
Scripture of Heaven

There was once a peculiar book, unpopular among the mass and readers alike because of its unique way of story-telling. Even, call it a story book would be strange, it's more fit to be called a guidebook. And what the content of this guidebook, you ask? A Martial arts. From the boring brown, plain looking book cover with only the title. To the content of how-to, delivered with story-telling format, meticulously kind to the reader, this book really feel out of this world. More correctly, it's like a fruit of martial arts otaku who seems deluded themself as a martial god who comprehend the law or something. But as an martial art otaku, Ryong Bong love for this book has reach an obsession level. From the prequels, four Scripture of Sun, Moon, Star and Earth, to the final book, the Scripture of Heaven. Ryong faithfully read them everytime when there are updates. Alas, every thing will come to an end, and it seems this was the case for the Scripture series. Ryong was sad. After all, this book has accompany him throughout his miserable teenage life, until now. But, fate allows him to live a new life, in a new world. A world where martial arts are the norm. "That was 20 years ago, huh. Time sure fly fast." Ryong said, while unsheath his sword. In front of him, there were hundreds of men. Baring their sword. On their vanguard, stood an seemingly handsome young man. They all fiercely looking at Ryong, ready to advance. "Ryong, this is the last time i warn you. Give us your technique, and cripple your Qi core. I will let you live, even reward you with anything you want for the rest of your life." the young man voice were soft, but there is a hint of wickedness in that voice. Ryong snorted. From the beginning he never fear this man, nor the army behind him. Even if they all first-class force and martial artist, it's all nothing in front of his eyes. Ryong smirked, not answering the command that young man give. Understood that Ryong has never thought to give up, the two force soon collide.

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Chapter 1: The Scripture Series

In myriad of novels throughout the history, many would go unnoticed for all eternity. Some are the works of newbies, or a masterpiece which unlucky enough to be unknown even after the author death. Some, are only known to a group of people. Unappealing for the mass, but considered a masterpiece in their respective community. The Scripture series fall into this group. 

This series can hardly fall into the novels category. Even tho it's published in a form of web novel. This particular series is only appealing for the die-hard-hardcore otaku of Martial arts community. The scripture series, consist of five books in total. Earth, Moon, Sun, Star, and Heaven. But like i said earlier, this novel can hardly called a novel. More appopriate name for it is... a guidebook.

Yes, a guidebook. 

The content of this book, is basically a how-to guidebook to cultivate qi, smithing and crafting, tempering the body, perform a sword technique, descriptive explanation of the law of the world and the dao, qi, and other wuxia-xianxia-murim elements. The unique thing is, the author way to deliver this 'knowledge' is really easy to understand. He, or she, compile the complex knowledge in a manner of story-teller. It even has chapters where the author would narrate a story of a person, or some event like a story-teller did. Oftentimes, author would straightforwardly tell you how to do this or that. What should be avoided, and what you should obtain for your advancement. It's even listing the place where a certain herb or material are. 

Of course, it's only exist in the book. Whether it's the place, items or people. But the community enjoy it otherwise.

Many of the readers who are also the author, using this series as the basis of their world building. There are even who use this as their roleplaying world. Pretending they are a genius martial artist who rise from the bottom. Or a great villain which has big ambition. But there are also some madman who disregard real life and meticulously analyzing the book. Just like a scholar learning new knowledge, they debate about the laws, the technique, the medicine recipe, etc. They try to come with new ways to cultivate, by analyzing the qi and meridians, and how they works. Reading a descriptive explanation of some herb and material, to get an insight on what benefit they have. Then create a recipe based on their deduction. Some are even go as far as messaging the author. But so far, no one has get a reply. Coincidentally, Ryong is part of this other side. 

He usually goes into the forum to debate or discussing a new way to forge a weapon. Armaments, is what they called. He's a part of weapon fanatic, among other group of fanatic like, medicine fanatic, sword technique fanatic, combat qi technique fanatic, etc. Some unemployed guy even online 24 hours, to deliver his new recipe of Qi refining medicine, by cross referencing it with real life plants and method. This is actually considered normal in their routine. They would come back and re-read all books to find reference, and debate all day long. That is truly a mad dedication. Because just one book is thick. Really, really thick. One book has 5000 of chapters, with each chapter consist of minimum 2000 words. They even once believe that the author is not human. It was probably an AI or some sort. But nobody knew the truth. Other than his/her works, there is nothing. No name, age, gender, or even bio. He suddenly create an account on web novel 20 years ago and immediatly publish the first chapter. The Scripture of Heaven, which are still ongoing, are said to be the end of this series. 

