
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 10: Training

Two days have passed since the village chief announce the competition that will happen after a year, and today is the start of black serpent and Kali's one year training to increase their strength and win the competition, Kali guessed that the competition reward will not be inferior to the rewards given in the ceremony.

To create a training menu for black serpent Kali decided to head to the nearby woods to test its streny and capabilities, along the way Kali saw that the other young Contractors are already training their savage beasts, after observing for a few moments Kali went on his way.


Arriving at the woods Kali summoned black serpent from the beast ring, it looks much stronger than before after absorbing the beast crystal from the flame tusk boar.

Kali petted its head and it hissed while it's eyes are closed.

Kali found a dead tree not far away an ordered black serpent to use its skill on the dead tree, black serpent dashed forward and used its tail to attack the tree like a whip, it used the skill tail whip, most savage beast that has a tail can use tail whip, it is one of the most basic skills, Kali checked the tree and the part where the tail hit caved in slightly, Kali then turned to look at black serpents tail, its black shiny scales were a little damaged because of the attack, after that it used a different skill, this time it didn't move towards the tree, instead it open its mouth, its two knife like fangs were exposed then suddenly it spit out a bullet like black liquid towards the tree, the part that the black liquid hit started to darken and it spread fast, the already dead tree looke more dead now, it is the skill corrosive poison where the black serpent uses its corrosive piit to attack from mid range, and looking at the poison's effect on the dead tree, it shows how potent the poison was, satisfied with the poison attack Kali ordered black serpent to proceed on using its skills, it used dark strike, black serpent turned into a long black streak of shadow and suddenly appeared in front of the tree, it is a move type of skill of the dark attribute, it improves the black serpents movement speed by two times making it useful for escaping or attacking, the black serpent possess dual attribute making it one of the rare savage beasts at the early stages, after that it uses the last skill it kniws, it slithered upward the dead tree and suddenly it tightens its hold on the body of the dead tree the dead tree barks started to crack then black serpent released it tight hold and fell on the ground and returned to Kali's side, Kali started to analyze the black serpent's skills and the damage it brought towards the tree.

After a few moments of contemplation Kali stood up.

" okay I iw know what training we should do to make you stronger " said Kali.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss" black serpent responded.

" although your corrosive poison is already at the apprentice stage, you have a weak body, that is because you are still at the beginner stage, so we will focus on incret your stage to apprentice stage and strengthen your body "

"Hiss,hiss" black serpent responded excitedly hearing that it will become stronger.

" now your first training is to tear down that tree using you body only, you cannot attack it using poison and dark attribute skills"

Black serpent was about to complain when Kali glared at it, it gloomily approach the tree that us as thick as a grown man's thigh, beast Contractors needs to be strict when it comes to training because, strength is the main reason they tame these savage beasts to have strong companions that can aid them in battle, plus if the beast Contractor let his or her savage beast to laze around it will develop negative habits that may affect the savage beasts growth and development.

After seeing that black serpent is already doing its training started his own training he will train to familiarize himself in using the Bind skill that he just learned.

Their training lasts for the whole afternoon, they only stopped when the sun was about to set, Kali called black serpent over and checked its condition, it has wounds all over its body and it's scales are damaged but the tree is on the verge of collapsing, clearly black serpent did its best on the training which made Kali happy, if black serpent continued to exert this much effort its growth will be tremendous after a year.


Inside his room Kali treated black serpent's wounds and fed it the herbs he gathered from his backyard and a strengthening pill to restore its energy and further increase its body strength.

After tending black serpents injuries Kali started to meditate and let black snake enjoy its hard earned treat.


Kali and black serpent's training continued for a month, the black scaled corrosive serpent got stronger after a month of body training, the strength of its tail whip and cinstrict increased and it's defenses have gotten stronger too, not getting injured after using tail whip, not just the black serpent even Kali got stronger, his level increased from beginner stage level three to level four, it is only possible because of the fighting he had been through during the selection and his continuous meditation.

Though they got stronger during this month it is still not enough to win the competition not unless he and black serpent reached apprentice stage after a year, Kali also faced the problem of shortage in strengthening pill although black serpent's body got stronger it consumed great amount of strengthening pills and now Kali is about to run out of pills.

While thinking of a solution to his problem he heard two people talking.

" I heard a merchant caravan will pass through our village tomorrow and stay for a few days"

" so what if there is a caravan, its not like we are running out of food and necessities "

" stupid thus caravan is owned by a family of beast Contractors, there will definitely be materials and resources that are beneficial to savage beasts"

" what! Why didn't you say so earlier"

The two people continued their conversation while Kali is already running home, hearing that there will be a caravan tommorow, he decided to sell his flame tusk boar tusks and some of the herbs he harvested on his little herb garden in his backyard.

He can use the money he will earn to buy more strengthening pills even much better resources if his items items sells for a high price, if the tusks and herbs managed to be sold even for two gold coins it will be enough for Kali and black serpent to train for a year.

One gold is equivalent to one hundred silver and one silver is equivalent to one hundred copper, copper is the lowest type of currency in this world and a strengthening pill only cost a few coppers.

Savage Beasts has reached 10 chapters, thank you guys for reading my story, I will continue doing the work and if you want to support my story please vote with your power stones, it will cheer me up, thank you and happy reading.

VIZCOcreators' thoughts