please?" She asked Ray while looking at him almost like she is begging him which is a great contrast to her usual personality.

"My, you look so meek and submissive that I had a hard time believing you are Ellen from an hour ago." Ray then flipped their position for Ellen to be on top of him before they turned to seated position.

"How does it feel to you? From the start after your first climax, you look overwhelmed by pleasure that you can only moan and slurred incoherent words."

"I don't… remember much, I feel my mind blanking and a weird wave of feeling wash over my brain and spine then I forget what happened next until you try to wake me up."

"Then, what do you feel now?"

"... I feel like I want to spend my eternity like this with you. I don't care about anything anymore." She said as her hug tightened and she looked into Ray's eyes to seek her answer.

Ray however was pondering about her answers.

'Did she get that hooked up that she threw away everything just for this or this simply her rambling considering her mind still muddled and not fully recovered.'

"O.. oh um… don't you resent me even slightly for forcing you into allegiance to me?"

"Yes I did…" Ray sweated a bit when he heard her reply.

"But I don't care about the resentment anymore. From the sex, I can feel your genuine warmth and passionate love. Your love, I can feel it and it changed me.

You made me feel the greatest emotions that I was never able to achieve through anything I ever achieved in my life."

Ray nodded and waited silently since she seemed to still have something to say.

"I actually once loved Elliot, one of my childhood friend but he left us with my sister. I hated it and I resent him for not taking me with him but taking my sister."

Ray was surprised when Ellen suddenly poured out her heart and shed tears. He quickly wiped it away before caressing her head to soothe her. She smiled and appreciated the gesture and continued.

"He is also the real strongest wizard but he left me and I turn that sadness into resentment. I vowed to never be defeated and become the new strongest wizard under Isaac's help.

That's why I serve under him since I feel indebted to him for helping me achieve my goals.

The resentment slowly turns my heart numb and discards love aside to pursue the title of strongest wizard.

However today, you showed me your love and breaked the wall I put around my heart. That's why I wanted to say that I love you very much and thank you for introducing me to love once again."

Ellen then kisses Ray who is still shocked after hearing her confession. He looks at her and sees her affectionate gaze which makes him gulp.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"Ah… nothing, I was sur— Ahem, happy that I manage to save you from your resentment."

He totally didn't expect this to happen. Even the auth… ahem

(Note: I totally fucking didn't expect this. My plan was to just write a sex scene and ciao to kill Isaac but suddenly while noice music from mafumafu rolled in, my Inspiration overflowed to the brim and written this confession out spontaneously. Perhaps it a…. divine INTERVENTION!!!)

…(Lemon/r18 end)

Two hours later, Ray exited the Hunter's Dream with Ellen directly into Shido house. All the spirits currently stay in another dorm house next door that Ratatoskr build.

His arrival noticed by Yoshino and Yoshinon who are watching soap opera in the living room. Kotori, Shido and Tohka later joined when they heard the commotion in the living room from Yoshinon shouting.

"Help! The evil person appeared in the house with Ray!" Yoshinon shouted and heavy footsteps can be heard from above before the trio appeared.



"The spirit guy."

All three exclaimed before Kotori look at the other person next to Ray.

"Ray, why is she here? Isn't she the DEM wizard that tried to kill you?" Kotori quickly interrogate Ray who taken a seat on the dining table which followed by Ellen who sit next to him.

"Well, its complicated but I will explain in a moment. Take a seat while I prepare the drinks. Coffee or tea? Maybe juice?"

"Tea" x3

Everyone take a seat on the chairs and sofa while the utensils magically move itself to boil water and prepare a tea pot.

They wanted to ask question, especially Kotori but they understandingly stay quiet and wait after seeing Ray troubled and complicated expression.

Few silent minutes passed and everyone had a cup of steaming hot tea and looked at Ray with anticipation.

"Um… Mo– Kotori, I need to apologize to you…"

"Why?" She was confused when Ray suddenly apologizing to her without any reason.