Strangely, even if the author seems to ignore all of the readers direct message, some claimed to found answer to their question whenever a new chapter released. It was as if the author knew what they would ask, then searching for the knowledge needed and write the answer in his/her work. Plus, it didn't seems out of place. 

Ryong was on his way to go home by train, when the notification from his phone rang. It's from the forum. 

Zed-zzz: hey, did you guys seen it? the last chapter, i mean. 

Yuanyuan: Shit! Really?? 

Zed-zzz: check it yourself, man. it's truly the last chapter.

medicG: just check it. it's true, still can't believe it. 

Demonicbeing: yeah, man. i'm waiting for author to release 'hell' title but they ended it instead. 

mountainYellow: that's your luck lmao. 


medicG: me too. my new meridian pill research isn't complete yet. 

Yuanyuan: (2), my improvised version of shadow moon technique isn't complete, but i guess it will never completed. what a shame.

monstahh: they run out of ideas, perhaps.

Demonicbeing: well, it's not that surprising. it's already extraordinary that they last this long tho. 

YPS: Damn, now you talk about it, 20 years is truly a long time for something as trivial as this. Not even 10 people remain here. Even the people who is hailed as hardcore otaku failed in the end. And madman like us are the only one here, in the end. 

Zed-zzz: where's that madman again? @phoenix, come out. i know you read this. we have to settle our score, right here, right now. 

phoenix: "This is the extent of my knowledge and experience. From here on, you have to carve your own path. I believe you will do well." This damn author. He basically told us to continue their work in their stead. "everything will come to an end,". Well, it's not wrong but i still can't accept it no matter what. 

Zed-zzz: it is what it is, i guess. but they actually make the ending full of emotion. damn. their farewell speech reminds me of that immortal who countless times seen his kin and friends died of an old age while he remains in his youth. it's hurt, no joke. 

Everyone silent for a while. They all felt sorrow for the immortals who lost everyone because of time.

mountainYellow: but what did he mean by, "For those who dissect my manuals and actively trying to find new ways according to my manuals, i sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. In my later years, altho i can't personally communicate with you all, your fruit of labour has given me a chance to boarden my horizon, once again. As a form of thanks, i will help you with your fortune and luck. I would like to do more, but alas, this is the extent of my ability. I hope you all forgive me for using your knowledge to breakthrough the bottleneck i've been suffering for millenia." 

YPS: Damn. They really roleplaying all the way to the end huh. Impressive lmao. 

monstahh: for real. even if i'm crazy, that level of dedication is entirely on new level lol. i approve you, author. 

medicG: there's more. "If you, by chance, traversing the universe by any means, i will help you settle your life." 

phoenix: Wtf? It was as if they know we all mortals and he's an immortal lmao. But well, i guess i will thank you? Not that it will help me with my life. 

Zed-zzz: yeah. my life is at rock bottom rn. any kind of luck will help me greatly ngl. 

phoenix: lol, amongst all of us, who isn't a loser in society? 

medicG: at least i have the taste of woman before, even tho it's not even last 1 year. my standing are 1 step higher than y'all. 

From that, the conversation spiraling into the topic of real life. But by that point, Ryong 'phoenix' Bong is already logging out. He open the web novel and read the ending again. At this moment, he felt really emotional. This novels is more than a hobby. For him, it's an oasis. A form of escape from his hellish life in real world. It helps him from unaliving himself whenever he is bullied in middle school, when he failed in CSAT exam and has to wait for a year, when the company makes him work extra hours without paying. Throughout all the stressful event in his life, this work and the community is his only oasis. Alas, the author is right. Everything will come to an end. Honestly, Ryong also knew this time would come, sooner or later. It's just, he has too many attachment with this piece of art. 

Ryong open the notes app in his phone, where he compile all his stash of Scripture research and theory. His last work, a manual for smithing sword armaments, are 30 page long. It was so far his best work. The length he did for this one manual is massive. In order to perfect this one, he learn various method of forging weapon. Even the foreign language cannot stop him from his endeavor. He back and forth open the Scripture in search for the best environment, and what could be the best place to forge the weapon. Because, even the Scripture said they did not cover all the place in the universe. So, Ryong can only speculate and theorized.

He transfer the manual, into word file. Then open the forum and drop it there. This probably going to be his last work before life devour him. His situation right now is not better than his online friends. The company had massive layoffs this week, and Ryong is one of the unfortunate. With how tight the economy right now, he afraid if he cannot find the job until next year, he cannot survive. Not even his tiny saving can save him. 

