
Scripture of Heaven

There was once a peculiar book, unpopular among the mass and readers alike because of its unique way of story-telling. Even, call it a story book would be strange, it's more fit to be called a guidebook. And what the content of this guidebook, you ask? A Martial arts. From the boring brown, plain looking book cover with only the title. To the content of how-to, delivered with story-telling format, meticulously kind to the reader, this book really feel out of this world. More correctly, it's like a fruit of martial arts otaku who seems deluded themself as a martial god who comprehend the law or something. But as an martial art otaku, Ryong Bong love for this book has reach an obsession level. From the prequels, four Scripture of Sun, Moon, Star and Earth, to the final book, the Scripture of Heaven. Ryong faithfully read them everytime when there are updates. Alas, every thing will come to an end, and it seems this was the case for the Scripture series. Ryong was sad. After all, this book has accompany him throughout his miserable teenage life, until now. But, fate allows him to live a new life, in a new world. A world where martial arts are the norm. "That was 20 years ago, huh. Time sure fly fast." Ryong said, while unsheath his sword. In front of him, there were hundreds of men. Baring their sword. On their vanguard, stood an seemingly handsome young man. They all fiercely looking at Ryong, ready to advance. "Ryong, this is the last time i warn you. Give us your technique, and cripple your Qi core. I will let you live, even reward you with anything you want for the rest of your life." the young man voice were soft, but there is a hint of wickedness in that voice. Ryong snorted. From the beginning he never fear this man, nor the army behind him. Even if they all first-class force and martial artist, it's all nothing in front of his eyes. Ryong smirked, not answering the command that young man give. Understood that Ryong has never thought to give up, the two force soon collide.

decadence_1 · Eastern
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Foreign, but familiar

'Am i finally going crazy?' Ryong thought, as he observe the Gualong city street. This place is no doubt, a foreign place. But he can't shake this feeling of familiarity. As if he knows what this place is, but never personally visit. The question 'where is this' repeatedly come to mind. But as he trying to get up, a sharp pain suddenly attack his head. Ryong fall, return to his previous sitting position. But the headache didn't wane. A second later, his eyes widen. He finally understood his situation. 

'Reincarnation...? No, transmigration?' his mind monologue as he massage his head. Fortunately, the headache is no longer as strong as before. But he can still feel the sharp pain. 

'So, based on the attire of the people, it's at least from AD era. Shit, so it's a medieval eastern? Goddamnit.' 

Ryong grimaced. If it's really AD era, especially from the Three kingdom era when war is the norm, then he's finished. Ryong doesn't have the confidence to survive in the dog-eat-dog era. Nor he has the ability to aid him survive here. The only thing he confidence about is his knowledge about martial arts, which he doubt exist in this world. Well, he wants to believe there are martial arts but, hoping too high can bring an equally painful dissapoinment.

'Also, why the fuck don't i have any memory of this body? How can i know what happen if i am clueless from the start?! There are hippocampus, dammit. Even if the soul is different, the brain still physically exist!' Ryong once again grimaced. Alas, there's nothing he could do. This could even become an opportunity for him if he played it well. After all, no matter what era you live, money will always be the problem. 

'Just like my past life.' 

Ryong immediatly set his goal: to make money. While he doesn't get the memory perk, he automatically understood the language. 

'At least i don't need to study the language from scratch. That's a blessing.' 

First, he need a job. ASAP. He doesn't know any fancy skill but he has experience from working part time job and corporate job. Nine hours a day, sometimes 12, or even a whole day. He's sure he can do odd jobs better than anyone in this era. Aside from earning money, he also need it to gather information. It's important to know what kind of world is this. If this world turns out to be a martial arts world, then he may have a chance. Because along with the headache earlier, it's revealing the memory of The Scripture and his friend's research. Even if later the knowledge doesn't match with this world principle, he can still use it as reference. In conclusion, not only his survival rate rose, but also his chance to have better life than before. After all, in that kind of world, strength is the law. 

