Jack was alone all his life. He had to learn how to survive in a world that had completely left him behind. Eventually his fight for survival brought him into Paradise which would beat him to the ground harder than anything ever before. How will he overcome it? Only one word Survive. ---------------------------- I do not own any of the original works that is being written in this nor do I own the cover. Please go support the original author and read the original light novel as it is a very good read. If the original poster wants me to take the cover down just message me.
There was chaos and there was peace. There was sadness and happiness. There was life and death but only one thing mattered and that was survival. Jack Styer spent his whole twenty years of life fighting for survival due to his parents abandoning him at the lowly age of five at an orphanage. Not knowing what was happening at that time he cried a lot and wondered what he did wrong. He was angry at his parents but he also wanted them to come back for him but alas after two years of waiting no one showed up for him. When he started school kids would bully him and make fun of him for not having parents and he would go back to the orphanage bruised and battered not having anyone to ask for help due to being outcast by the rest of the kids so only one thing popped into his head at that time 'SURVIVE'. He spent his time wondering what his purpose was and he spent most of his years all the way into his high school years alone not showing love or hate to others, not showing happiness or sadness to the adults in his life and then he graduated and he continued to survive the harsh reality that was the world.
One day Jack was walking home after coming from the gym where he visited five times a week. He was now a tall young man with black hair and a very well defined build and was six foot three inches tall(190cm). He had a tattoo wrapping around his arm that said one thing: SURVIVE.
He was wary recently because a man in a business suit came up to him and asked him "How would you like to go to a fantasy world where you can do anything you dream of" after that he handed him a business card with his name Sam Hunt, a phone number, and an address.
Jack thought 'This seems suspicious but maybe I can find a way to enjoy life there instead of feeling like I am alone all the time. I will look this up when I get home and see if anything has been happening to others recently.' After Jack was done contemplating he continued on his way home and went to bed. The next morning he woke up and gave the number on the card a call.
Jack then asked "Hello is this Sam I am speaking to? This is Jack from yesterday"
Sam replied "Yes, I assume you are interested in my offer from yesterday?"
Jack " Indeed I am contemplating because I do not know what I will be getting myself into."
Sam "Well Jack I have the perfect opportunity for you. It is what we call a tutorial like in an RPG game that you can attend to get the gist of what it is like in the place we call Paradise but first I need to meet you in person to give you something to help you in this tutorial. Would that be ok?"
Jack "Ok how about at the coffee shop on 3rd street at 8 am tomorrow. Will that work?"
Sam " Sure that would be great, see you there. Make sure you rest up. The tutorial is very taxing on the mind and body."
Jack" Ok, have a good day."
After that Jack hung up and decided to take the day off and rest at home waiting for tomorrow.
Jack then headed to the coffee shop that him and Sam agreed to meet at a little early to get some coffee to wake him up and get him ready for the day. After he ordered his got his coffee from the barista he went and sat at a table near the window to wait for Sam.
Around ten minuets later Sam walked in and headed straight towards Jack and sat down.
Sam "Good morning Jack. How are you doing Today?"
Jack " I am ok. So what do you need to give me?"
Sam" So can you give me your hand real quick?"
Jack showed the palm of his hand to Sam. After which Sam pulled out a Golden stamp and pressed it against his hand and a small golden light shone for a few seconds before disappearing. Leaving nothing behind on Jack's hand.
Jack looked a little surprised but shrugged it off considering what he heard about Paradise from Sam. After that Sam pulled out a piece of paper and started to write things down on it.
Jack" What is that for?"
Sam" It is a contract for our terms of working together."
Jack got a little restless for a moment then calmed his nerves and said "What do you mean contract?"
Sam" Do not worry I am only doing this for formalities. It basically is just saying you won't do anything that will hurt me and I can't do anything that will hurt you in anyway."
Jack" Can I add one thing?"
Sam " Sure, what is it?"
Jack " The contractor can't order the contracted for anything and if the contracted wants he can disband the contract at anytime he wishes."
Sam" ok but if I do that then I will have to add something myself."
Sam wrote down what Jack asked and then added something he wanted to. He wrote down; When the contracted gets into paradise then he will have to not talk to anyone and only the contractor and The contractor and Contracted will in no way to anything to betray one another.
Jack" Ok it all looks good to me where should I sign?"
Sam" Ok let me sign real quick. Ok right on the dotted line."
Jack then signed and asked with a peculiar light in his eye" So where is the tutorial at?"