
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

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The First of Many

While he lead the way I willed the book I was previously reading back into my hand. The person leading me witnessed this and freaked out for a second before collecting themselves to continue our journey. After the stunt I had pulled I noticed the glances he kept sending my way almost afraid that I would kill him once I didn't find him usefull.

Deciding to break the silence I asked him a question. "Why exactly can't I just use the Way to get into your settlement." I obviously knew it was a reality anchor esc device. But softly revealing my ability to use the Way to go anywhere inside the Library would add credibility, however small, to my claim of the Wanders Library Kepper. And I planned to unite these people not become their messiah, although that would be really effective for loyalty, and the effort that they would put into assignments would make them more effective. As much as I disliked the prospect I still went over the pros and cons…


-I would have a more loyal force

-Said force would put more effort into missions

-There is a large chance that the (System) will unlock a new function or add a bonus to religious fanatics


-I would have to sink time into building/maintaining the religion as I couldn't just leave an administrator to do it.

-Fanatics would be kinda harmfull to the whole research thing I had going on. As the (system) probably has a hidden function that make summons easier to convert. And suffice the say I want the scientists to be scientists not devote time away from work hours to worship me.

-The Serpents Hand members would probably be less usefull in training guards as they would probably preach about the religion I made lowering the time they actually taught.

While thinking about this I came up with some rather simple solutions.

1. I could set up a priest or other kind of holy person to be there if I didn't feel like going

2. To curve the effect on research progress from them bothering or sidetracking the scientists. I would just set up the Hand members in a seperate building with a church in it and dub it the title of "holy land" to add why they should stay here.

3. I could just say that they are my guards and they have been already memorized any and all information from whatever religion I had created. Calling them my guards isn't wrong and wouldn't lower loyalty if dound to be a lie, and wouldn't have them worshipping them if I called them an angel.

Despite my hesitation I honestly did look very "godly". With my glowing eyes when wearing the mask , powers through my connection to the Way that are exclusive to me, how I'm able to create miracle pills and thats not even mentioning that the Hand members at base already see me as some kind of prophet.

(Hand Members +90 opinion)

View on you: Reverance, believes you will lead them to greatness and glory.

Yeah it was a long time coming either way, and if I didn't know any better I might've said the Library coincidently added on an aura to my mask, and that the golden glowing eyes were a necessary altercation. Sending a knowing feeling to the Library through the Way. To which it responded with sympathy, but let out a bit of its true feelings in the way of excitement.

After a few more minuites of walking we reached the front of the encampment. I Wayed my book I was reading back into the bookshelf I took it from in front of the guard who was stationed as a sentry. Witnessing my display he let me and my escort inside. Looking around it was clear they didn't place that much of an inportance on ammenities. Instead opting for reading at one of the many tables provided by the Library.

As we walked in the previously relaxed Hand members all turned their heads towards us on our arrival. Unbothered I asked, "Who is your leader." Continuing up the act as a sort of godly figure I adressed the entire camp. As they all looked at each other I atarted to wonder if they even had a leader. That was until a woman walked out, "What do you want with the Sepe-." She prematurely said walking out before stopping as she stared into my glowing eyes.

"I come to unite all under the Serpent." I eloquently informed.

We stood there staring at each other until she said. "To prove yourself worthy you will do battle." She forced herself to say that she probably knew she couldn't win. But I do remember how one of the Hand members when I asked about their society mentioning that the Hand started out as a warrior cult. I was more impressed that they were able to keep that tradition as long as they have. Even if a little barbaric it would make getting a legitimate claim to leadership easier.

"Very well." I simply responded as I stood there gesturing them to come at me. And they soon obliged they were a good fighter, but as they came at me I sinply calculated the path they wouldcome at me. Realized it was a fakeout based on muscle movements and changed my path accordingly. In real time it seemed to her that I had fallen for their trap. Until last second I moved right when their fist was about to land causing her to stumble. Taking the opportunity I snaked behind her and wrapped my arm around her neck. Grabbed with my other arm and hefted her upwards into a strangle hold.As she realized her situation everyone clearly heard a tap as I then let her go.

After recovering they presented me an ornate dagger in a sheath. Realizing that I was treading into the realm of cult instead of religion I accepted the dagger and started the packibg up of any items the Hand members might want to take with them. Being the first out of the ten places the Hand cells were located I considered that this would probably be the easiest due to unite do to their customs.