
Death in Paradise: Chapter 15

Jack woke up the next morning and packed his tent up then headed into the city. He was heading into a store and bought some coffee when he saw Seol coming in from the gateway. The woman Cho Hong who he saw back in the forest was there as well and she split off from the group and sped off

Jack sighed knowing where she was going and continued into the store. He ordered a coffee and when he got it he just sat at a bench outside and enjoyed some peace and quiet of course he had his hood up so that no one would see his face.

A little later a man was walking past Jack but when he did he threw a letter at Jack. Jack raised an eyebrow and looked around the area cautiously. He now knew that there were people who were watching him everywhere which made the hair on his neck stand up but shook it off soon enough. He then opened the letter cautiously.

To Jack,

We are putting together a team to help rescue the people captured by the parasites and Sir Ian recommended that we invite you. If you would like to join we would give you suitable compensation for your troubles. If you say yes then please come to the temple of Luxuria so that we can discuss further details. If not please burn this letter and forget we contacted you.

From Sicilia.

When Jack finished reading the letter he wondered if the people that had kidnapped him were the same ones that got these people. If they were he would be able to get a better scope of their operations but he didn't trust that idea too much since the ones who kidnapped him didn't seem to be connected to the parasites. After contemplating for a little he decided the only way to find out was to go and see for himself.

Jack then got up with an ice cold expression on. He wanted to see the people who had cut off his arm fall. He wanted to see how their face would look when they realised that everything they had built up had been utterly destroyed without them knowing.

Jack then walked into the crowd and headed towards the temple.

He soon arrived and was greeted by a priest who looked at him weirdly. He handed her the letter and was soon pointed in the direction of a room towards the back of the temple. Jack opened the door and saw a bunch of people standing around a bed. He looked over their shoulders and saw it was Ian. Ian smiled at him and soon everyone looked back towards him. They saw a man with a cloak on. He was just looking at them but they could see in his eyes an intense rage that made some of them shudder.

Jack "Well when are we going?"

Cinzina "Woah there boy, we are not even done getting the team together."

Jack "I can do it alone."

Cinzina "Ok, whatever you say idiot."

Jack just shook his head and sat in a corner. They were talking to Ian about what the enemies were like and a little later in the day someone showed up at the door.

Seol "I have a way we can get in there easily!"

Cinzina "How could you possibly know a way like that?"

Seol "I know a guy."

Cinzina "Well let's hear it then."

Seol then explained about a teleportation circle that would get them in and out of the facility. It seemed like a great plan but Jack was wary about where the plan came from. He knew that he could just go through their front doors without much problem and he didn't trust Seol enough to let him dictate how he would get things done. So he soon got up and left the room without so much of a word left behind. Everyone only watched him walk out of the room when they heard Ian sigh.

Ian "There goes your best chance of avoiding any casualties."

Cinzina "What do you mean?"

Ian "That man is something else when it comes to fighting in a group. I probably shouldn't say any more than that since if he wanted he could probably kill everyone in the city except a few within hours."

Cinzina "Then why are we even letting him leave? We should just kill him to avoid further problems."

Ian "I would not recommend that since he could just escape."

Cinzina "Is he not just a level one?"

Ian "He is most likely higher now based on his strength than I had previously seen, but I still would just recommend leaving him alone."

Cinzina scoffed and lit a cigar. They then continued their planning and then they split after finishing their discussions.


Two days later they gathered together to make their way to the teleporter. When they got there they found out that they only had a few minutes to actually get everyone out since Ian could only keep it open for so long. After going over their plans one last time they got ready and Ian soon activated the teleporter. They were teleported into a room that had a secret entrance and a few shelves with broken flasks on them.

When they walked out of the room they were greeted by a scene so gruesome that a few of them puked. There was orc blood and guts all over the hallway. In the rooms on the sides of the hallway you could see humans that looked like they were infected with parasites missing limbs and a few were even headless.

Overall it was incredibly gruesome and it continued down the hallway. It looked like they had just walked into hell but they soldiered on searching for their friends.

Seol "Hugo!"

When Seol said that everyone looked towards the middle of the room. There they could see a black man crouching on the ground and covering his head.

Seol "Hugo! Are you ok?"

Hugo "Seol? Is that you?"

Seol "It's me. What happened here?"

Hugo "Is it really you?!"

Seol "Yeah."

When Seol said that he had a concerned look on his face. He wondered what could have happened to change the Hugo he knew so much.

Seol "What happened here man?"

Hugo "A massacre."


When Jack left the meeting he started preparing for when he would set off to the duchy. He did not want to go along with their plan as it seems much too risky when he knew he could just do it alone. He also thought about going to try and level up after the expedition. He didn't know which god to go to since it all felt kind of weird to him. He was probably going to go to Ira since he seemed like the best option for Jack at the moment.

After Jack got his preparations he left the town and set up camp as he would be leaving in the morning so he was not tired while fighting.

Jack did not sleep much since he had a sort of ptsd when it came to what happened to him in that basement. He would have nightmares whenever he fell asleep and he would not be able to sleep after he woke up so he was quite tired at most times.

When Jack woke up he made a coffee and began the trek to where the duchy is. He would be going before the main team since he did not want to show more people his power. He would be damned if his enemies found out about his power. They would probably try to eliminate him right away instead of just capturing him. Although luckily they didn't know his name nor his power which was like a barrier of protection to Jack.

After Jack entered a forest some wolves tried to attack him but he killed them quickly with Hook then resurrected them. He called the alpha wolf and hopped on its back. He wouldn't be walking the whole time anymore.

Sorry about the late upload. Due to some school stuff I was not able to upload in the beginning of the week then Thanksgiving happened upon us and I had to go to my grandparents home so that was the reason and once again sorry about the late upload.

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving, I will be back to a semi regular uploadinjg schedule now so Enjoy!

TAKENcreators' thoughts