
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

The Sannin

Just as Orochimaru closed his eyes and was lamenting his fate a thunderous crack could be heard. The impact so tremendous that he was blown a way like a leaf in the wind. While flipping through the air his will to live returned and he gazed in front of him ready to proceed without underestimating the opponent. In his sight was Tsunade who seemed to have avenged Manda as the ass hole known as Hanzo was now laying in a puddle of his blood with half of his left torso missing, arm and all. Orochimaru had no time to appreciate the karmic justice dealt to Hanzo as the man quickly began to regenerate his torso at a visible rate. Tsunade seeing this did not delay and struck down with another powerful blow.

Hanzo seeing another blow coming released a cloud of poison from his body and quickly escaped from Tsunades strike. As the strike made impact with the empty ground a small tornado seemed to have sprung into existence dispersing Hanzo's poison mist and leaving a large cone like crater at Tsunades feet.

Standing no more than thirty yards apart Tsunade and Hanzo were straing one another down. Hanzo's torso was visibly healing while tattoos were beginning to appear across Tsunades body.

Tsunade was currently thinking the man known as Hanzo had somehow created a jutsu similar to her Creation Rebirth. Part of her was about to summon Ren so they could dissect this man and learn his secrets. She hated to admit it but operating on mindless clones to her hearts desires was loosening her morals. The perks of having an unlimited amount of cadavers had made her progress into the medical field monumental. Tsunade as a medical professional knew not to make guarantees in most things but her recent progress had given her great confidence. At this point she genuinely believed there was not a single medical conundrum she did not have a high probability to resolve.

Even then despite all her studies and newfound confidence she could never emulate her grandfathers healing ability to a level exceeding Creation Rebirth. Which is why Tsunade could not believe her eyes as she watched Hanzo regenerate his body as if he had not suffered a single injury. She couldn't be sure but her gut was telling her Hanzo did not develop a new jutsu like she did but somehow perfectly replicated her grandfathers ability. The longer Tsunade saw Hanzo heal the stronger her desire to study his corpse was becoming.

Not since the day she sunk into the operating madness in front of Ren had her mind become so muddled with the thought of experimentation. Tsunade was slowly bringing out the madness she had been trying so hard to hide.

"Orochimaru go help out Jiraiya! I'll handle this freak!"

"Just stall I'll return with the fool to assist you. The man will require the three of us.!"

Dashing away Orochimaru left to rendezvous with Jiraiya. Jiraiya was currently locked in battle with the black Salamander atop Gamabunta. The salamander was proving to be far more of a nuisance than Orochimaru originally thought.

As Orochimaru was speeding away behind him a sonic boom could be heard. A quick glance behind him proved of little benefit. All Orochimaru could see was a trail of gashes appearing on the ground such was the speed of both combatants that even he could not find their figures.

Instead of gaining confidence that Tsunade was able to compete with Hanzo, Orochimaru grew wary. It was no secret that Tsunade had reached the level of a tailed beast when undoing her seal if she was struggling even with such power at her disposal things were looking grim. They needed to consolidate their forces as soon as possible.

Tactical nuances aside he personally needed to retrieve his arm or his assistance in this battle would be minimal. As he approached his arm he could see a strange black line spreading from the Salamander. As soon as he spotted the black line Orochimaru threw a kunai to stop it. Immediately the black line reacted and dodged the blade as it did it sped forward and managed to grasp the severed arm. With the arm in its clutches it retreated at great speed and threw the arm towards the Salamander ending with the arm flipping in the air straight into the Salamanders mouth.

As this occurred Jiraiya appeared by Orochimarus side.

"We need to sound the retreat Orochimaru. A strange man is assisting the beast and the other monster is barely being contained by Tsunade."

"Is that who gave you all these cuts? What the hell is going on with Amegakure they shouldn't have such powerful ninja."

"They don't its just these two. Sound the retreat we can buy the troop time by delaying the monster. Gamabunta and Katsuyu will hold the man and Salamander back."

"Can you do it Katsuyu?"

A slug appeared on Jiraiya's right shoulder.

"Yes. Please assist the Young Lady. Gamabunta and I can handle this."

At a distance Katsuyu materialized a large body sealing the Salamander with in her self. The two men took the move as a signal and immediately rushed to Tsunade's position.

Standing before such a battle once more Orochimaru visibly paled and Jiraiya was no different. The amount of blood and severed limbs scattered on the floor could have fooled anyone into believing thousands had died around these two.

"Jiraiya we have to seal this man. With out my other arm I am currently incapable of doing it single handedly. Are you capable?"

" I can hold him in place."

" Good enough I'm counting on you."