After some time, he's adapted with his new body. Ryong then ask if there are any lake or well nearby. 

"Excuse me," 

"Scram, beggar! I don't have any money!" the man said harshly. 

"N-no, um, i just want to know if there are any lake or well nearby." 

The man put on a confused face. "... aren't you a beggar? But you want to wash?" 


"I'm asking, are you a beggar?"

"Ah, no. I'm not. i'm just... poor." 

"Ah..." the man silently exclaim. "Well. If you exit the southern gate there, walk straight from there, and approximately 500 meter, there's a lake. There is a medium sized village close to that lake so you won't have to scared of getting lost." 

"Thank you." Ryong bowed his head 90 degrees to pay his thanks. The man immediatly walk away after giving Ryong his answer. 

After walking for a while, Ryang seen the entrance of the village, and the lake not far from there. He first wash his face, which feels really uncomfortable and dirty. There, Ryong finally see his own reflection. Which, to his surprise, doesn't look like his past life's. No, it's even better. His nose are pointy, his face proportion also looks masculine, an upside-down triangle. If not for his skinny body, and this overly long hair, he could be called a handsome. 

'With this face, i could life rather comfortably as a social media persona. After all, in modern society, good-looking will always smoothen your life.' 

After washing himself, Ryang immediatly looking for a job. He didn't picky. Every job he could do, he will do it. His hardworking personality did not change even after his transmigration. In this life or in his past life, Ryang understood the importance of money. He already living in torture because of his parents debt. Waking up day by day, to the same ceiling in his small Goshiwon and minimum wage. His life won't improve no matter what he did. He sick of it. 

So, in this life, he swear to have a good life. At least, have no debt and own a little house. That's already enough for him. 

  * * * 

In the outskirt of Guolang city, there are a lot of small to medium sized restaurant with only one menu, lined up in both side of this long road. This specialized restaurants, are the trademark of this Pine Ridge Road. All of them are equally good, and the establishment here has been exist from old time. They are cheap, tasty, and open almost 24 hour a day. The one Ryong work on, open 9 hour a day. From 7 in the morning, to 4 in the afternoon. But the rush hour can last hours from 9 in the morning, all the way to 3 in the afternoon. Fortunately, he's not the only waiter here. The owner's daughter is also helping his father. 

"Ryong! Take this dish to table six, right there!" 

"On it!" 

"Waiter! Add one more noodles to my order!" 

"On it! One more noodles for table nine!" 

"Hey! Where's my order?!" 

"I'm sorry, customer. I hope this free snacks can compensate for your time. The chef is the only one cooking, so i beg for your understanding." Ryong made 90 degree bow to show his sincere apology. The customer actually still angry, but seeing how Ryong trying hard to appease him, he decided to just wait a little longer. 

"But there will be no next time, all right?"

"Definitely, customer. Now, excuse me. I need to serve other customer." the man didn't make a fuss and wave his hand, allowing Ryong to move on from there. A minute later, he comes back with the man's noodle. 

"Here you go." Ryong immediatly switch to other customer after deliver the food. 

Such a thing was actually rare occurence in the similar establishment. The way Ryong handle the customer was flawless. The man didn't feel wronged or looked down upon, thus resulting in his calm demeanor afterward, and Ryong who immediatly serving other customer and not idle to wait for the man's response, which occur because waiter's unnecessary fear for dissapointing his customer. A fatal mistake which usually made by rookie. They take extra care to serve one costumer, but unconciously ignore the rest. 

What shocking them more is Ryong actually just hired three months ago. He's technically still a rookie. But his skill and performance he showed so far exceed everyone expectations. From hospitality, all the way to the actual serving, he's like a veteran with lots of experience. Contrast to his teenage face. Plus, his handsome face has extra benefit. More and more young woman start to flock here just to served by Ryong. At first, the owner felt a little bit uncomfortable. But when he see the increase in sales, he encourage Ryong to tidy up. Even ordered a simple uniform for Ryong to use. Of course, Ryong know this. He didn't refuse and just agree with condition of more pay. The owner agreed. 

