
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urbain
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183 Chs

This person Simon Kang(1)

Three pairs of eyes were fixed on Kevin, especially John's, as if he wanted to reach out and grab Kevin's neck, urging him to stop beating around the bush and just say it. But Kevin was still fiddling with his phone for a while, before finally finding a few photos and handing them to John. "Here, this is the guy. The name of the main character in 'I am a Special Forces Soldier.' He's a military officer and he's cool and handsome."

Kevin had watched the drama before with a girlfriend whose name he couldn't remember, and he had forgotten everything about it except for the whistling music and the male lead. As luck would have it, he had just come across the actor again on a short video app, where he learned that he had divorced the actress who played the female lead.

Could this foreign actor be Jane's adulterous husband? No way!

Overwhelmed by his own imagination, Kevin looked eagerly at John as if he had discovered the truth and wanted to take credit for it.

Mark Cooper took out his phone and started searching. After a while, he looked at John's unpleasant face and said, "John, are you being played by Jane? Simon Kang is the name of an idol drama male lead, and it's a Korean drama. Is it just a coincidence?"

John's expression suddenly became stern as he turned to look at Brian, who looked clueless. It was like catching a cheating spouse, only to find a straw man sleeping in their place.

Just then, John's phone vibrated. It was a call from the military, and they said, "We're sorry, but there's no such person as Simon Kang in our military system." After a moment of contemplation, the person on the other end hesitated and asked, "Did Mr. John not receive any useful information about the donation of millions of dollars' worth of military supplies?"

Brian felt sorry and uneasy. John had sacrificed a lot to investigate Simon Kang, using his precious connections and even proposing to donate military supplies to the military. But now, they were telling him that there was no such person as Simon Kang?

"Mr. John," Brian asked, looking at John, who nodded stiffly. Brian immediately replied, "The supplies won't be withdrawn. Mr. John says thank you for your help."

The military personnel laughed heartily. Just by investigating a non-existent person, they had received so many supplies for free. "On behalf of all the military regions, I would like to thank Mr. John. If you need anything in the future, don't hesitate to ask."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Brian hung up the phone.

Mark Cooper grunted and kicked the coffee table. "Jane is so damn cunning. I can't believe she came up with this."

Kevin timidly raised his hand and said seriously, "Do you think it could be an international romance? Jack's biological father is a South Korean actor, right? Don't you guys know he's divorced too? Maybe in a little while, we'll hear about their marriage."

Mark Cooper scoffed, "Jack doesn't look anything like this Korean guy. How is that possible?"

Kevin sighed, and seeing John's terrifying expression, he bravely said, "I'll check his entry and exit records and compare them with Jane's past travel history to see if they have any intersections."

Kevin was quite fast, and after more than half an hour, he shook his head. "The two of them have no intersections."

Mark Cooper clicked his tongue, "Do you think we four look like fools? Jane has been fooling us around, and John has suffered the most. Is it worth it?"

Kevin was also angry, but he was used to being not serious. His temper was not as big as Mark Cooper's, and seeing that there was no fun to watch, he stood up and left.

Mark Cooper also stood up, "John, Vivian West is coming to S City soon. You're divorced from Jane, so don't let her misunderstand."