"Leave it to me."

" Alright. See that crater?"

" Yes?"

" Just be ready."

Tsunade and Hanzo had in the time Orochimaru took to retrieve Jiraiya created even more craters. These craters filled with blood would make one think the two wanted to create a mass of blood filled hot springs, a strange side effect of the battle that Orochimaru was now grateful for.

Performing a single hand Water Bomb Jutsu Orochimaru quickly filled the area with several pools of water. Having set the stage it was now time to call the main performers.

"Tsunade we are retreating pull back to my position!"

Tsunade hearing the words did not hesitate to pull back to stand by Orochimaru. She always found him kind of shifty but when facing an enemy like this she needed him to be as shifty as humanly possible.

Performing a dropkick Tsunade used her maximum strength to put some distance between her and Hanzo. Flipping in mid air she directed her body to land beside Orochimaru.

In a low voice she said:

"You have a plan right?"

" We really are retreating there's another weird ninja helping the Salamander. "

This earned a grunt from Tsunade.

"Don't worry at least one of these enemies will be buried here today."

Hanzo recovering from the dropkick merely stood up and began a brisk walk towards them.

"Foolish ninja of Konoha you stand before God put down your weapons and join me. I can not be killed by mortals such as you. Your deaths are inevitable. Worry not for you can still repent! I have seen your resolve and deem you worthy to walk beside me as I usher in the new era!"


Orochimaru and Tsunade broke out in a mad fit of laughter.

"God he says Tsunade!" Orochimaru couldn't stop his grin.

"It seems we'll kill a God today! HAHAHA!"

As Hanzo stared at the pair he noted two men rising from the water. In frontal assault the two Jiraiyas sprung towards Hanzo with Rasengan in hand. Seemingly without a care Hanzo allowed the two Rasengan to crash into his body. This arrogance is why he didn't notice a third Jiraiya behind him who just finished saying: Kekkai Toad Gourd Prison.

Leaving a red toad in Hanzo's place Jiraiya was both relieved and worried. On the one hand hopefully the corrosive acid with in the prison would kill the freak. On the other hand he wasn't sure if the prison could truly contain a ninja like Hanzo.

Seeing the situation had been contained Tsunade was concerned now about Katsuyu's predicament. So she decided to rush over to assist. Orochimaru said nothing as unlike him Tsunade and Jiriaya were far more attached to their summons. He had predicted she would do this especially when Jiraiya unsummoned Gamabunta so he could funnel his chakra into the Gourd prison.

" Well done Jiraiya. How long will it hold?"

" As long as we need it to, whether it can kill him is a different question."

The two were standing around the Toad Prison pondering what to do with Hanzo when something reversed the tides once more. In an explosion of acid and poison Hanzo appeared before them once again. Seeing what was occurring Jiraiya immediately pushed Orochimaru away and took the brunt of the explosion followed by several slices of Hanzo's scythe.

Orochimaru was not completely unscathed and had lost his ear and part of his nose from the explosion of acid. Seeing the predicament in front of him he decided to use the last of his chakra to release a massive Fire Dragon Flame Bullet into the air. This was his retreat signal as the commander of the troop.

Seeing the signal Konoha ninja stopped their combat with the weaker Ame ninja and converged on their commanders location. The sight before them was far more tragic than they could have imagined.

Tsunade was rushing back towards Hanzo who was trashing Jiraiya with several punches as the man was bear hugging his enemy into staying in place.


Orochimaru was stunned as he was watching Jiraiya take several punches to his body that had managed to tear his arm off. The fool was taking every punch while holding Hanzo in place. The acid had managed to take Jiraiyas eye and the punches from Hanzo were clearly crushing Jiraiyas bones and yet he was not letting go.

Despite Tsunade's speed before she could reach Hanzo the man had done enough damage to release his body from Jiraiyas clutches. The release wasn't enough for Hanzo to swing his scythe but he had enough leg room to pull of a front kick managing to finally push Jiraiya away.

As Jiraiya slid back he hobbled over but remained standing. As his blood slid down his body only a whisper could be heard.

"... Orochimaru.. Tsunade.. Run..."

At this time Hanzo had first unsummoned and then once more summoned his salamander so it could reach his location. Standing atop the black Salamander he gazed down at the quickly approaching Tsunade and gazed upon the figure of Jiraiya.

" You have refused this gods grace but I commend your valor. I will erect your graves on this spot so the world may know of the Sannin! Brave mortals who dared to face god."

As his words ended a howl came through the air.

"FUCK YOU!!!!!"

Stabbing her kunai into Hanzo's head the all out melee from earlier resumed once more.



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

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