While he work in restaurant during the day, Ryong also work as server in the bar at night. Not far from Pine Ridge Road, are Plum tree Lane. If Pine Ridge Road are daylight haven, then Plum tree Lane is the night paradise. The establishment there are consist of bar, inn, and lots of brothel in between. They start open right after the night fall. Usually until morning comes, or daytime. While Ryang official position is a server, sometimes the owner called him for hosting a drinking event for customer. Of course, they paid him separately for that. Aside from his handsome face, the bar owner also consider his confidence and manner for hosting, and Ryong execute the role perfectly. He's like a hosting machine. All the event he host are success, and customer always praised him after the job done. Even his coworker turn from jealous, to amazed by his skill. The only reason the owner didn't officially hire him as host is because of budget issue. The bar is new here, only a year since they open. Even Ryong's presence cannot make them a foe for older establishment here. The monopoly of this industry still held by those old business. 

But Ryong doesn't really care. He's separating personal emotion from work. Also, by the time his contract ends, he's confident he can get employed to those old business and make more money. 

Actually, money is not the only purpose. While this pub and the restaurant where he work did provide him with information, it's still not enough. What he know so far, is that this world indeed has martial arts. But Ryong never seen one before. He speculate this happen because the martial artist is rare and hard to train, or their world is actually separated themself from the world of ordinary people. After knowing there are martial arts here, Ryong work harder for his future foundation. Alas, the only information he get are from rumours. But as this rumours circulated into the commoner class of society, the authenticity are doubtful. At best, they are half-truth. Thus, employed into higher class of establishment is needed. 

Well, he has a lot of time anyway. From his looks, he's probably still in his teenage year. Approximately 15 or 16 years old. He's already building reputation as a valuable worker, if everything goes according to plan, he will have money to buy a house in this city by 20. But if there are martial arts, then he wants to explore it. It's such a waste to just live a slightly better life than his old life, now that he's transmigrated into martial arts world. 

But that can wait. He cannot rush into the fire like moth. Ryong is patient. He will make his move if the information are sufficient to ensure his survival. Right now, wiping the tables and cleaning the bar is enough for him. 

"Hey, you heard that rumors, right?" 

"Yeah, about Xu family right?" 

Ryong ears perk up to eavesdrop the conversation. 'This Xu family seems really famous; everyone talks about them. Either in restaurant or in the bar.' 

The topic about the rumors mostly about how the daughter of Xu family manage to find a miraculous medicine and aid the girl to instantly breakthrough to the next realm. Now, he's hailed as one of the Phoenix. An honored name for current generation genius of martial arts. 

"It seems like Xu family's going to be major family in the future." 

"Yeah. i bet they will. That medicine is too magical. Who would've thought that one stalk could let you breakthrough to the next realm immediatly. But it's a pity, i heard the flower has no effect whatsoever." 

"Hey, if the flower could produce similar result, that would be too much."

"Ah, yeah. I guess, if that kind of medicine is really exist, everyone would sought after it." 

"That's what i'm saying."

While wiping the table, Ryong easdrop their conversation in great interest. He's wants to know the name of that medicine, because he somewhat know a similar medicine which has that result. His heart beating fast from excitement and hope. 

'The stalk which can immediatly break one's realm, and the flower seems to be useless but if it's the medicine i know, the flower is worth more than the stalk. Is this coincidence? But if... if that medicine flower is the same as what i'm familiar with... ah fuck. I want to know. But it's not like i can go to them and ask what's the name either...' confusion befall Ryong's mind. He's finally stumble upon a very important clue, but it's still not enough. 

A second later, an idea storm his head. Ryong immediatly move. He's ordering something from the kitchen, and later bring a tray with snacks and wine above it. He place it in their table. The two man turn to Ryong with confused face. But before they ask, Ryong already open his mouth. 

"The tabs on me." 

The two man's still reluctant, but they understand the meaning. Ryong himself already bring a stool to join their table. 

Seeing how determined Ryong is, they finally pour themself a cup of wine. 

