
Save the so called Villainess

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Brendan1 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Save the So-called Villainess.

The Guards took me , detaining like a criminal, but nevermore I was still worried what will happened to me and my family, for re-assurance I asked once again desparately forcing myself to look back.

"Your Highness... about my Father?" My voice sound quite broken as tears falls down , dripping away.

"Your Father? I can't say where your father have gone but don't worry you'll be meeting him soon enough, my Queen."

While I was heading back,  the Guards hold me I could hear and see the people that was looking towards me passing by either the staff in the palace or visitors from other kingdom. I never felt this much shame in life, I closed my eyes looking down like a wasted woman drenched in the rain.

"If she wasn't only mean to the Empress this shoudn't have happened."

The maid softly muttered to the maid beside her holding a broom.

"Such a shame... really, good thing we have a new Empress now."

She replied, smiling as they were indirectly looking down upon me.

"Serves that woman, she dug her own grave"

Said by a noble woman who seem visiting the palace. Blabbering while her mouth was hidden under her fan.

The guards and I continue to walk while bearing and turning a blind eye to what they have said and soon reach the entrance to the Cellar. There are torches at the wall serving as the light of this dim-lit cellar. Its been three days since I was ordered and was detained.

I shoudn't have accepted the proposal in the first place. Father, you said you'll be taking me home when you last visited me at the palace. Why did it ended up like this.. I cried, muttering upon entering my "prison".

"Tomorrow will be my execution.."

Sleeping under the stack of hey, While mourning overmyself. As long as my family is alright I can accept my end. Soon enough, I'll met my  brother that died in an epidemic few years ago. I can't believe I turned into a messed up woman..

I curled myself like a baby in a womb as the cold wind brushes within the cellar.

Everything is ruined, This is hopeless.

The next morning...

*clang clang* the metal door opened. My eyes opened as I gazed upon the guards entering my room.

"Young Lady, It's time."  The Guards offer their hands for me to stand up.

They don't even bother  giving me breakfast... " I pushed their hands away, standing up by myself.  The guards look displeased, well it's not like I care anymore.. I'm gonna die anyway.

My blue dress that looked so worned out and some areas are torned apart, my hair was a mess and my face looks like an overused ragged doll... While walking, I see some good all fammilar places before leaving the kingdom.

The Royal garden where me and the Emperor used to go out sometimes, now I remember the time when we still have tea times there together, even if it was filled with awkard silence from most of the time..

Since when did me and the Emperor hang out together like what it was in the past? Days, Weeks, Months, it's probably been two years now or so.

As I reached the gates, It seems a lot of people are wanting too see my execution, I feel quite infamous right now. Their cold glares was nothing for me.. Upon changing my prespective I could see my house even its faraway.

Wait?! My eyes widened nervously.

W-h- w-hy is the house burned out? I- I don't get it..

It can't be.. M-m-my family?! Where are they! Are they safe?!

An Arson? Whom? It- it can't be the Emperor right?

Again, I was horrified beyond the sight I saw. I was left frozen looking to my burned house. I felt a pressure on my arms as the guards forced me to step up the planks where the guillotine is located.

My eyes turned with disbelief , resulting as I met the eyes of the Emperor sitting with the Empress

"Wh-at What is this your Highness?!" I shouted with a broken voice.

The guards pulled me down, with a serious face. Making me fall on the knees.

"Silence, how dare you raise your voice towards the Emperor."

Crowds started to murmured seemingly talking about how disrespectful and how devilish I was.

The Emperor answered as if it was nothing but rather an annoyance.

"Why are you even asking? I told you to ready your final breath.

"Your Highness... that's not what I mean't my family... and father.." I cried while answering with a quavering voice.

"I didn't order my men to destroy that house of yours, I'm still digging through about this matter.. I do think it's quite unfortunate how you and your family has resulted with a downfall"

"And as for your father, He tried to attack me and empress as he barged in the palace resulting to his very own unfortunate death."

"I can't understand! Your Highness this matter... this is only between you and me!"

I yelled omnimously,  My heart was throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular, but I barely heard it, for my mind was clouded with fear and hatred."

"I already told you, it's not my fault. How deaf can you possibly be?"

The crowd once again chattered, their eyes were in dis-array and livid, soon they started to mock and throw small rocks at me hitting my whole body. 

"Deaf? Your Highness?! You called me Deaf?"

I sighed, and luaghed Hysterically, my mind coudn't keep up, as my mixed confused emotions juggle inside me.

"Haha... your Highness? What's more wrong? The person that is deaf beyond the truth or the person that is deaf behind the lies? "

Showing myself, I acted like a crazy woman belonging into a strange cult. The guards forced me down falling as my face plants on the ground.

What are you even talking about?!"

The Emperor looked down to me, waving his left hand move as a gesture telling me to move on with this silly non sence.

"Your Highness, you've gone too far- so far that you can be easily manipulated by that wenched woman!"

Infuriated I was, my eyes glared deemly on the Emperor and the Empress. I coudn't help myself but to have a feeling of killing the Emperor.

The Emperors face was

The Empress suddenly speaked. requesting to go infront of me for a minute.

"Your Highness may I have a word with Alicia?" She spoked with a worried soft voice.

"I told you to call me by my name Esthea.."

The Emperor spoked worriedly, as his gentle hands touches the cheeks of the Empress seemingly being affectionate.

The Empress stood up from her chair as she  walked infront of me and slowly she kneeled. Then she hugged me worriedly, like a mom seeing her real daughter for the first time.

"Oh heavens sake! Alicia why did it ended up like this? Our dearful moments that was supposed to be filled with gold, yet it was nothing but dismay and gravelly fallen in shambles."

"I'm sorry If I was the caused of your breaking point as I was only trying to help you and seek for your guidance. I wish I could still fix everything that happened between us, but failed to be proven. It seems only god from above will guide you from the right judgement, henceforth to your new journey, ascending from the heaven.".

The crowd was saddened and moved favoring the Empress. Their hearts was captured by her sweet angelic voice with her face showing like a mourning fallen angel.

Captivated they were, my feelings didn't changed. Her words was nothing but a total nonsence. I  can't believe I was beaten by a two-faced woman.

The crowd followed the Empress as they seek for my head. Strongly they cheered as I was placed on the Guillotine. She whispered to my ears before going back to her place.

"Sucks to be you, farewell Alicia Astarte".