
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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Reduce, Reuse, Recyle

After the 3rd encampment I had developed a bit of a strategy. That being to get noticed by a patrolling guard. Pretend like I don't notice them, and regardless if they do something hostile or not at the last second I turn around and say. "Take me to your leader." Usually they do, and if they don't I go to plan 2, torture. Although there was a no torture rule in the Library there isn't one outside it. After torturing them and getting the information I need I would go to the encampment.

Now I was walking towards a camp in which the 1st part the guy attacked me, the Library sent its pissed emotions at me when it happened, despite the no violence rule. Afterwards when asking me to take me to their leader they refused so I did the arduous process of torture, and finishing them off afterwards storing their head in the inventory.

Walking towards the encampment I noticed that they had actual defenses set up in the form of wooden barricades set up with the use of tables. Although crude it would at least buy some time to use the Way to get out. Whilst approaching I was spotted by a guard atop a bookshelf. It was when they took out a rifle that I realized this was going to be difficult.

Manipulating the sleeve of my coat into a javelin I through it as it pierced their head. As I walked over to the now dead body I manipulated my coat into a disguise and changed my mask into a replica of his face. Cleaning the blood splatters on the rifle with the now dead mans cloths I searched him for any kind of schedule. Finding a pamphlet I took it stored his body in my inventory used my connection to the Library to clean up the blood splatters and assumed his previous position on the bookshelf. Pulling out the pamphlet I discovered it was a schedule of were and when people were supposed to be. Discovering that their military force had at least 50 guards I looked for any sort of place were the guy I killed name might be.

At the back on the bottom right his name spelled in some really crappy handwrighting was Darell. After looking around I pulled out his body again and continued searching for any kind of identification as it seemed like this was a bigger, more professional and well equiped Serpents Hand cell. But not well trained considering the first gug I met charged me with a knife when he had a pistol, and the guy I was now impersonating took 10 years to aim his rifle after spotting me.

After 2 hours 32 minuites a guy came over and said "Darell shifts over Seargent said he wanted to see you." Giving him a nod I walked in the direction I saw him come from. Once out of sight I activated the masks active ability and started running towards the now identified Serpent's Hand military installation. This was getting complifcated fast, and I had a few plans of action.

1 Impersonate the leader and concede to my faction.

2.Try to create a shadow faction and do a silent takeover.

3. And my least favourite commit to a hostile takeover through transported forces from Site-19.

Although starting another shadow faction would be complicated time dialation should save my ass when it came to my "real" worlds time. I wanted to be able to get the best SCP's before the Foundation got to them and spending months of time facilitating a silent takeover wouldn't be beneficial. In aquiring the military power of this Serpent Hand cell I wanted to minimize casualtys as in the end these people would be under my control.

As I reached the base I tried to look for the most impressive looking building. What made it even more telling was it being in the middle of the base. As I came to the Longhouse style building I snuck in. And at the end of the Longhouse was the most stereotypical dictator I've ever seen. This woman was draped in a black cloack and had this fancy looking cane/stick on the arm of a really fancilly carved chair. And with the most arrogabce that not even a Victorian Era ruler yelled, "Next." I felt like I was in a drama show as a shriveled older woman walked through and started begging the "queen" for an increase of food, not for her but her children.

Then the system decided to make a (Quest)

(Quest: When Freedom Rings)

Monarchisms tyrannical reign has been brought over to the realm of the Wanderer's Library. This is the supposed land of Knowledge and Discovery yet they have tainted its land with their oprrseive rule. But the people under aren't to blame and if one must rule. The Library would want it to be you. Become the leader of the Hand cell.


-1 Small Military Instillation summon to be used in Wanderers Library (not the one your taking over)

-1000 points

As I read the rewards I wondered why the points previously averaging 250. Now through my pool of 2 sample sizes averaged 2500 points. Back to the present going through my plans again I really couldn't see a problem with initializing a civil war. As if a starving lady begging for food is so common that the "queen" looked bored that it wouldn't be diffult, but would bring casualties. Meanwhile I got the feeling just at looking at them, and from everything they were wearing that they were overcompensating for something.

As I waited for them to finish up with everything and get away from the 2 guards to impersonate her. As I summoned a book on time manipulation I waited. After reading for 7 hours I was just started on Vol:ll. When they finally got up after looking at a clock I trailed them. And they against my expectations went to a seperate room that was really cramped. Forcing me to stay outside lest I risk discovery. Listenijg in I heard the "queen's" conversation with the mysterious man.

"Congradulations on your continued destabilization when this is all well and done you will be rewarded." Not wanting to get involved in some bullshit plot I walked back to the throne room manipulated my appearence to be one of the guards. Killed the one I was disguised as and killed the other guard with a gunshot wound to the head while shoving the one I was impersonating into the inventory. Running towards were the queen went I shouted, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" As I ran to the room that the queen and mysterious person was I heard them say. "This wasn't supposed to happen yet! What are those idiots doing?" As I barged through the door I watched as the "queen" grew surprised. As I got in I yelled, "MY QUEEN GET DOWN!." And in an adrenaline fueled frenzy she obliged as I riddled the mysterious man with bullets.