
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

This person Simon Kang(2)

John held a cigarette between his fingertips, seemingly ignoring Mark Cooper's words.

Mark Cooper furrowed his brows and cursed Jane a hundred times in his heart before leaving.

Brian watched his boss with concern, trying to think of how to persuade him. But his boss waved him away, so he had to follow Mark Cooper and leave.

"Mr. Cooper, Miss Jane is still locked up in the villa, I don't know..." Brian caught up with Mark Cooper, hoping that he could take Jane away. What if his boss tried to kill Jane like he did on the rooftop last time? That would be a murder case!

It's not worth it for an ex-wife who cheated.

Mark Cooper frowned and thought for a moment, "It doesn't matter to me." If John wanted to kill Jane, he would have done it already. He wouldn't wait until today.

Brian was helpless. He dared not defy John's orders and had to return to the company to hold the fort.

The sunset outside the window slowly descended, the sky was covered with a black curtain, and the entire villa was dark. When John finished smoking his cigarette, his phone suddenly rang. He answered it, and Jill's voice came through, "Dad, aren't you coming back to have dinner with Jill tonight?"

He paused for a moment, "I'll be home soon."

He took a shower to get rid of the smoke smell and changed into fresh clothes before heading back to John's estate. When he arrived home, Jill was eagerly waiting for him at the door. She ran up and held his hand, saying, "Daddy, you worked hard."

Although she was always playful and tried to please him, he never responded.

"Daddy, you didn't work hard."

The father and daughter walked hand in hand to the dining room, where Mrs. Land was already seated. As they sat down, Mrs. Land looked at John with a meaningful expression and said, "The house is too quiet. You need to start a family."

John was busy peeling shrimp for Jill and paid no attention to Mrs. Land's words.

"Jill is a girl after all, and one day she'll get married," Mrs. Land continued.

John looked up and stared at Mrs. Land. "Mom, don't talk about these things in front of Jill."

Mrs. Land frowned disapprovingly. "She's only four and doesn't understand. What's wrong with me telling her?" Even if she did understand, it was a fact that Jill was a girl and would get married one day.

"We, as adults, need to consider the feelings of children," John replied.

In his view, he didn't consult Jill's wishes when he divorced Jane and even decided on his own whether she should live with him or her mother. He had already let Jill down and couldn't ignore her feelings anymore.

Mrs. Land's face darkened, knowing her son's temper, she changed the subject directly. "I've already spoken to the West family. When Vivian West comes to S City, she'll stay with us. She can choose any villa or apartment in the estate, and you can go there to take care of her."

John responded lightly, with no expression on his face. "Okay, I understand."

Jill listened nervously and sadly throughout the conversation, but no one noticed. She just ate her shrimp with her head down in silence.

She always felt cautious and scared in this house, never wanting to cause any trouble.

Actually, she missed her mom so much.

But she could only think about it secretly. She couldn't let her grandmother know, or she would be punished.

After dinner, they all returned to their rooms. John read a picture book to Jill until she fell asleep before going back to Lavender Manor alone.

He sat in the living room alone until midnight before heading upstairs to the attic.

He unlocked the door and turned on the lights, expecting Jane to throw herself at his feet and apologize, but the room was empty!