
Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

In a realm where cultivation determines one's destiny, Feng Chen, A Reincarnated modern day highschooler, once dismissed as worthless and exiled from his prestigious clan, discovers a hidden path to redemption. Gifted with the Seclusion System, an enigmatic tool that rewards intense isolation and training, Feng Chen embarks on a transformative journey. Driven by a desire to prove his worth and reclaim his rightful place, Feng Chen navigates a treacherous world fraught with rival clans, ancient secrets, and mystical powers. As he delves deeper into cultivation, he uncovers forgotten techniques and rare insights that set him apart from his peers. However, amidst his quest for power, Feng Chen must confront his inner demons and the shadows of his past. With each challenge he faces, including a rare and deadly affliction threatening his life, Feng Chen discovers new depths to his abilities and forges alliances that shape his destiny. As he ascends through the ranks of cultivators, Feng Chen's journey becomes a testament to resilience, determination, and the boundless potential of the Seclusion System. Will he succumb to the temptations of power, or will he transcend his origins to become a legend in his own right? ----- • Upload Schedule -> 5 Days a Week... will upload more if I feel like it :D Oh! And if like the story, Do leave your reviews!!! :>

WanderingShadow1 · Oriental
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26 Chs

Ch 20: Boundless Breakthrough

Feng Chen sat in the center of his newly established cave, feeling the heightened concentration of Qi. The Barrier and Qi Gathering Array were working wonders, saturating the air with energy. As he inhaled deeply, the system prompt appeared before him.


System Notification:

New Mission Available:-

Boundless Breakthrough

Objective: Breakthrough as many realms as possible in the next 30 days.

Reward: 2000 Food Grains and Mystery Gift (to be opened after 3 days).


Feng Chen's eyes sparkled with determination. "This is my chance," he muttered. He settled into a meditative stance, ready to push his cultivation to its limits. Yin and Yang coiled up beside him, sharing in the abundant Qi.

As Feng Chen focused, his Qi surged, propelling him through the initial realms. The days blended into nights, each breakthrough sharpening his senses and expanding his spiritual awareness. The energy within the cave was almost tangible, a constant flow that fueled his relentless progression.

Yin and Yang, too, felt the effects of the enriched environment. They coiled and uncoiled, absorbing the Qi, their cultivation levels rising alongside Feng Chen's. Yet, even the most diligent cultivators needed a break. As the days dragged on, boredom set in for the twin snakes.

"Why don't we play a game?" Yin suggested, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

Yang agreed, "How about hide and seek? Though, it's not like he can find us even if he tries," he added with a smirk, glancing at Feng Chen.

The snakes slithered around the cave, playing games to pass the time. Their playful antics filled the cave with hissing laughter, their bond growing stronger as they sparred and chatted.

"He's so focused," Yin observed, hiding behind a rock.

"Yeah, but he can be quite reliable when it counts," Yang admitted, stretching lazily on the bed.

By the 30th day, the cave had become a bustling hive of energy and laughter. Feng Chen's concentration was unbroken, each breakthrough bringing him closer to his goal. As the final day dawned, a surge of energy enveloped him. His Qi condensed and solidified, reaching the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm.

He stood up, feeling the limit of his current potential. "It seems like the 9th realm is the maximum in this world," he mused, his voice echoing in the cave. Yin and Yang were sprawled on the bed, snoring softly, their playful energy finally exhausted.


System Notification:

Congratulations! You have completed 30 days in seclusion.

Reward: 2000 Food Grains and a Mystery Gift (can be opened after 3 days).


Feng Chen examined the food grains, his nose wrinkling in distaste. "A nutritional food item that replenishes energy and is very suitable for seclusion," the description read. He sniffed the grains, his face contorting with disgust. "It smells like burnt wood!"

Yin stirred, cracking an eye open. "What did you expect? Gourmet meals?" he muttered, half-asleep.

Yang added, "Just be grateful it's not poison," before rolling over and falling back into slumber.

Another notification appeared:


System Notification:

Congratulations! You have broken through to the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Choose the martial arts technique you want to use as the foundation of your cultivation wisely.


Feng Chen's eyes widened. He knew from his beloved manga that the foundation was critical. "I remember that the foundation is the very origin that strengthens the way to invincibility," he said aloud. "If the techniques used as a foundation are weak, no matter how hard someone tries to achieve breakthroughs in the future, they'll face an unbreakable wall."

He sighed deeply, the weight of the decision settling on his shoulders. "I can't choose just any technique as my foundation," he muttered, staring at the ceiling.

As he contemplated, Yin and Yang awoke, curious about his dilemma. "Having trouble, master?" Yin asked, slithering over.

"Yeah, need some advice?" Yang added, their tones surprisingly supportive.

Feng Chen chuckled. "You two are surprisingly helpful when you're not trying to mock me."

Yin flicked his tongue. "That's what companions are for, right?"

Yang nodded, "We'll figure it out together."

Feeling a bit more at ease, Feng Chen opened his status window to review his progress.



- Name: Feng Chen

- Age: 15

- Cultivation Level: Peak of Qi Condensation Realm, 9th Stage

- Lifespan: 125 years

- Qi Control: Enhanced

- Senses: Sharpened


- Way of Wind (Movement Technique)

- Fiery Sun Palm (Offensive Technique)

Spirit Beasts:-

1. Yin (Black Snake)

- Age: 2 Months

- Cultivation Level: Late Qi Condensation

- Abilities: Enhanced agility, venom manipulation, spiritual affinity, size manipulation

- Trust Level: 95%

2. Yang (White Snake)

- Age: 2 Months

- Cultivation Level: Late Qi Condensation

- Abilities: Enhanced agility, venom manipulation, spiritual affinity, size manipulation

- Trust Level: 95%


- Grade 1 Healing Elixir

- Necklace of Life


- Barrier (Growth Type)

- Qi Gathering Array (Growth Type)


Feng Chen smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Whatever it is, I guess I'll just make it happen," he said confidently. Yin and Yang watched him with respect and amusement, ready to support their master in the next steps of his journey.