
Sauron: Dark Lord Given New Purpose

Sauron, after his defeat, and "death" where his broken form was taken into the Void; will rise again. This time, he will have a grander purpose as a Dark Lord. He will be the necessary evil. Because sometimes, the world doesn't need a hero. What the world needs is a monster. [Omniverse]

GoldDragonMachina · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Dark Lord Dark Souls

The goldfish gives me my first task, " Okay Sauron, first world is Dark Souls. The player of this world rage quit the game because he couldn't git gud. As a result, the world is still in a deathless state and preventing a new age to come. Therefore, you must do what the player couldn't. I know this is a world where you'll use purely brute force, but this needs to be done right away. You can make machinations in the next world."

I shrug, "I machinated for tens of thousands of years already. A break to get physical isn't so bad."

The goldfish blubs, "Okay, kill the bosses and beat the world into darkness, so a new light can be born. Have fun playing Sauron."

The goldfish disappears, and so do I.

I appear in a cell in the Undead Asylum. How do I know this? The world information entered my mind in its totality. I know what must be done. I will correct this world. I will make it my first complete success.

I then think back to what the goldfish said, "Fun...playing"

I haven't had fun or played since...I don't even remember. Back during the early days of everything. Then for the longest time, there was only the goal and making pleasures where I could.

I laugh in iconic evil voice, "Then I will play, and I will have fun. I will have fun throwing this world into its final darkness."

I had appeared in my cell in my fair form. I stood up and changed back into my armored form. I then materialized my heavy black mace. I walk out of my cell, following the halls to where the Asylum Demon is. The feeble holloed enemies were simply swatted aside, their arrows and broken swords doing nothing to me.

I walked into the room that had the Asylum Demon, than said demon dropped in from above and roared at me.

"Fat and disgusting.", I comment.

The demon raises its club to slam onto me in a downward arc. I raise my left hand and catch the club. I crush the club, shattering it. The demon is stunned and begins to be afraid,


I then aim my left hand at the demon and shoot a stream of my own fire at it. The fat demon squeals as it burns alive. Once it is done dying, I lift it up telekinetically, and chuck it away into the sky. It was blocking the door. I retrieve the key to the door that had fallen from it. I then open the door and go the the cliff edge. I let the crow take me away to the next location.

I land in Firelink Shrine, a truly dilapidated place. I don't bother to stay long. I go up the steps so I can move onto Undead Burg. The measly undead hindering me were telekinetically launched into the gray sky.

I went through the pipe tunnel and exited in the Undead Burg beginning part. I made my way through. These weak undead were no trouble at all. Until I met an interesting Undead know as a Black Night. It was standing in an out of the way alleyway. I could tell it was stronger, so I wanted to test it. Its name also interest me. Once I got close enough it turned.

It put up its shield into a guard and approached me quickly. It then proceeded to do a proper slash once in range. It was good technique and strong power. It followed up and even used its shield to attack. I stopped dodging and decided to block and parry instead. Its attacks were of decent strength.

With a parry, I knocked its sword out its hands. Then I grabbed its shield and ripped it away. Finally I kicked it into a wall, cracking it.

As a master of necromancy, I put my hand on its head to give it clarity once more. It has long since had its mind broken with madness. I sought to repair it. Once done, I took my hand off.

The black knight stood up confused for a moment before settling its mind. He asks me, "Who are you? Why fix me so I have to be sane during this state of undying torment?"

I retort, "Because you interest me, all the reason I need. Now, I am the Dark Lord Sauron. But what sort of Dark Lord would I be if I have no one to lord over. Therefore, I want my dark armies to be rebuilt. I repaired you because I want you to be the first addition to my new dynasty."

The black knight explains, "I have already sworn myself to a lord. I cannot follow you."

I sneer, "You lord will die at my feet, as will all others. They have sent this world into its correct state. They won't let go, so I have to make them. They are the reason you are like this. What lord does this. They are not even sane anymore. They can be considered dead even. Just swear to me, and this will all be fixed. I will fix this world for all of you. Join me knight."

The black knight hesitates and thinks deeply, "Alright, I will swear to you as my new lord. They can be indeed considered dead. Everything here is dead in some way after all. I will help you in your noble quest to fix the world. Even if in the end, I am no more. I am Jaun Lorlaric."

The dark knight then kneels and bows his head, "I attract the black knight sword on the ground to my hand. Then I use it to knight Jaun as my own.

I declare him, "Then rise again as Sir Lorlaric, First Dark Knight of Sauron. Take your sword and pick up your shield. Then follow me."

My new knight obeys and falls behind me perfectly. A fine first addition towards the rebuilding of my forces.

I then continue on through the burg with Jaun. I soon had the though of having Jaun cut through the small fry in my way. I gave the order and he moved to my front and cut down the weaklings. A truly fine knight.

We ascended the tower and killed a crystal lizard that dropped a curious ore. I know of it, but I am eager to try my hand at using it for some creation. I myself am an accomplished creator after all.

I then proceed to exit the tower and walk across the bridge. A Taurus Demon hops over and blocks my way with its huge body. I look behind and see an archer undead on the very top of the tower. I tell Jaun, "Take care of the undead. I will kill the demon."

I didn't materialize my mace this demon. I just made some fist.

"Come now demon, let me show you your folly."

The demon falters for a second after hearing my force, before becoming enraged and attacking.

(Queue slow-motion scene)

It swings its axe downwardly with great strength. I swiftly sidestep, having the axeblade be in front my face. My body turned horizontally. The blow kicks up rocks and pebbles that fly everywhere. The wind violently flutter my black cape. I then raise my hand comfortably and flick the axe.

The flick makes axe jerk right, the demon falls off balance and he falls forward to his knees. The knee right in from of my face. I shoot out a front kick to break the knee. This makes the demon collapse more. I walk to its side. The Taurus Demon swings its arm at me in defense. I catch it both hands. Then I pull the arm off from the elbow.

The demon roars in pain and falls completely on its side. I walk closer to its chest and throw a casual punch to its chest. It is stunned and starts to cough up heaps of blood. Its strength is failing as its whole chest is collapsed.

I sneer, "Pathetic." I give one last kick to send it off the bridge.

Jaun then walks to my side as I watch the demon continue to fall. He says, "Impressive show of power my Lord. Never seen a Taurus Demon manhandled so casually before."

I snort, "Even you will be able to do the same if you continue to follow me Sir Lorlaric. Now let's continue our quest to snuff the world once and for all."


Author's notes:

I wanted to show off Sauron's combat prowess. As we all know how much of a great manipulator and intelligent villain he is. It is rarely seen where he goes off completely or engages in combat himself. So I wanted to show just how badass of a combatant he is here at the start. At least by my measure. I did look over all his abilities and powers too(lore wise). Being able to manhandle a Taurus Demon like this perfectly justified in my opinion. Hope you all agree.

Also, I am not familiar with too many anime worlds or more overlooked universes. Of course I'll be doing marvel and DC universe variations late, even HP, but I want to do other more non-meta worlds.

Therefore, I am taking recommendations. What worlds would you all like to see destroyed or "fixed"?

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