
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

When Gods Collide

As I gazed upon the form of Tsunade clashing with Hanzo I grew worried for the first time in a long time. With out any further delay I transformed into Isobu. Dealing with Hanzo's summon would be step one to supporting our troops retreat.

"Orochimaru take Jiraiya and flee with everyone else. Tsunade and I will take care of this."

With my words concluded Isobu and I prepared for battle. The massive turtle like body curled up into a ball and sped towards the Salamander. When we collided with the Salamander the impact threw both Hanzo and Tsunade off balance. Tsunade quickly recovered and jumped atop my massive form. In the meanwhile as Hanzo recovered he just stared at us like a kid on Christmas morning.

"So Prince Zuko arrives. Illegitimate heir to the land of fire and successor to the will of Gengetsu Hozuki. You alone united two of the mortal nations in this war. Your existence could have helped create peace and instead you helped create war."

Does every bad guy have some weird monologue?

"As a God it falls upon me to correct your mistakes and bring you upon a proper path. Bow down and submit yourself into my service Prince Zuko. With this God leading the path before you, a great era of peace will fall upon the land. For your fealty God will even spare the pitiful little mortals that battled against him today."

"You're not right in the head are you?"

"Do not mistake God's grace for weakness boy. Even God can only offer you salvation once."

"Why offer it at all?"

"For the sake of the greater good. Now kneel, God does not repeat himself."

"Tsunade go treat Jiraiya and help get our troops out of here."

"That's not a good idea Ren there's a ninja supporting him apart from the big salamander."

"So even God can't fight one on one? What a joke."


" Ren Katsuyu and I will handle the other two, it's better if you fight this psycho."

With a mass of smoke Isobu's form disappeared and I caught Tsunade mid air. While holding her I performed a character load. Tsunade's creation rebirth is a great jutsu but the more times she uses it to regenerate her body, the more of her longevity she sacrifices. Looking at the massive pools of blood and limbs scattered about its clear she sacrificed a lot of her longevity and it's better to restore her to her prime right now than risk letting her overdraft her life span.

After her restoration I set her down on the ground and directly flew to meet Hanzo at eye level. The man seemed shocked. Why wouldn't he be?

While flying was not a completely foreign sight to ninja especially with Onoki floating about. My form of flight was something odd in the ninja world as visually I seemed to rely on no form of physical support to maintain myself airborne.

"Hanzo of the Salamander. Creepy freak with a god complex. Let me show you what being a God of Shinobi really means."

Finishing my little tirade I pulled out a weapon storage scroll and threw it in the air above Hanzo. As the scroll was in the air I made some rapid hand seals. Finishing my seals I decided to name this nameless technique on the spur of the moment:

"Thunder God: Ame no Yari"

The technique roughly translated to 'rain spears' the fact I included the term Ame seemed funny to me. As I finished stating the techniques name a hail of spears shot down upon Hanzo. The spears skewered him in mass and not a single point in his body was without a spear jutting through it. Putting my right hand in front of me I casually lifted it and caused Hanzo to rise in the air.

With the man high enough in the air I set off the next part of my technique. After making the Snake hand seal a massive bang resembling the sound of thunder kicked off above me. A cloud of smoke shortly appeared after the sound and a mass of shrapnel could be seen floating a few inches from my face.

This recently named technique was the result of my time spent as a one man Amazon shipping warehouse. The technique was nothing more than a more potent form of Ten Ten's Heavenly Chain Disaster technique. In the weapon scroll I threw in the air were about two thousand fully metallic spears resembling the Beast Spear from Ushio and Tora. The spears were fully marked with my magnet release and the spear shafts were covered in a series of explosive seals. The goal was to direct all the spears at the opponent and once the enemy was pierced set of the explosive seals.

The original intention behind creating this jutsu was so I could handle tailed beasts. Despite my brutal dismembering of the Third Kazekage I never planned for this jutsu to be used on a normal human body. It was largely an unnecessary form of brutality to inflict upon my enemies. That said Hanzo was by no means an ordinary human. The use of the jutsu was justified as I figured even the regenerating man in front of me would die if his entire body was blown to bits.

Seems that I was wrong.

A Hanzo currently regenerating the epidermal layer of his skin came rushing at me full force and managed to punch me dead center in the face. After connecting with his punch he plummeted to the ground.

As Hanzo landed on the ground I was making four or five back flips through the air wondering how in the hell the bastard managed to survive such a ridiculous amount of damage. If Hashirama had a healing factor similar to this monster I really had no idea how the man was killed. More importantly I had no idea how to permanently eliminate the bastard in front of me. Seeing him from my superior position in the air I was tempted to make some more God quips but before I could do so he pressed his palms onto the ground.