"I used to riducule and secretly made fun of your motto of saving with love which you did to the spirits. I never thought it will happened to me."

Ray look seriously distress and look confused by the way he clutch his head while looking at the table


Everyone confused even more until Tsukuyomi suddenly appeared next to him while sitting on his defensive plates while explaining what happened between Ellen and Ray before disappeared.

"So you basically unintentionally made Ellen, the world strongest wizard defected from DEM then fallen in love to you before exchanged vows with each other. Did I get everything correct?" Kotori asked with a strange expression on her face.

(Note: Kotori mistaken the vow for allegiance for vow of love since Tsukuyomi didn't explain that part.)

Ray nodded while Ellen look shy and covered her face as she remembered their passionate and steamy moment and her confession with Ray.

Kotori massage her brow before heaved and said. "Isn't this a good development for you? You manage to make a woman fallen in love to you."

"That's the PROBLEM" Ray stressed his word while looking at Kotori in distraught.

"I forgot to tell you all but my times here are almost up here. After I finished my mission, I will be ejected from this timeline and I cannot bring her with me… I supposed to use one of my ability to turn her into my follower but now I feel reluctant to use it on her."

"I don't quite get it but shouldn't there be another way to fix it?" Kotori tried to suggest another way before Ray suddenly get an epiphany.

He didn't get any notification from the system that Ellen are considered as a summoned character like how the wizards turn into his soldier type unit summon. He assumed that mean he perhaps need to use [Dominate] on her which will turn her into a different person due to the process.

He treasure her since she is the first ever lover of him that he didn't created or summoned. She fall in love to him through natural way and he admitted that he actually loved her too. He feel his love to her is different from his weapon souls which automatically fall in love to him instantly.

'System, is there a way to allow her to leave this world with me?'


(System actually surprised by user own brilliant mind… where did the intelligent and wisdom stats goes? Oh, yea 0x200 still is 0. Even if user own stats are high, it's pointless if the user is dumbass.)

(User does realize that the subspace Hunter's Dream basically serve that purpose. Did user mind degenerated after having too much sex lately? Please don't bother the system with stupid question like this.)

Ray instantly faceplamed and looked at the empty space why ponder if the system is correct that his brain degenerate.

"Ahem turn out it was a false alarm… oh right, you all probably want to know about why I will be ejected from the timeline."

"..." Everyone look at his sudden attempt to switch the topic but they just roll with it.

"Ahem. So, I actually send here by a stronger being to complete mission assigned to me and my final one which is eliminating Isaac. After that I would be ejected from this timeline forever."

"I will eliminate you major obstacle in savings spirits and allow you a smooth sailing to seal all other spirits."

"Then this our final time meeting you Ray?"

"Yeah Kotori, I will quickly deal with Isaac after this. Better to attack when he least expected."

"I see… then, as commander of Fraxinus, I thank you Ray Elliot for greatly helped in our mission to seal the spirits." Kotori stand up and gave Ray a salute with a serious expression.

"It's ok, I did it as part of my mission anyway. How about you guys, anything to say before I meet Kurumi and Nia?"

Shido quickly took the chance to thank him for protecting him when Tohka almost killed him during their first encounter. Tohka also nodded furiously before she thanked him.

"Ne ne mister, Yoshino decided to not follow mister. Yoshino feel more comfortable here and peaceful."

"Well it's your decision and I will honour it. Also take this, my gift for you." Ray gave her the Elder Treant Bracelet.

"This can help regulate your unstable power, boost your firepower and summon a small tree to provide regenerative aura."

Yoshino received the bracelet that look like hardwood vines woven together into a bracelet with a green crystal that have a tree shape engraving.

Seeing that his business here is done, he leave the house to the next door dorm house. While he and Ellen leave the house, Shido have him a hug and farewell as if sending his son away before leaving abroad.

When Ray arrived, he ring the bell and waited for few seconds. The door immediately swing open and Nia was wearing a pajama while holding a cup of coffee and wearing a glasses.

