
Scripture of Heaven

There was once a peculiar book, unpopular among the mass and readers alike because of its unique way of story-telling. Even, call it a story book would be strange, it's more fit to be called a guidebook. And what the content of this guidebook, you ask? A Martial arts. From the boring brown, plain looking book cover with only the title. To the content of how-to, delivered with story-telling format, meticulously kind to the reader, this book really feel out of this world. More correctly, it's like a fruit of martial arts otaku who seems deluded themself as a martial god who comprehend the law or something. But as an martial art otaku, Ryong Bong love for this book has reach an obsession level. From the prequels, four Scripture of Sun, Moon, Star and Earth, to the final book, the Scripture of Heaven. Ryong faithfully read them everytime when there are updates. Alas, every thing will come to an end, and it seems this was the case for the Scripture series. Ryong was sad. After all, this book has accompany him throughout his miserable teenage life, until now. But, fate allows him to live a new life, in a new world. A world where martial arts are the norm. "That was 20 years ago, huh. Time sure fly fast." Ryong said, while unsheath his sword. In front of him, there were hundreds of men. Baring their sword. On their vanguard, stood an seemingly handsome young man. They all fiercely looking at Ryong, ready to advance. "Ryong, this is the last time i warn you. Give us your technique, and cripple your Qi core. I will let you live, even reward you with anything you want for the rest of your life." the young man voice were soft, but there is a hint of wickedness in that voice. Ryong snorted. From the beginning he never fear this man, nor the army behind him. Even if they all first-class force and martial artist, it's all nothing in front of his eyes. Ryong smirked, not answering the command that young man give. Understood that Ryong has never thought to give up, the two force soon collide.

decadence_1 · Oriental
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Chapter 4: Dog-eat-dog era

The first thing he noticed after the first consumption was how sensitive his senses became. He could feel his blood pulsating through every vein, hear the subtle creak of his bones rubbing against each other, and even the air in the room felt strangely irritating. Heat seeped into every pore, bringing on a torrent of sweat that drenched him from head to toe. This overwhelming effect left Ryong in awe. He hadn't truly grasped the potency of this medicine until now. Sure, he had followed the recipe based on trust in his friends. However, even if the medicine had failed, he wouldn't have complained. After all, it was all theoretical. It wouldn't have been strange if his friends' medicine turned out to be a failure.

Now, as he realized the practical efficacy of the medicine, it surpassed his initial assumptions. It felt almost absurd that his friends, without direct experience in the world of martial arts and Qi, could create an effective and practical theory. Naturally, he couldn't help but admire his friends' recipes, which had proven to be successful.

'This confirms that our theory is applicable, not merely theoretical. My decision to utilize our shared knowledge has been proven correct,' Ryong thought to himself, a bright smile lighting up his face. Adapting to a new reality was challenging, even for the race that adapted the quickest—humans. Such events were shocking, and it was normal for Ryong to continuously doubt himself, despite the abundant evidence.

From that point on, Ryong began crafting a mind-map for his growth. While following the teachings of the Scripture might be the optimal course of action, Ryong was aware of his current capabilities. As he was now, he couldn't fully harness the Scripture techniques. The magical medicinal recipes his friends had created, though effective, still fell short when compared to medicines with high-caliber ingredients. Additionally, the medicine he had taken earlier was only useful before starting his cultivation. To make use of the Scripture knowledge, he needed to be at least at the level of Body Refining. And the resources needed were much more numerous than what he needed now.

But that didn't matter at the moment. Even if he proceeded at his current pace, Ryong believed he could eventually reach the top. Moreover, he enjoyed this peaceful life.

'Hehe, should I live like a hermit? Then, when an enemy shows up, I can immediately overpower them. Huhuhu, I can see their shocked faces when they ask "who are you?" HAHAHAHA, that would be dope, man.' Ryong entertained thoughts of roleplaying while relaxing at the counter.

While Ryong was still busy fantasizing, the customers started a new gossip.

"Hey, have you heard the news?"

"What news are you referring to? There have been too many lately."

"The terrorist one."

"The terrorist one?" The question hung in the air, capturing the attention of everyone in the bar. Ryong, momentarily distracted from his daydreams, turned his focus to the conversation.

"Yeah, the one about a mysterious group causing chaos in the neighboring city. They say they're targeting prominent figures and disrupting public events," one customer explained, eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Ryong leaned in, his curiosity tinged with worry. The mention of a mysterious group and acts of disruption added a layer of unease to the peace he had found in his current life. It was as if an unwelcome twist was about to disrupt the script of his tranquil existence.

"I heard the Xianhu city, not far from here, has fallen victim to them. That city now has fallen into chaos," another customer chimed in, his voice hushed as if sharing forbidden knowledge.