Following him, others start to drop their best work as well. Along with bragging and foreword. Complimentary technique for strenghten the main technique you use tenfold, miracle medicine making which claimed to have great effect with only common ingredients, ultimate sword technique which you can use even with low pool of qi, and so on. They all start to drop the fruit of their knowledge, as if this will be the last. But they all understand, Scripture is the reason why they put this much effort, for something that's not even remotely useful for their life. Now the series is ended, they do not have any motivation to continue. You could say they all may understand the Scripture even more than the author. 

Ryong immediatly read those work. He had nothing to do anyway. Plus, from tomorrow he won't have the luxury to leisurely read their work. He has to apply for some part-time job. The debt he has won't clear themself, and with his layoff from the company, the interest would damage him more, now he had no income. So at least, he has to pay the interest. He hates seeing those loan shark more than himself. 

'Luck and fortune, huh. If those thing really exist, all my problem should have gone without me intervene, and opportunity should coming into me. ' Ryang held a miniscule of hope in his heart. He knew it's not logical to hope for an unknown author to change his course of life. But Ryong is nothing but a desperate man. A little bit of faith is all he need, albeit fictional. With his life full of misfortune, this little faith may be able to keep him from doing the worst. 

"Well, it would be the best if i were to hit by a truck and reincarnated--" 


Ryong speech were cut in the middle, as a truck out of nowhere crush his whole body and send him flying 10 meter above the ground. His body hit the pavement hard, as blood start to flow outside his body, from all place. But his eyes already lost the light. He died instantly. 

Quite far from there, a small hospital doctor walking down the road, into his home. When he climb the stairs into his apartment, there are a woman in front of his door, with a child seemingly 7 or 8 month old, sleeping soundly in her arms. The doctor widen his eyes in disbelief. Even thought something along the line; 'is this a dream?'. But the woman smiled to him. Her eyes shed a tear, and a longing face appear clear as crystal in her face. They both walk into each other, slowly as they stare each other eyes. Then, the doctor hug the woman. Gently, as he careful to not waking up the baby. His eyes cannot stop tearing. He never thought this moment would come. But, now, his wife love for him is bigger than her fear for her family. The doctor later find the shocking fact, that his wife is already cut ties with her family. That means they both would not inherit any inheritance from the rich woman family. But that's okay, they both live happily ever after. 

Similar lucky star experience occured to every member of that forum. Some, reconcile with their parents and work together for a better future. Some, accepted to a huge corporation after repeatedly failing to find a job. Some, miraculously healed from their disease. Some, has their work recognized worldwide and become a bestseller author. Some, finally found peace in his tiring cycle of life and start to enjoy his routine more and more.

The Scripture author really keep his promise to grant luck for those people who, unfortunately, only has visible misfortune in their short life. But, he did not figure that Ryong stroke of luck, is his death. It was outside of his prediction. Then he realize, fate, did not work according to his standard. 'Perhaps death is really the best for that boy,' he thought to himself. But, since he became a reincarnated person, he believe he should help him settle like what he promise. The only problem is, how to do it while not obviously challenge the fate itself? He racked his brain, and one solution comes up. He stared to Ryong soul, and extend his hand to touch that soul. In a moment, a light strong enough to blind someone, emit from his hand. The light shone into Ryong's soul, like a blessing. The author smile to himself. 

"With this, although the world you will reborn into may be harsh, you will be fine." he chuckle. "This is indeed the greatest luck. Even i felt a little jealous of you, my friend." with that blessing, he could even became an immortal, ruling over a mortals just like a god. But will he do it, would depends on what he want. 


In Shaanxi province, life is always hard for the commoner. Albeit they nominated as one of the rich province in the country, the fact is, it's only for certain places. Even in their big city, poverty is running rampant. It was not strange for a cold corpse to be ignored in the street, until the body decay and emit strong odor. Like this one. 

A man, judged to be in his teens, curled up in the street, trying to warm himself in this rather cold weather. The man didn't move for a couple of minutes, in that curled up position. But suddenly, his fingers twitching, and he raise head. His eyes, covered by his messy and long bang, stared around confusely. Seeing the unfamiliar scenery in front of his eyes, he only has one question. 

"Where am i?" 

That man is Ryong.


Hello! Since this is my first time writing in english, i hope you can tolerate any grammar mistake. Feel free to point it out, if there are. 

I hope you find this interesting, because this is my first work as well. 

That's it. Until next time!