"Ray! Where have you been to? We suddenly lose contact from you for few days and Scáthach didn't drop by anymore." Nia quickly move aside and invited him in.

When he entered, Ray saw Kurumi at the living room while browsing something on the tablet with a half empty mug. She look away from the tablet and sees Ray and Ellen.

"So… Why is she with you?" Kurumi ask calmly but her gaze to Ellen can be described as with hostility. Nia probably didn't know or remember but Kurumi knew who Ellen was.

Ellen however didn't back down from Kurumi gaze and aloofly stare back at her acting oblivious. Similar to Tsukuyomi, Ellen is more reserved to show affection in public or foreign places but she isn't embarrassed to show any bitches that tried to get their way into Ray's heart.

"She leave DEM behind and follow me now and… also my lover." Ellen smile brighten when Ray introduce her as his lover which didn't escape Kurumi's sharp eye.

"Fine. Anyway, why are you here?"

"I wanted to know both yours and Nia answer, I'm going to end everything there and soon ejected from this timeline."

He notice that Nia look away when he enter that topic. He can already guess that she also going to stay. He heaved a sigh before looking at Kurumi while silently pray in his heart.

"Erm… Ray, I wanted to accept your offer but I wanted to clarify something first." Ray surprised when Nia didn't actually rejected to join him.

"You said that you born from collective power of spirit. That's a lie right? I spend my time to investigate using Rasiel and none of them are named Ray Elliot or even a male."

"..." Ray didn't expect her to investigate it by avoiding investigate him directly which will end up with none due to my anti divination ability.

"Then what and who are you? Kurumi and I are very sure that you is a spirit."

Ray sighed and explained that he isn't even a human but a half god that enter this world to do his contract and unknowingly changed into a spirit.

"The why you have to lie to us about the whole born from spirit power nonsense?" Nia didn't look angry at all which made him relieved but the way she interrogate him are like a mother that found out her son lied about his exam results… disappointment.

"Uh… it's to make a background for myself. Wouldn't it be suspicious if I were the same out of nowhere? And… to get cooperation from Fraxinus…?"

"And?... I feel like those aren't the real reason and why are you unsure of your own answers." Her brow furrowed and her arm crossed while her feet were tapping impatiently.

Kurumi and Ellen took a seat while watching with great interest like they are watching a television.

"I didn't expect Ray to easily cower when Nia acted like an angry mother scolding her son." Kurumi commented while Ellen simply nodded but Ellen hypothesized that Ray probably does crave for a mother figure or simply like it.

"Um… I actually do it to play a prank on spirits I meet to see their expression but it become bland soon but I was surprised that Kotori actually seriously consider me as her son."

"So, you made it up for fun?" Nia asked while her gaze narrow further and Ray can feel faint dangerous feels from Nia.

"Wait! I did have reasons right? Not be suspicious and can be believed…"

Nia hmph before letting it slide and take a seat with Kurumi and Ellen. Ray soon follow and take a seat next to Ellen who tried to cheer him up by rubbing his back while giving some encouragement.

"I let it slide this time since you do it to help saving spirits." Nia forgive Ray for lying to her.

"Then, will you form spirit contract with me?" Ray mood quickly improved and return to his main purpose of coming here.

"Of course, I will make you take responsibility for confessing your love to me." Surprised twice from knowing that she does accept his confession and uttering the cringy cliche line that usually came from romance manga.

"Ahem, I take it as yes then. How about you Kurumi?" Kurumi who suddenly called out by Ray looked at him while trying to recall something before she are ready to talk.

"So, I wanted to know why are you not seeing me as potential love interest and lied that you see me as you mother?" Kurumi said while smiling and put a finger on her lips which exude the feel of brimming curiousity.

Ray remembered that he did said it when they are talking in his home after saving Nia.

