
The Beginning of Death: Chapter 7

As Jack entered he came to find that he was now inside of a large commons area. He noticed a board with papers on it and then the woman who was with Sam in the tutorial popped up in front of him.

Grace "Hello, my name is Grace, I would like to show you around if you wouldn't mind."

Jack gave her a nod "Hello, my name is Jack, I would appreciate it."

Grace then showed Jack around the Neutral Zone while explaining what survival points were for and where he could use them.

Jack "What about that board in the middle of the commons?"

Grace "That is the request board. If you take one of the papers and tear it then it will activate the request and you will have to complete it. That is how you get survival points."

Jack 'Hm, I already got 5000 survival points from my invitation bonus plus the 50% discountI got from my gold mark and fifth place combined. I should have an easy time here.'

After Jack finished contemplating things he noticed Grace stopped.

Grace "Well this is where you will be staying. It gives a slightly faster recovery rate although a lot less then what first place gets it will still help a lot in the future."

Jack "Yes it will help tremendously in the future."

Grace "Well enjoy your time here and make sure to check out the VIP store I mentioned earlier"

Jack "Thank you very much Grace"

After that Jack shut the door and hopped on his bed.

Jack 'Well it seems that I am going to need to do those requests and maybe gather more shadow soldiers from them. I also need to go to the vip store and see what they have to offer me.'

Jack finished contemplating things and decided that he should go earn more survival points since he assumed that items in the VIP store would be expensive. Jack also only had around 7000 points on him and he wanted to be able to get whatever he needed so he went down towards the board to start grinding for points.

Jack noticed that there were not many people around the board at the moment.

Jack 'Everyone is most likely exploring this place right now so I should hurry and grab some points while not many people are here.'

Jack made it to the board and began looking at the missions. He noticed that there was only one ticket with an impossible difficulty. Jack figured he wouldn't be able to do said mission till him and his soldiers were stronger so he picked an intermediate mission.

The mission said that he only had to eliminate the goblins hiding in their den. So Jack tore the paper in half and he was engulfed in a bright golden light.


Jack appeared in front of an eerie looking cave entrance.

Jack 'Ok Bellivir, Hook, Scout out the area and get ready to head in.'

After he gave his soldiers commands he summoned a short sword and began to inspect his surroundings. Jack then noticed a goblin near the entrance of the cave. Hook then swiped his hand out causing the goblin to be entangled by an anchor and metal wire connected to Hook's hand. After the goblin was caught Hook yanked the wire and the goblin got split into bits and pieces the smell of the goblins blood alerted a goblin that was a little ways inside the cave.

The goblin seemed as if it was about to alert the rest of the goblins in the cave so Jack quickly threw his short sword at the goblin.

The goblin saw the sword and tried to dodge but it still cut one of his legs off. After the goblin was suddenly without a leg he began to cry loudly but suddenly felt an ominous feeling.

Jack was behind the goblin with almost unnoticeable streaks of purple emitting from his eyes. Jack stabbed the goblin in the head.

Jack "Arise"

As soon as Jack said that the goblin at the entrance and the one he had previously killed had purple hands reaching out of their shadows. Soon two goblins were kneeling in front of Jack.

Jack "Hook you take command of the goblins for now."

Hook then kneeled in front of Jack and communicated with the goblins with its eyes. After that Jack and his soldiers headed deeper.

After about an hour or so Jack made it to the final area in the cave. Jack saw a group of around 25 goblins and one larger goblin who he assumed was the leader of them.

Jack "Lets go"

Jack then summoned a short sword and rushed forward followed by a Bellivir, Hook, and a group of around 10 goblins.

As soon as Jack reached the group of goblins he began to speed past the other goblins although he did cut 5 of their heads off.

Bellivir was slicing the goblins in half while Hook was swinging the anchors connected to his hands around. The other goblins were engaging in one on one with the other goblins although they couldn't even die since once they were cut they immediately began to regenerate the cut area on their bodies.

Jack felt that his mana was dropping at a sizable rate and looked towards the goblins. He noticed that they were regenerating their injuries. He assumed that the reason that his mana was dropping was so that they could regenerate.

After that he knew that he could not drag the battle on for long so he called Bellivir to help him. Jack then rushed towards the larger goblin and slashed at his neck while Bellivir raised from the goblin's shadow. Slashing at the goblin's heels Bellivir caused the goblin to fall forward making it easier to decapitate the goblin. Jack put more power into his slash and the goblin's head flew up in the air.

After that Jack turned around and saw that there were no more goblin's remaining.

Jack "Arise"

A scene Jack has seen multiple times in the 2 or 3 he had been in the cave occurred. The shadow goblins then kneeled in front of Jack.

Jack nodded and all the shadow soldiers returned to his shadow. After that he was engulfed in a golden light and he popped back into the commerce area near the bulletin board. Jack Immediately grabbed another paper and tore it but this paper had hard written on it.

Jack felt like the first one was too easy so he decided that he should try to do a hard one.


8 hours later Jack appeared at the bulletin board with a golden flash. He looked worn out and exhausted.

Jack remembered what he faced inside.

There was a group of what seemed to be lizards but as soon as Jack approached them he was nearly killed by a sword that approached his chest at an incredible speed. Jack dodged the sword and tried to cut the arm that tried to stab a sword into him but he felt the hair on his body stand up so he quickly rolled out of the way again.

Jack then called his shadow soldier's and the lizards and Jack with his army were locked in a tough battle. After They defeated the first group of the lizards they heard the footsteps of more so Jack called his shadows back and retreated.

This continued for 5 more hours till Jack finally finished off the leader of the Lizards.

After that experience Jack learned to never overestimate himself and always approach everything with caution as you may never know what might happen.

Jack 'Well I have more points now so I guess I should head up to check out the VIP store.'

Jack then arrived at the VIP store and noticed that the man who got first place was also there.

Jack and the man whose name was Seol stared at each other for a minute then they both entered the VIP store.

The man at the counter noticed them "Hey only those who have at least 30,000 points can enter here."

Jack "Well I only wanted to see the prices of the items here"

Counter man "That was what the catalogue you were given when you first got to the neutral zone was for."

Jack 'Oh that was important guess I should look over it'

After that Jack shook his head and was about to head out when Seol handed the Man at the counter a note.

The Man grabbed some vial out of the cabinet behind him.

Counter Man "This is competence and it increases the effectiveness of training by four times. The regular store down stairs also sells them but it is only 2 times so this is much better and they only cost 400 points while there's costs 250 points."

Jack's attention was focused on the man as he was talking.

Jack 'Wait I wonder if that was the same note as I had gotten from the roulette machine.'

He heard Seol say he wanted to buy all 60 of them but Jack intervened. He pulled out the guide's note that he had gotten before and showed it to the man.

Jack "No I will buy half as well. You can't take everything for yourself."

Seol "Eh what do you mean I found them first!"

Jack "Whatever, Hey you sell me half."

Counter Man "Um sure I will sell you half."

The man at the counter felt intimidated at the sight of Jack's emotionless eyes. So he gave in and sold half to Seol and the other half to Jack.

After that Jack smiled and grabbed half of the vials and stuffed them into his golden bag and walked out. Seol was grumbling to himself.

Seol 'Man I feel like I just got scammed. Well, there's not much I can do.'


Jack returned to his room and hopped on the bed and mentally prepared himself for the training he was going to start with the competence he got tomorrow.

The clutches of sleep surrounded him soon and he passed out a little later.

A little longer than uslual. As always Let me know if there is anything you would like me to change or fix and Enjoy!

Edited as of 10/28/2021 1697 words after editing.

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