
Sauron: Dark Lord Given New Purpose

Sauron, after his defeat, and "death" where his broken form was taken into the Void; will rise again. This time, he will have a grander purpose as a Dark Lord. He will be the necessary evil. Because sometimes, the world doesn't need a hero. What the world needs is a monster. [Omniverse]

GoldDragonMachina · Livres et littérature
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Solaire and the Bridge Dragon(Undead Parish)

Past the towers, we reach a large balcony. There I see a warrior staying at the sky.

The warrior sees me, "Hello friend, praise the sun that I've met another wandering soul. How fair you?"

The warrior had a bright personality. I reply, "I fair well warrior. I am Sauron, who are you?"

The warrior introduces itself, "I am Solaire of Astora, adherent of the Lord of Sunlight. I am here to seek my own sun though as I've become undead."

I say, "This era's sun is gone and dead. If you are seeking a new sun, you must bring about the new era. Why not join in plunging this world in the dark, and restoring death? Therefore a new age, and a new sun can be born."

Solaire contemplates, "I cannot give you an answer right now. To bring about darkness is opposite to my teachings and what I know. I'm supposed a bringer of light, not darkness. Although you're words do make sense. I'm afraid I'll have to decline, at least for now Sir Sauron."

I don't fret, "Very well then Sir Solaire. Also, it is Lord Sauron, not Sir. I'll be on my way now light bringer."

Solaire calls out, "If you both are going over the bridge, beware the drake that guards it."

I simply give a curt nod and continue on with my dark knight. We soon see the drake as we walk on the bridge. It was smaller than what I've known.

I scoff, "Sir Lorlaric, move directly behind and stay there until I deal with the drake."

Jaun moves behind with his shield ready. We continue moving one in the line. The drake roars and prepares to breath fire. I raise up my hand in preparation. The red drake releases its fire breath upon the bridge. My hand blocks and parts the fire as we continue walking.

I think aloud, "Dragon fire indeed, but weak. Far weaker than I expected."

The drake stops its breath and gets angry seeing that we are unaffected. It starts to move towards us, opting to try its odds at biting. I don't give it a chance though. I'll show it what real fire is.

I create a small flame in my hand, then compress it into an ember. I then toss it towards the incoming drake. Once it hits the dragon, the ember erupts into an inferno. The fire rolls over the drake's body, burning its hide.

The drake reels back and screeches in agony. It then stumbles off the bridge with its flesh melting away.

My knight doesn't seem to make a comment. He has come to realize what would be considered impressive for me by now then. Disposing of this drake isn't a feat worth praising for me after all. I spare no effort in the task after all.

Finally crossing the bridge, I'm in the next area.

The Undead Parish

Walking into the area from the gate, I was greeted by a rough defense force. Which consisted of undead and a metal armored boar. Or maybe it's just a metal boar. The first to notice me is the boar. It naturally begins to run at me in an attempt to ram me. I materialize my mace and slam it down on its head as it reaches me. The head is caved in and the boar is dead.

On a sidenote, all this time I have been receiving souls. I just have no need for them. These measly souls are only a drop in the ocean that is my might. The only souls that interest me are the boss souls. I will find another use for these weak souls.

I made sure to clear the area before the next gate. I of course encountered the other black knight that was up the small tower. This one was using the black knight halberd. It was a well-made weapon. I still caught it with one hand though. I pulled the weapon to drag the black knight closer to me, so I can touch its head. I repaired its tattered mind as I did with Jaun.

I presented the same offer and argument as I did to Jaun before. The knight agreed in the end, declaring her loyalty, " I Hildra Grandis pledge myself to my Lord Sauron."

I accept, "I recognize you as my knight. You will now be my second Dark Knight. Now stand up and fall in with Sir Lorlaric, we have work to do."

Hildra moves to be beside Jaun and we continue to go through the area. I open the gate and we advance.

Entering the church part of the area, I had Jaun and Hildra fight the measly enemies. The tower knights, undead, and balder knights were swiftly dispatched by them.

We ascended the floors of the church. Going through them, I came across the cell of Knight Lautrec.

Looking down on him I ask, "Lautrec, a man that would love nothing more than to see the fires unlinked. I seek the same thing you do. This world must be wiped away for it to be reborn anew. If the fires are relinked, then this era may be resurrected, but it will fall again all the same."

Lautrec looks up, "Then what are you suggesting. I may have different views on things, but I can tell an evil man when I see one. I can also tell a man if I see one. You are no man. You are no good Samaritan either."

I laugh hauntingly, "Perhaps, nonetheless, our views coincide. Should we not work together? Come now Lautrec. We can work together."

Lautrec scoffs, "Fine then, I agree. Don't think I'll just be your lackey though. Just get me out of this cage."

I chuckle and rip off the cell bars. Lautrec gets up and walks out. He walks past me, "I'll be in touch, and around." He then walks to who knows where.

I take my dark knights and ascend the bell tower. The area boss here are the bell gargoyles.

We get to the roof and step into the boss area. The first gargoyle comes down and acts like its all that.

I say to my knights, "I will take care of this one. Two more will enter the fray once I do enough damage to this one or kill it. Just be watchful for them and engage once they awake."

My knights acknowledge my orders.

I then equip my mace and approach the gargoyle.

(Initiate slow-motion scene)

The gargoyle swings its axe at my sideways. I move my mace to block. The tip of the mace is pointed down and held vertically in this block. I do while initiating a spin to bring me closer to the gargoyle. Because of the spin and arm position from the spin, I was able to do an overhead downward swing on the end of the spin. My mace landed firmly on the gargoyle's head.

(End slow-motion scene)

Its head was smashed into the, but it didn't die. It was struggling to get up though. That one strike did enough damage to awaken the other two gargoyles. As my dark knights as their sanity back, they should be able to deal with them. I can safely focus on finishing this one off.

I reeled my leg back and kicked its face, sending it across to the other side of the roof. Just from these two attacks, it was almost dead. I didn't bother walking over, I threw my mace at its battered form. It hit the gargoyle in chest with a shock, finally killing it.

I turned to find that my knights were about to defeat the other gargoyles too. Jaun finished his by cutting off its head. Hildra had knocked hers on its back. Then she jumped up and plunged her halberd into the gargoyle's chest. She twisted the halberd violently, making sure she did enough damage to kill it. It was certainly enough as the gargoyle laid still afterwards.

I walk past and call, "Come now, we must ring the bell."

We went up the bell tower and rang the bell at the top.

Looking at the landscape from so high up, the dreary tone of the world had its own charm.

I turn from the view, "Come, we have a smith to visit."


Author's note:

To say a little about the story, I want to put a good amount of detail into it. Therefore, it may be a little slow in progression. We'll be in Dark Souls 1 for some time, going through the bosses, encounters, and npcs. This is something I want to do for every world I visit. So I expect this fic of mine to be long running. At least for a few years.

I want the quality of this fic to at least match the quality of my Predator/Star Wars fic; Predator in Star Wars: Hunt"". I recommend you all rad that too.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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