
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Films
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80 Chs

59 Swedish Shortsnout

"Oh my God, Potter actually flew up. Did you see him, Mr. Krum?"

"Beautiful turn, perfect"

"Look! Mr. Potter received the golden egg" fastest of the three very exciting performance"

The violent applause will almost overwhelm the entire Quidditch pitch.

"Downstairs we have the last fire dragon" Mr. Bagman's voice deepened: "The master of the sky of Eastern Europe the most horrible hunter the Swedish Shortsnout!"

With Bagman's last sentence,

A huge gray-white fire dragon was placed on the Quidditch pitch.

The fire dragon was covered in gray scales, a pair of blood-red eyes moved around, and the claws that were close to a meter long, shone in the sunlight on the rostrum, the referees and the teachers The eyes were wide. they are instantly attracted to this big guy.

Obviously, aside from the referees and the few teachers like Hagrid, the other teachers don't understand the content of the project.

"How could this be!" Professor Sprout yelled, and she couldn't help but move her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Professor Flitwick shook his head somewhat helplessly and sat back in his seat.

Snape frowned and still, standing there like a pine tree.

"Olympe, try this blueberry, it tastes great!" Dumbledore, with nothing to do with a clean blueberry, handed it to Mrs. Maxim around me as if nothing had happened.

"This is not fair!" Zacarias stood up and shouted in anger at the referee's seat: "Why is this dragon so much bigger than the previous ones?"

"Comes back!" Luna carried him in time, and whispered, "I believe in Sasuke"

Most of the Gryffindor students are in the medical area that they temporarily set up.

At the hospital, Hermione Granger heard the dragon roaring from the Quidditch pitch, she couldn't see it.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry, bound in a bandage on the bed, asked quietly.

Nothing Hermione smiled a little reluctantly.

"Looks like the Slytherin stand has been turned off"

"Yes, a third grader has to face off against the Swedish Shortsnout, the largest of the ten fire dragons." "

I don't think there's anything attractive, I just hope the fire dragon doesn't hurt him too much or maybe he ran away due to fear.

Several Ravenclaw students talked a lot.

Believe! Luna Lovegood said softly, "Can Sasuke win?"

"So... you're crazy!" I don't know who yelled, then The Ravenclaw Tribune chuckled.

"I hope that damn dragon hurts the Uchiha and leaves him badly injured," Draco Malfoy said in his thoughts.

"Please, the second Hogwarts warrior, Sasuke Uchiha!"

With Ludo - Bagman yelled his name

Sasuke didn't show up, everyone started making fun, all the Gryffindors started yelling that Slytherins are cowards, everyone started mocking and laughing, Rita already saw a Hero Headline and the coward.

Sirius started to approach Snape's rostrum.

Snape: What does Black want?

Sirius: Snivillus, it seems your student is just like you when it comes to being cowardly.

Snape: he's furious, he wanted to cast a spell on him, but his anger was more concentrated with the Uchiha for making his house look ridiculous in front of the entire wizarding community.

Ludo Bagman said that they would count to 10 or he would be disqualified