
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 22: Fighting The Shadow Alpha Wolf

The Shadow Alpha Wolf and Kali with black snake, the three are staring at each other, they are not moving even an inch as if they turned into a statue, they are both wary of each other that is why they don't dare be careless.

" why are they just staring at each other " asked by the girl.

" they are already fighting, who will back down first or who will attack first, who will lose patient first or who will stay calm and patient, those things will reflect the result of this fight, so just watch and do nothing, it is a great learning opportunity for us " said by the oldest of the three.

" but big brother it is clear that we are older than him, is he really stronger than us " asked by the second oldest.

They are from a local family in Fambre City the three of them are the most talented of the young generation from their family that is why they given the permission o enter by their family head, the oldest is named Banu, the second is Banjo, and the youngest and also the only female Bini, they are from Delmar Family of Fambre City.

" do you see his savage beast? " Banu asked them.

" yes it is a black scaled corrosive serpent " Banjo answered.

" it is not a particularly rare savage beast, my Gale wolf is even better when it comes to offensive capabilities, but do you see how it didn't even flinch and cower in front of the shadow Alpha wolf? That is because it is confident about its own strength, and that confidence can only be gained by either having superior stage or they killed a master stage savage beast before " Banu explained.

Banjo and Bini's eyes widened, because they can see that the black scaled corrosive serpent is only at apprentice stage, meaning the youngster and his savage beast in front of them killed a master stage savage beast before.

" yo yo yo you mean he " Banjo stuttered.

" yes he clearly killed a master stage savage beast before " Banu didn't let Banjo finished talking and suddenly answered.

Bini who is staring at Kali's back is still shocked.

The three of them are confident of their own strength and they thought that they can be compared to the young masters of some low grade noble family but their confidence is trampled on by the random youngster in front of them.

While the three youths from Delmar Family is having discussions about Kali's strength the shadow Alpha Wolf made a move, Kali and blacks serpent did the same, Kali retreated while black serpent move towards the Shadow Alpha Wolf who is about or attack them too.

" combo skill " Kali ordered

Black serpent turned into a black shadow streak and attacks the Alpha Wolf with its tail.

Seeing the incoming attack the Alpha wolf also use its tail to intercept black serpent's attack.

After making one exchange of attacks black serpent and the shadow Alpha wolf both retreated and stared at each other again.

This action surprised the three youths watching from a far. The first exchange of attacks caused quite a stir to the three youths hearts, if their savage beast is the one that receives the attack of any of the two, their savage beast will without a doubt die in one attack.

" holy cow! What was attack made by the black scaled corrosive serpent? " Banjo exclaimed.

" that is not a normal tail whip that is a combo skill if I am not wrong" Banu answered, being the oldest he also has more knowledge and experience other than his two companions.

" combo skill " Bini whispered, it is the first time she uttered a word after being surprised by Kali's strength.

" dominance armor " Kali increased black serpents defense, clearly he wants it to fight in close combat.

After receiving the boost in defense, black serpent used dark strike to attack the shadow Alpha wolf, like a shadow it moved swiftly and fluidly towards the Alpha wolf, reaching the attacking range it opens its mouth and is about to bite the Alpha wolf but it managed to dodge black serpent's attack, after dodging it used beast claw, black serpent with the increase in defense is not scared of a claw attack from a master stage savage beast, it braved the Alpha Wolf's attack when the claw is about to touch the black serpent's body it dodged the claw in mid air and latch onto the shadow Alpha Wolf's limb, it looks like a giant spring spiraling on the Alpha Wolf's limb, it slithered towards the Alpha Wolf's body and used one of its skill, constrict.

The wolf felt a pain from his body it started to struggle but it didn't changed anything, black serpent opens its mouth and revealed the long withe fangs dripping with black colored venom, it bit the shadow Alpha Wolf's neck.

" awooooooooo " the bite of black serpent made the shadow Alpha wolf howl in pain.

The howl is filled with unwillingness, it is clear that it still will not fall.

The howl surprised the three from Delmar Family.

" did they defeated the shadow Alpha wolf " Bini asked.

" not yet, but they managed to hurt it badly " Banu answered.

" continue to release your venom " Kali ordered black serpent.

Black serpent bit harder and released more venom, after a few moments the shadow Alpha wolf stopped struggling and fell down.

* thud

It made a loud sound when it fell down, black serpent detached its body from the shadow Alpha wolf and slithered towards Kali like a young kid who wants compliments and treats.

" great job" Kali praised black serpent and patted its head, and he gave it a dark beast crystal.

Kali opened the shadow Alpha Wolf's chest and was about to take its beast crystal but he froze in surprise.

" crystal heart! "

Inside the shadow Alpha Wolf's chest is not a dark beast crystal but a dark crystal heart. it replaces a savage beasts' heart and is a crystal with the purest attribute, it makes a savage beasts' attribute skills much stronger.

" if the shadow Alpha wolf has a crystal heart, why didn't it used dark attribute attacks? "

Kali is confused because with the crystal heart it will be easier for the shadow Alpha wolf to defeat them and escape.

" are you okay? " Bini asked while approaching Kali.

Her voice woke Kali up from thinking about the reason behind the shadow Alpha wolf holding back while fighting him.

" yes I'm fine, how about you guys? "

" we are fine thanks to you " said Bini

" I'll get going then " Kali said and was about to leave.

" wait!" Banu said.

Kali turned his head to look at Banu, Kali eyes startled Banu and he took a few steps back unconsciously.

" nothing, I just want to say thank you, after three months when we get out of the beast realm, if you need any help just come o our Delmar Family "

After Banu finished speaking Kali headed deep in the shadow woods and went on the route that the shadow Alpha wolf took, he wants to know the reason behind the Alpha Wolf holding back its strength, though it can be considered that the Alpha wolf took him lightly Kali can't calm himself down.

He and black serpent traveled for a week, during their week of travel they encountered a few dark attribute savage beast that helped him increase his harvest of dark crystals, they reached the end of the shadow woods any further and they will be on a different region of the beast realm, they saw a small cave where the sunlight has penetrated, this is the first time Kali saw the sunlight after entering the shadow woods.

Kali walked towards the woods cautiously, when he reached the entrance of the cave he saw that there are no other savage beast nearby as if they were scared of this place, he looked over at black serpent and saw that it is wary of the cave.

" can you feel what's inside the cave? " Kali asked black serpent.

" hiss hiss hiss " it answered Kali's question, because of the mental connection made by the dominance when Kali tamed black serpent they can understand each other's thoughts.

Black serpent's answer intrigued Kali.

" is that so, the let's head inside quickly "

Savage beasts can feel each other's aura, from a distance, it acts as one of their defense against strong predators, if they felt something strong near them they will try to avoid them.

Kali and black serpent ran towards the end of the cave at full speed.

When the reach the end of the cave there is a small cave room inside is a small pond and a few plants and herbs growing around it, Kali's eyes traveled and scanned the whole cave room

His gaze suddenly stopped and stared at a few bamboo growing on the west side of the pond, after a few moments rustling sounds can be heard behind the small bamboo trees, Kali approached it and what he saw greatly shocked him.

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