"Well your personality is unpredictable. Your great acting skill also didn't help with that. Your personality honestly very unpredictable that it terrified me. After all there is a quote 'Don't stick dick in crazies' exist for that." Ray said the last part with serious tone which made everyone to look at him weirdly.

"Vulgar" Nia said but know that Ray are very blunt with words sometimes and didn't think about it much.

"Ara ara, I didn't think that Ray sees me as a crazy person." She said while her crazy smile start to show on her face while her right eye start to glow red a bit.

"See! That, that face is what I mean." Ray quickly point it out to Nia and Ellen who agreed with Ray assessment.

Kurumi quickly fake a cough before she return to normal.

"Ray, you shouldn't say that to a lady. They might get offended easily." Kurumi said with her sweet voice that made Ray danger sense to gone off and quickly nodded.

"However you can't deny that you have interest in me right? 'Don't stick dick in crazies', that mean if I don't look crazy then you would like to do me aren't you?" Kurumi quickly corner Ray in this conversation and the aura she released tell Ray that he cannot dodge this question or something bad will happen.

"Y.. yes" Ray said while looking ro the side to avoid her gaze trying to look at the wall and find something interesting to distract himself.

"Good, I like honest people."

"I actually also liked you after you saved me from destroying this world from my action. I no longer have purpose here, staying here just made me feel bitter from my helplessness." Her voicd changes again, from domineering to sad.

"I wanted to get my revenge on Phantom but doing so will only lead the world to destruction. All I get is momentary satisfaction but condemned the whole world to death."

"That's why I wanted to leave with you, I will make you take responsibility for turning me like this."

Ray mind was halted immediately when he heard her confession and cringy ass line from romance manga.

The word responsibility echoed in his mind while his expression are shocked like Kazuma when the little girl tricked him into joining Axis cult.

He turn his gaze from the wall to Kurumi's face. He saw her blushed cutely which normally will made his heart pump hard till it feel like bursting but he didn't. He instead slapped his face to make sure he isn't dreaming or seeing illusion.

He lift his hand and able to feel the pain from his palm and face which tell him its real. His sudden antic seen by Nia and Ellen who looked at him.

"This is a lie right? How the heck I suddenly get confessed three times in a row?"

He tapped into Cosmic Guidance but get no answers since everything that happen in front of him is not due to manipulation or illusion. It happened naturally without any manipulation.

He is in denial. 'How a unpopular person like me who failed the first time in Date a Live suddenly got multiple confession like this!'

'It has to be a trick! Perhaps an illusion power from the transmigrator. Yes it has to be!'

Sensing Ray's sudden emotion fluctuations, Artemis summon herself to check what happened to her master.

"Master, what happened to you?"


Ray finally noticed Artemis quickly catch her shoulders and look at her grimly.

"Artemis! I think that the transmigrator used an illusion on me. I start to get confessions left and right. He probably used the Illusion to fool me into false sense of security before ambushing me."

"No wonder he didn't take the initiative to attack me…"

"Master should know that master have insight that made master immune to illusion right?" Artemis look unamused and at the same time worried that her master self esteem is low enough to think the confessions are illusion.

Artemis then use her link to call Tsukuyomi to help calm her master down.

Nia, Kurumi and Ellen then asked Artemis what happened to Ray for suddenly slapping himself and rambling about illusion which Artemis explained how Ray are very unpopular with woman that he created her and Tsukuyomi to fill that position.

After the explanation, Ellen finally knew why Ray look very surprised when she confessed to him and become very distracted.

Ellen quickly turn to Ray that are in deep thoughts while being comforted by Tsukuyomi's tail. She hold his face and turn to her while staring deep into his eyes which caused him to stopped thinking and look at her.

"Ray, my confession and love to you are very much real and I will repeat it again and again that I love you until you believe me." Ellen then gave him a long and passionate kiss that made him look at her in surprise.

He then look at Nia and Kurumi who also said. "Our confession is very much real too." Then Kurumi added. "Do you want me to prove it to you with a kiss too?" While smile playfully and walk toward Ray.


