
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

A Genius!

The Land of Fire

Despite the first shinobi war where every hidden village suffered incredible damage. The Land of Fire was still an incredibly wealthy nation because in the first war they benefited the most. If anyone could be called a victor it was them.

The other villages had been on an economic decline though and had been slowly mobilizing military power to expand their countries borders. That expansion would eventually come to the borders of the Land of Fire.

" I propose we mobilize more squads to the border Hiruzen!"

"That would make it seem like we wish to break the armistice lord Danzo, we have no need for it."

"Lord Hyuga as patriarch of the Hyuga clan you should know better than anyone that drastic measures are needed to ensure our safety. Give them whatever excuse you want Hiruzen but we need more troops at the border!"

"The Akimichi clan, Yamanaka, and Nara clans will support the will of the Hokage as we always have but I must admit being prepared seems like a good idea."

"You bunch of fence sitters you've seen the Root reports. Why should we be prepared when we can be ready Torifu!

A killing intent washes over the room.

"Danzo I am the 11th Akimichi clan head. The Akimichi clan does not fear battle, we have lost more than our fair share of blood for the village, and will do so again without fear. You forget who the real fence sitter is…"


As Torifu and Danzo are about to come to blows.

" Ahem—The Aburame clan supports lord Danzo's proposal."

" I think what Torifu says has merit. We should prepare, we simply lost too much from the First war , lets continue to gather our strength."

"Koharu and Torifu have the more sensible point. Hiruzen lets continue to gather our strength, in the meantime you can station some more squads to locations near the border so they can react if necessary. Call it a hunt for a missing-nin."

"Hmm very well, we will do as Homaru suggested. More importantly the Daimyo wants more information on the counterfeit Ryo."

" Lord Hokage the Ryo is not any form of jutsu. At a glance it should be real, if we didn't know about the serials I would even say they are real. I've reviewed it several times with the Byakugan no chakra was used to create it. The Uchiha head can attest to this."

" He is right Hiruzen I've reviewed it with my Sharingan as well and there is not a single detail off on any of the bills. They are clearly fakes but not fakes made by ninjutsu."

" The Daimyo refuses to believe ninja are not involved, civilians apparently could never be capable of this."

" Pfft the Daimyo or his aides?"

" What's the difference?"

Mumbled laughs spread in the room.

"Silence. Whatever you may think never say it out loud again, he's still our Daimyo. Continue to look into this and find the source of these counterfeits. Dismissed."

As the council clears out only Hiruzen and Danzo remain.

"Root will handle the border. Leave it to me."

"Hmm that's for the best just remember Konoha doesn't have a single ninja at the border."


An out of breath Tsunade barges into the room.

"Sensei! [taking deep breaths] the boy [Deep breath] what's the status on him being released to my care?"

" What boy?"

" Ahh a pitiful child Danzo. The Hyuga are willing to release him to your permanent care Tsunade as a favor to the Senju. It would be their honor to provide you a shield they said."

"Those bastards… they don't know what they've given up. What of the boys father did he agree? I know that thing we call his mother could care less but the boy seems attached to his father."

Danzo's ear seem to perk up at the first statement.

"Huh? The fathers been dead for a while. The mother as you said could care less, she doesn't even acknowledge him as her son. So their were no problems."

"Haiz, I'll let the kid know about his father I hope it doesn't set him back."

"Wait Tsunade what do you mean let him know? The mans been dead for two years now."

" That can't be right the boy went to see him on his birthday. He said his father left on a mission the next day."

" Here look at this file sent by the police force."

"Show me a copy Hiruzen. I'm curious about all the commotion."

Hiro Hyuga

Hyuga Branch family member. Corpse found in the Forest of Death.

Next of kin: Ren Hyuga(son)

Deep scarring across all limbs. Traces of burns, acid, poison, and severe internal damage.

Neural and ocular nerves completely destroyed.

Byakugan Sealed.

Personal effects:

Clothing: destroyed.

Forehead protector: crushed.

Box: Destroyed toy inside. Box labeled happy birthday.

Cause of death: Confidential.

To Hokage: Cursed Mark Seal.

Time of Death: Night of January 25th, 45th year of Konohagakure.

Sent corpse and effects to Hyuga patriarch. No further action.

After a short read.

"This….Sensei that boy mastered the Flying Thunder God if he loses his feeling of security …"

Hiruzen and Danzo " WHAT!?"

"Yes that's why I came to ask on his status. That boy really might become the worlds most incredible medical-nin, but this…"

" How old is the boy anyway?"

Tsunade and Hiruzen "5.."

"Truly a genius.."

"The boy must never know Hiruzen, forget medical-nin he could be the villages greatest sword. Release him to Root I'll definitely make him a fine Shinobi."

" Non-sense he's been released to me and he is my disciple. He will be a medical-nin. Plus I'm the only one who can make sure he doesn't turn on the village at this point…"

"Huh? Why would he turn on the village?"

"Did we not just read the same file? Not to mention that thing that gave birth to him. Finding out the clan shielded her? I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to slaughter them all."

"More of a reason to turn him over to me then."

"Tsunade take the boy and leave the village, I'll assign you a mission to the Land of Medicines for training. Don't cause any trouble while in the Land of Iron."

"Hiruzen the boy would be more useful in Root, such talent would be wasted as a medical-nin! Don't be foolish!"

"Silence Danzo those are my orders. Enough."

Danzo storms off muttering "Such a fool.."

"I'll set off immediately Sensei."

"Bring the boy to me before you leave."

A few minutes later Tsunade appears with Ren by her side.

" Leave us Tsunade. I need a word with the boy."

"Sensei I—"

"I said leave us."

After Tsunade leaves.

"Oi old man that's my wife you know?"

"Haiz maybe I am old…"

"The first step is acceptance. The second is updating the big rock outside."

As a big welt appears on Ren's head.

"You do know Tsunade is 16 years older than you right?"

"Age is just a number old man… don't sweat the small stuff you'll get more wrinkles."

A second welt appears.

"Haiz if you manage to become a great ninja I'll see what I can do to help you."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Sometimes I forget you're so young. I mean…I'll make sure you get married. Just don't tell Tsunade."

"Uh are you serious?"

"Yes. Now when you go to the Land of Iron make sure you and Tsunade don't get in trouble. DO NOT let her gamble! Actually just leave one of your marks here for an emergency and get going."

"Understood! [setting a hand down on the floor] See you later old man!" [Turns and leaves]

After Ren leaves the Hokages office. Hiruzen walks over to the mark on the floor staring at the single kanji slowly fading out of view.

"Save huh?…. [Talking into the empty room] have a squad shadow them."

A masked man appears at his side in a kneel.


Then vanishes.

In reaction to the previous two info dumps I tried to be more subtle about it in this chapter. Let me know what you think.

Alexdmercercreators' thoughts