Hanzo had done something I didn't think he would be capable of.

Wood Release

From the ground behind him appeared a massive tree that rushed in to the air. The massive tree towered above me despite my flight. Shortly after the tree appeared Hanzo quickly scaled up the side of the tree. When he reached my eye level he bent his knees and sprung towards me. The bastard had used the tree as a foot hold to once more collide with me in mid air. So much for my high ground advantage.

Despite his impressive feat, I was more prepared for this attack and used the remains of all the shrapnel around me in an attempt to encase the bastard in metal until I could come up with a more permanent solution.

That did not work.

Instead of having the metal shrapnel encase him I ended up giving the man a series of mid air footholds to jump around on.

The move only resulted in the two of us trading kicks and punches in mid air. Eventually I managed to connect with a kick to his head. Hanzo in turn used the momentum from the kick to propel himself down to the ground. When I saw this I rushed after him but I was too late. As soon as he was on the ground he used wood release once more to create multiple trees in a circle around us. I couldn't stop him from using the wood release but I could swing at the guy, so I did.

This in turn led to another exchange of blows.

We were now basically fighting a cage match and were completely focused on one another. The tremors from Tsunades and Katsuyus fight with the Salamander did not affect our concentration in the least.

Using the shrapnel floating in mid air I gathered it all to create a tidal wave like mass to collide with Hanzo. In response Hanzo threw a kunai to the left of the wave and simultaneously kicked the ground and followed the kunai as it propelled through the air. The cockroach then used the kunai as a foothold and accelerated his body even further to avoid the wave of shrapnel.

Hanzos chakra control was so great he could use a small kunai to temporarily suspend himself in the air. Seeing this came as quite the shock. I couldn't tell if this was his innate talent or a result from merging with Hashirama's cells but it was frightening. More frightening even than that was the fact despite his current chakra mastery the cockroach was visibly improving as we continued our battle.

Knowing this stalemate shouldn't be allowed to continue I pulled out another set of weapon scrolls. This time I threw another two in the air and screamed:

"Twin Thunder God: Ame no Yari"

As the scrolls traveled through the air. Hanzo landed on the ground and used wood release to create a half circular dome that I assume was meant to block the soon to appear hail of spears.

While the man was mounting his defense I used the opportunity to throw a kunai past his left flank. Of course this was a flying thunder god kunai and I shortly appeared on his flank. As I appeared On Hanzo's flank I was holding a strip of a sealing scroll in my hand. This strip of sealing scroll shortly became a complete scroll when I used an item load on it to replicate a scroll with my collection of spears. As soon as the scroll was loaded I threw it at Hanzo and released all three scrolls at the same time.

This little technique was another merit from my time spent as an Amazon warehouse. Over my time spent in the world of Naruto I had never really bothered to explore the merits of my Save and Load ability. Quite frankly while my Save and Load ability was a seemingly infallible form of reality warping, I never really saw it as anything more than supplemental to my daily life. In RPG terms it was a support skill. That recently changed when I decided to save one of my spear scrolls. As from my understanding of my ability, what it should have done upon using load on another scroll I ripped in half was simply provide me with a complete scroll with nothing stored inside.

Such thoughts were wrong.

As Granny Mito once said my ability stores the information of things in their current form. In the case of storage scrolls that included everything with in the scrolls. In short this recent discovery was completely heaven defying. Should I store a stack of twenty spears in a storage scroll, and then create a save file for it, the save file would be of a scroll with twenty spears in it. I could then take another scroll, tear it in half, and use load on the split halves. With the two newly formed scrolls I could unseal them and then have a stack of an additional forty spears. With the new stack of now sixty spears I could once more seal them in to one scroll and then continue the process until I had billions of spears. If I so pleased.

When I discovered this I slightly lamented the fact I wasn't born into a cultivation world. Imagine duplicating storage rings with all the nice crap they have inside. I doubt I'd survive in a cultivation world half as long as I did in this world but a man can dream.

As Hanzo reeled from the new mass of spears skewering his body I pulled his ugly mug towards me. There's one other technique I semi perfected as an Amazon warehouse. It took me a lot longer than normal to pull off as I was held back by my over reliance on save and load.

Placing my hand atop Hanzo's head. I pulled together all the focus I could muster despite his constant writhing around.

I created a flying thunder god mark on the man.


I normally do not post anything directly in the chapter so to avoid breaking reader immersion but I have to state please read the 5/2/22 PSA. Aside from that if you made it this far with me on my writing journey I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you.



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