Ray gulped when Kurumi slowly trace her fingers across his face before giving him a kiss too before looking at Nia with the look to challenge her to do it too.

Nia feel challenged by Kurumi and didn't want to lose to Kurumi and Ellen. But Ray quickly switch the topic before Nia could do it.

"Anyway let's make the spirit contract and kill the transmigrator or Isaac."

Ray quickly activate [Spirit Tamer] to create the contract which is a magic circle that he can embed into a spirit's soul and both side will agree on the contract level.

The level is Temporary, Attempt and Eternal with other like Lineage or Territory.

Temporary is contract limited by duration. Usually this is how spirit being loaned or rent by. Spirit use this type of contract 90% of the times since they will benefit more from this kind of contract.

Attempt type contract is contract limited by how many times they can be summoned. Usually strong spirit like spirit lord of each element used to those that manage to gain their approval. The spirit are completely untied to the summoner which mean they fight with their true power and they are not affected if the summoner dies.

Eternal type contract is similar to soul binding as the spirit that enter this contract will bind their life to their summoner and their life and death is in the hand of their summoner. If the summoner died, the spirit also dies but if the spirit dies, they can rest and recover to be summoned once again.

The other type are self explanatory like lineage is tied to a person lineage while territory is spirit that bound to a place usually as a guardian.

When Nia and Kurumi received the magic circle, they saw a screen that ask what type of contract they wanted to form and both choose Eternal without hesitation before a warm sensation spread through their body and soul.

"This feeling… I get this feeling like Ray always with my arm's reach." Nia exclaimed while Kurumi said. "This dense spiritual energy… even if I use Yud Bet to travel 100 years into the past, I don't think that I can make a dent on it."

This is the effect of the contract because spirits summoner cast spell through the spirit and the contract allow them to tap into Ray's whole mana reserve and life force although with restriction. Ray however didn't limit it and trusted them enough to allow unrestrained access.

Kurumi then activate her astral dress to found that it changed. Her new astral dress now replaced the black and red pattern dress into purplish black and red. The purplish black lines also have dots that look like the cosmos itself that moved ever so slightly.

Nia did too and saw her entire astral dress now turn purplish black with the stars like the cosmos. The edge also look like a dancing flame like Ray's Haki coating.

All these transformations are due to Ray's star attribute mana which constantly flooded their sepirah core and tainted their spiritual energy with his mana.

Meanwhile Ellen looks at Nia and Kurumi with envy to have an even closer connection with Ray than her. Ray noticed but didn't know what to do since she is neither a weapon soul or spirits that he can bond to his soul.

Ray then extended his hand to hold her hand which made her look at him. Looking at her gloomy face pained his heart which made him want to comfort her.

"Don't worry, even without the bond. I will never going to give you up or going to let you down. Neither will I ever going to run around and desert you just to make you cry. I would never going to say goodbye to you either.

(Note: JK, I'm bored trying to end this part. The real one below)

"Don't worry, even without the bond. I will never going to treat you any lesser than them. I treasure every single one of you." Ray then use his other hand to pat Tsukuyomi who sitting on his lap. Tsukuyomi looked up to look at Ray while his eyes turn slitted and his tail wagging rapidly.

Ray noticed that whenever Tsukuyomi is excited, his eye will become slitted and his canine teeth will appeared. Tsukuyomi then started to purr when Ray patted him.

All three woman stop their actions and looked at peaceful Ray and Tsukuyomi being absorbed into their own world.

After that, they spend few more minutes talking about unimportant topic before they leave to say goodbye to Kotori. They also didn't have any belonging that they have to pack other than Ray shamelessly clean the fridge off the sodas and any canned drinks he can find which cause several raised eyebrows.

After they say their goodbyes, Ray used his [Cosmic Guidance] to pinpoint Isaac's location before using [Dimension Shift] to instantly arrived at his doorstep.


(Note: Whew, should enter the fight with Isaac this chapter but got sidetracked too much to finish up his loose end)