"Alright, ask. But i can't answer what i don't know." 

After getting permission, Ryong start talking. Of course, he didn't explicitly told everything. He mix truth and lie, concealing his true intent. 

"It's not much. I just want to know if you know where they get that." 

The two man gaze each other, then at Ryong. Ryong knew what they thinking. It's kinda obvious, from their suspecting and judgemental face. Even he himself knew the question are rather suspicious. Notice their silence and gaze, Ryong rush to explain his motive. 

"Well, it's not like i want to raid the place. Perhaps i can get a fortune. You know, try my luck." 

"Look, it's not my place to prohibit you to do anything, but you shouldn't waste your life like that. Do you think you are the only one trying their luck there? Obviously, there will be martial artist everywhere. Ordinary people like us has no chance at all." 

His friend add, "Yeah, that Xu family has goddess of fortune on their side. Otherwise, how can they obtain something as valuable as that? It's not even known until the Xu family has it. Just forget if you want to gamble for that." 

Both men exhaled at heart, after spot a sadness in his eyes. They glance at each other. Then at Ryong who appear at loss. One of them scratch his head, conflicted. Their comment is pure out of concern for Ryong. After all, they see it as a young man hot blooded decision. So they, as an adult, feel the need to herd him so he won't make any fatal mistake because of his youth. But on the other hand, Ryong going as far as treat them drink are the testament of his dedication. It just feels wrong to not giving him a proper answer for that. 

After series of contemplating, the man finally give in. 

"Kid, this is my advice as an adult. With your work ethic and dedication, i believe you could achieve a lot in life. But the world of martial artist is different. So, if you could, don't ever consider to be one of them." after giving his advice, the man pour a glass and drank it before continue. 

"This is just a rumors, but they say the Xu family accidentaly find it when they in search for other medicine, in Rakshasha Valley. They are searching for Elif grass but accidentaly, the daughter fall into a ravine. For ordinary people, it's certain death, but martial artist are different. She then felt an immense qi from a flower with peculiar looking stalk. I heard it's shape is like warped snake. The flower, on the other hand, looks like dandelion leaf. That's it. That's all we know." 

Ryong fell silent, and slowly excusing himself, after cupping his hand as thank-you gesture. Both his hand clench hard. The two man thought Ryong is dissapointed, but the reality is different. He actually felt so happy and excited, to the point where his heart almost burst. For months, he actually hope for this world to be familiar. He even plan to search for martial artist in order to understand their martial art system. He had a hunch, from the moment his past memory flow into his head, making him remember every single thing, that this world maybe the same as in Scripture. But he did not dare to believe further. He did not believe in himself. 

But after hearing the name of that valley, the description of the flower and its peculiar shape, and Elif grass. Ryong positive he transmigrated into the Scripture world. He almost shout eureka right there. 

'EUREKAAA!!! THE GOD OF FORTUNE IS REAAALLL!!!' Ryong has to clench hard to not let his excitement leaked out. 

'But, if it's Elif grass, it should be a rather common medicine right? I remember it's stock are abundant in Rakshasha valley. It's the main ingredients for miracle medicine recipe, after all.' suddenly, Ryong stop in place. His mind realize something. 

'Elif grass should be common, right? That means, it should be available in the pharmacy or medicine hall. If so, won't other common medicine be there as well? Eh? What is this? Could it be, i can find the truth faster if i go there?' surprised by his own stupidity, Ryong exhaled. 

"Ryong, you dumbass. Why you don't think that way? I can start earlier if i know! Ah, this dumb brain of mine." 

He suddenly chuckled. He still remember his own resolution to live comfortably with average lifestyle. But now, after he know he could use his knowledge, his purpose drastically change. 

'The top shouldn't be too hard, right? Heh. Is this what it feels like to be a protagonist?' Ryong gaze upon the full moon. For the first time, he felt free. A true, freedom. 

'It feels good.' 

Regarding updates, honestly i don't know. It could be once per three days, or months. But i will do my best to updates quickly.

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