"Yeah. All merchant had flockin' here from three days ago."

The atmosphere in the room shifted. The once-peaceful ambiance of the bar now held an undercurrent of tension. Ryong, torn between his newfound contentment and the looming threat of the unknown, felt a sense of foreboding. Call it a sixth sense, or instinct, doesn't matter. At this point, it felt like the time has shorten. If he didn't get stronger quick, he afraid he cannot survive in the future chaos. He almost forgot about the true nature of this world.

As the customers continued to exchange speculations and rumors, Ryong contemplated the path that lay ahead. The quiet days of concocting medicinal wonders might soon be overshadowed by the looming threat of a darker tale. The question lingered in his mind: Would he remain a passive observer, or would he reluctantly embrace the call of adventure that now unsettled him? The answer is obvious.

The following day, Ryong tirelessly travel back and forth between the medicine hall and his home. Unlike before, he didn't seek absence, opting instead to utilize his free hours during the day to craft supplements for his body. He understood that an individual's strength is influenced by two distinct factors: the physical body and the cultivation of Qi.

With his initial Qi preparation complete, Ryong now focuses on tempering his body to engage in Outer arts—a foundational martial practice for those not yet in the realm of Body Refining. The cultivation of Outer arts serves a dual purpose for Ryong, as it plays a crucial role in refining his Qi.

"Think of Qi as a jar of fruits, each representing different aspects. In the Qi condensation process, it's like gathering fruits from the outside and merging them with the existing ones inside, which is known as the dantian or qi core. Picture this process as throwing all the fruits into a blender, resulting in a mix of flavors. It's not necessarily the best taste."

In this world, the concept of Qi purity are rarely known. Only the prominent and major families like Sun family and Namgung family, have knowledge about this. Despite their prominence, even these revered families lack a truly effective method to purify Qi.

"Now, here's where the concept of Qi purity comes in. Instead of randomly throwing in all the fruits, you carefully select only those that complement each other when blended. This extra step of refinement ensures a higher quality of Qi compared to others. It's like ensuring that the combination of fruits creates the best possible flavor. In the context of cultivating Qi, this refined Qi becomes the foundation for your practice, akin to building a strong foundation for a sturdy building. Just like a building needs strong roots, your cultivation process benefits from having a purified and high-quality foundation in the early stages." that's what Demonicbeing-hyung said.

The real hurdle is achieving an extraordinary sensitivity required for Qi purification – a level of sensitivity that surpasses the ordinary and ventures into the realm of innate talent. Regrettably, Ryong wasn't born with this innate gift. However, what he lacks in inherent sensitivity, he compensates for with knowledge. According to his calculations, he believes he can embark on this challenging journey now. Despite the arduous path that lies ahead, he is confident in his ability to overcome it.

* * *

In the vicinity village, not far from Guolang city, a boy fall to his knees, unable to withstand the pain inflicted by the man in front of him. A saber touching his neck, ready to cut. 

"HONEY!!" Zou An wife, Yang Liqin, shouted with panic as he seen blood trickle in his neck, from the little cut by the saber. The owner of the saber, Tang Shen, grinned as he slowly look toward Yang Liqin. His expression grew more intent as he observed the exposed skin revealed by her disheveled attire. His subordinate, who noticed his boss desire, rip apart the remaining clothes she has. Yang Qilin has no power to resist, her scream and sobbing are the only action she could do. 

"NOO!!!" Zou An eyes widened, as he realize their intent. However, his powerless body refused to obey his will. Desperation seized him as he attempted to push Tang Shen aside and save his wife. Yet, with a single kick to his liver, all remaining strength drained from his body, rendering him utterly helpless. He could only watch in anguish as the group deflowered his spouse, his futile attempts at resistance crumbling with each passing moment.

'Pathetic, you are so pathetic. You are so powerless. Look. They using your wife as a toy, beat her as they like, disregard of her life completely. That's your wife. That's your wife.' his evil inner-self monologue, adding salt to his wound. Slowly, despair fill his body, reflected by his eyes. Zou An could only weep, as they finally done after hours defiling his wife. 

Tang Shen slowly walk in front of him. A smirk of mockery playing on his face as Zou An struggled to rise. Zou's eyes transitioned swiftly from despair to seething anger. In his heart, he swore a silent oath to exact revenge and kill the man standing before him. However, Tang Shen continued to wear the mask of mockery, seemingly indifferent to the palpable rage in Zou's eyes.

"Alright. Here's the deal. If you could smuggle us into that," Tang Shen point in the direction of Guolang city with his saber, "i promise we will release your wife." 

Smug grin appear in his face, as he offer the so-called 'exchange'. Both of them were well aware of the underlying truth. Zou An understood. It's not an offer; it's was a command.

Sry for the late update

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