
SCP Steve, containment breach

Thor's hammer, Thanos's Infinity Stones The dark elven holy land, the rough wild tribes The dragon's lair on the mountain, the mysterious ruins of the mermaid under the sea Well, Steve has been to none of the above. But that won’t be the case in the future

Davidplays_5397 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

SCP Steve, containment breach

Today is the day of the meeting of the regional directors.

Most of

the time, the various regions of the Foundation tend to be in their own hands, but that doesn't mean they're independent, on the contrary, every once in a while, the directors of each area get together and have a regular meeting to discuss whether or not to cooperate with each other in the study of an SCP.

However, Christina actually knows it

SCPs that really want to cooperate can't wait until an average of two months to have a regular meeting.

Although Christina usually doesn't look very serious, every Foundation researcher who can become a regional director, including her, has the "Big Three" traits: a strong sense of responsibility, a strong desire for knowledge, and a strong psychological capacity. If an SCP reaches the point where it is impossible to resolve it in their own area, the Regional Director will immediately report it to the O5 Council and request urgent cooperation to relocate personnel from other areas.

For example, when Christina couldn't solve Steve's problem, she urgently reported to the council and applied for a numbered task force under the council to come and ensure the security of Area 19, although it turned out to be a false alarm, but it also reflected one thing, the state of emergency, which is absolutely impossible to solve by holding a meeting slowly.

So, what is this regular meeting for?

According to a

senior researcher who did not want to be named, this is a quarterly performance report.

Christina sat down in her seat, she was a little late to the day, so that she was the last to arrive except for the head of the first district on a business trip.

Once Christina was seated, the meeting between the supervisors began.

The last two months have been a window period for the Foundation, and the world has suddenly jumped from urban fantasy to youthful daily life, with almost no new SCPs appearing, and the SCPs that have been contained, except that 682's termination plan is still useless, has not changed at all.

After brief briefings by the other District Administrators, they unanimously turned their attention to the two main characters of the meeting: District 13 Director Blake, who included SCP-1762's "Dragon's Home", and District 19, Director Christina, who included SCP-MC-001 "Steve", SCP-MC-002 Ender.

Don't ask how this number came about, if you don't want it to be [DATA EXPUNGED].

Districts 13 and 19 have undoubtedly been the star areas of the Foundation in the last two months, especially District 19.

Even the CN Branch, which is thousands of miles away, knows that in Area 19 of the headquarters, there is a portal that does not conform to physical common sense at all and cannot be deconstructed by any instrument, and a powerful SCP that can communicate and be full of kindness has appeared inside the door.

Although the Foundation

has blocked information from the lower echelons, such as what happened to Dr. Garner's sudden appearance as "adopted daughter", and the truth about the explosion at the Garden Arena, these lockdowns apparently do not limit the Regional Director-level figures, who are all waiting for Christina, the young administrator, to give an explanation to the entire Foundation.

Christina said that she enjoyed the feeling, and if it weren't for the more formal scene, she would have wanted to be embarrassed and wave

"A little more, a little more envy. "

Of course, she couldn't really do such a stupid thing.

Christina knocked on the table, stood up, and nodded to the seniors

I'm sure you've read the files I've uploaded to the HQ database about SCP-MC-001 "Steve" and SCP-MC-002 "Ender", right?

"First of all, as recorded in my file, the containment level of the containment object is in an uncertain state, but I tend not to contain it, but only to monitor and accompany it. The containment object has extremely terrifying abilities, and the imposition of containment may have unknown and dangerous consequences, and he has good intentions towards the Foundation and has entered into a partnership with Area 19. "

She glanced at the directors who had privately claimed to be putting Steve in his containment chamber and smiled sarcastically

"We're not stupid enough to push our friends out and turn them into enemies, right?"

There was a brief silence, and Edward, the director of District 3, raised his hand.

Naturally, he

heard Christina's words, and indeed, after hearing about Steve's incident, he claimed that Steve should be contained in a special containment chamber instead of letting him go.

Now that Christina has basically named him, there is no need for him to dodge.

He stood up and said bluntly

"So, Ms. Christina, how do you be sure that an anomaly is not hostile to humans?".

"He may not have it now, but what about later?"

Edward smiled and said quite confidently

"If nothing else, humanity has never lost when it comes to annoying others. "